Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 229: snowstorm

Yue Zhong has never been a lucky man. He can’t bet on the probability that the Tengu Squad will penetrate his ice shield for the second time or even pierce his head, so he tries to stick it on the thin snow ground so that The opponent loses the shooting target.

  A shot in the abdomen plus nothing to avoid, Yue Zhong knew that he must survive this difficulty with his own strength.

In the time when the Tengu squad gradually approached, Yue Zhong quietly dug the snow and mud on the ground to bury the long axis of history. If he could not defeat his opponent, he planned to hide in the long axis of history for the second time, hoping to successfully avoid Tengu Squad hunt.

The time has passed until 5 pm, the length of the day becomes shorter in the northern hemisphere towards the north, the sky is gloomy and the sun cannot be seen, but the intensity of the light has gradually dimmed, the temperature has begun to decrease, and soon the wilderness plains have risen Xiaoxue.

"The possibility of being discovered is very high, so you still have to find another way." Even though the IQ of the other Tengu team is generally not high, but because of their difficulty in moving and the ground has been stained with blood, they If you really want to dig the ground three feet, you can easily discover your long axis of history, not to mention that Okazaki Mengmei may also suggest what the tengu who has pursued himself has.

In the eyes of the Tengu Squad, their probability of hitting the enemy after the enemy lay directly on the ground seems to have hung up. As they approached, neither the opponent nor the other continued to escape or launch a counterattack. The ice shield that can resist bullets is also the same. It also disappeared, and Tengu gradually relaxed their vigilance as they continued to approach.

boom! A tense dog shot, an unpredictable gunshot, unfortunately, the gun in the knee lost its ability to act. The ears of other tengu dogs stood up high and alert them to raise the gun for fire suppression: "He is not dead yet. Be careful not to be hit."

   "It's very passive to go on like this. Captain, do we bomb directly with infantry artillery?" a witty Tengu suggested.

   Captain Tengu was obviously a fool with an IQ equal to that of Qi Lunuo. After she was stunned, she asked, "Do we have infantry artillery?"

  Five days Tengu pulled out the guy from the backpack behind him and skillfully installed and erected it on the ground.

   "Mistakes and mistakes, adjust the angle, and strive for a round of shelling to directly kill the human being." Captain Tengu disturbed his order with embarrassment.

Yue Zhong, who was still lying on the ground and preparing to do something, didn't notice anything from the Tengu Squad for a long time. He looked up curiously and almost scared after seeing it: "Do you want to be so ruthless, saying that I was all killed by flying a kite?" , The directors don’t act as they say.

The infantry artillery of the Tengu Guard is not a kind of cumbersome guy with two wheels driving in a general sense. Being able to put it in a backpack at any time to take out and install it means that its volume and weight have been reduced to a certain extent, and the single Bing equipment. Although the caliber of this pocket-sized infantry gun is not too big, the advantage of elevation shooting is indeed a huge threat to the enemy who is close to the ground. It seems that Lanxiang Heavy Industry has begun to develop its own military industry.

The first round of artillery bombardment sounded. Shells with a diameter as small as the bottle cap of the mineral water showed their unscientific attack power. After the five shells exploded on the ground, the damage range was comparable to that of the rocket launcher. They also held unrealistic expectations. I hope that the opponent's infantry artillery is just a toy goods. Yue Zhong was blown out of his head by the violent artillery and shock. Fortunately, this was only the first round of debugging shooting. Yue Zhong was lucky to escape this blow. .

  However, he will never be so lucky in the next round of shells. Lan Xiang Heavy Industries must produce a fine product. Tengu who have been training for several months will not show him artillery.

  Time doesn't allow Yue Zhong to waste any more, but after this delay he also found his magic weapon to win.

"Although ⑨ can't be summoned for the time being, can the heavy snow in this area just be able to summon ⑨ mother?" Yue Zhong looked at Retty who was lying on the ground like himself and was blank, "Sister please, Qi Lu Nuo and I are good friends, you must save me!"

The ruins of Fantasy Township, hidden deep in the long axis of history, not only brought a lot of hatred to Yue Zhong, but he also gained the affinity of various natural phenomena with common sense to manifest and incarnate from the common sense. Saki's sense of solar terms, based on the experience of summoning Qi Lu Nuo as a reference, he successfully summoned Snow Maiden Retty on the ground.

   "Prepare, launch!"

The second round of artillery shells took off, and at this time, the northwestern monsoon from Siberia was rampantly increased to the extreme in winter. The snowy weather also suddenly changed into an invisible goose feather heavy snow, blowing in the intense northwest wind. As a result, a super snowstorm that was rare in North China suddenly appeared and overwhelmed everything.

  The ability to enhance the winter effect is fully reflected. The same situation as Qi Lu Nuo is that Retie's ability strength has also been greatly improved due to the expansion of the world: "Winter Run...Baifengtiandi!"

Five fragile artillery shells were easily torn apart under Retty’s new symbolic card, and fireworks were directly set up in the sky. Under the cover of the blizzard, all the tengus, including the firing martial arts who watched the whole situation in the air, lost their sight. I can't see Yue Zhong either. With the control of the wind, he can marry the life of Maruman with barely able to stay in the sky and stabilize his body, while the tengu below are all piled into snowmen.

  Yue Zhong finally escaped all tracking, and had to admit that sometimes the brain hole can also become a weak combat ability.

   Brought a critical blizzard to Yue Zhong, and Retty directly dissipated in one of the words without leaving him. Maybe her appearance was just to experiment with her new spell card?

  Anyway, no matter how Yue Zhong continues to find ways to get in touch with her, there is no result. The other party is obviously not as troublesome as Qi Lu Nuo, and I don’t know if he can find Reti to help again in the next crisis.

As the sky fell into the night, the blizzard stopped slowly, and the tengu who were piled up as snowmen shook their bodies as frequently as the water slammed to throw away the thick snow layer on their bodies, and they didn’t find Yue after intensively surveying the surroundings. He is also piled into a snowman, so he is the culprit of this snowstorm.

"There is no way. Fortunately, Master Okazaki Mengmei has sent people to the Imperial Capital and Tianjin in advance to prevent accidents. Our mission has failed. I hope that there will be a success there." Captain Tengu did it for this pursuit like he was relieved. To sum up, "The other party has the ability to manipulate ice and snow. This information needs to be reported to Master Okazaki as soon as possible. Bring the wounded and we will retreat."

At 10:20 in the night, Yue Zhong, who was stumbling on the snow, saw tears and saw the lights and outlines of the village. If he could not find any trace of human habitation, he would only spend the night in the snow, although he would not be Freeze to death, but sleeping outdoors is always a very uncomfortable thing.

  From the mouth of the villagers, Yue Zhong learned that this is a village in Fucheng County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province. During this time he escaped from the highway, he walked many distances but did not go far.

   Rural areas are generally relatively simple. I agreed to the accommodation proposed by Yue Zhong without much consideration, although it is most likely to be seen on the face of the five soft red coins in Yue Zhong’s hands.

Compared with the rural area of ​​his hometown, Hebei is more concentrated in each household because of the terrain. Guizhou is a mountainous area, and the contracted land of each household has a large distance difference, so it can only be at the foot of the mountain and the slope. The scattered and inhabited houses are scattered to facilitate farming.

Due to the high population density, the nightlife here is not like many mountain villages. Many people have fallen asleep early, but because of the limitations of living conditions, farmers here can’t sing K clubs at night like the city people. Its main entertainment method It is still dominated by card mahjong gambling.

The overnight farmers strongly invited Yue Zhong to participate in their mahjong activities, but Yue Zhong rejected the proposal. The farmers are likely to see Yue Zhong’s wealthy members intend to find some extra money with him, but Yue Zhong is worried It’s not this problem. It’s also very simple for the big demon king to bless him on the mountain without solution.

Yali Yuezhong, who chewed on a Hebei area, hid in the guest room arranged for him by the farmer. Today, he suffered a lot of injuries on his body. Although all of them were frozen and frozen with ice, the probability bullet Still in the belly.

   Yue Zhong can hold back the pain but is not the kind of tough guy who can give himself a course, he can still pretend to be such tough guy after using ice to completely interrupt the nerve reaction in the abdomen.

"My own body has also become strange, otherwise the process of freezing and dissolving will cause great damage to the body. Do I even get the powerful self-healing function of Meihong?" Yue Zhong shot with his mobile phone I looked at the few scars on the back, "I think too much..."

In the early morning of the next day, Yue Zhong and the peasants said goodbye and squatted down at the intersection of the village. It didn't take long to wait for some young people who were going to work in the city to ride on motorcycles. They did not mind earning Yue Paying attention to this point, after receiving the money, took Yue Zhong to Fucheng.

Yue Zhong asked to get off the bus before entering the city. Although the guy carrying him did not care about him, Yue Zhong was worried that Tengu might squat in the county to wait for him to clean up, but Tengu was obviously not as busy as he thought. .

After a sneaky circle around the city, Yue Zhong finally went in with confidence. After finding a place to fill his stomach, he found a black car to go to Tianjin again. He still did not give up his intention to go to the imperial capital to find Lingmeng.

   Not long after getting on the bus, Yue Zhong’s mobile phone rang, and there was a roar from his director: “What’s wrong with you, Xiao Yue, I didn’t know you didn’t report it until now when the training officially started.”

  I almost forgot that there is still this thing, Yue Zhong shook his head calmly and said: "Director Ma, I will resign to you when I go back."

   said by Yue Zhong, the director Ma who promoted him suddenly stunned, and asked for a long time: "Not so serious, what happened to Xiao Yue?"

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