Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 241: change

With the lucky value of Miss Gundam EX, you don’t need to do anything after you come to this world. You can only buy a lottery ticket and continue to be a stable local tyrant. Buying a house in the second ring of the Imperial Capital is out of reach for most people Her dream was not only easily realized by Missy but also a set of office buildings as soon as she bought them. With her vampire's aesthetic style, the whole set of offices was opened up and painted red naturally. If it was not blocked by the city management, she would also like to give the outside of the house. It is painted the same as red lobster.

Because of the control of the power of fate, the main character of the Red Devil Hall was picked up by her in twos and threes in less than a month, but the fairy maids who could only add chaos and did nothing, she did not go, because she could not remember Live so many fairies that look the same.

   chose the imperial capital as the foothold, what Remilia likes is that you can go out in the haze all the year round, and Yue Zhong is right.

  After fleeing back to his old den through the magic circle teleportation, Remilia shouted angrily: "Isn't there just a Dongfenggu Zaomiao, why even Lingmeng also ran into me."

Only Zaomiao could fight one of them with the power of the Red Devils Hall, but Lingmeng left these mutant changers with a deep impression. Even the arrogant Remilia does not think that she can defeat the opponent: " Paki, I don’t think we’re going to destroy the concert this time. Lingmeng and Zaomiao have to clean up the lowly monsters, and they will definitely not follow them all the time.”

   Paqiuli, who had been silent since she came back, was not willing to do so, but let Alice and Marisa continue to develop. Didn't you once have no chance?

"This action was a seamless one, and the Interpol over there could have noticed that our existence must have been leaked, and there is a strong taste of Fantasy Township in that strange human being today, but we have not seen him in Fantasy Township. , I am afraid that person is the culprit leading to the destruction of Fantasy Township." Pa Qiuli came here without the iconic moon soft hat, she pushed the frameless glasses on the bridge of her nose and said: "You must also Remi Are you aware of this?"

   Speaking of Yue Zhong’s coming to Remilia, he hurriedly asked Fulan, who was next to him, and said, “Fran, didn’t that guy bully you, and did Lingmeng’s current state of disregard by the six relatives hit you?”

   "Big brother is so good, how could he bully Furan, he always took me to find her sister." Furan finally got the chance to insert the words excitedly said.

"Fran, don't you believe in a human so easily, and Fantasy Township...Forget it, you go to China to play." Remi's interest is over, she knows that her sister has lost Fantasy Township like Lingmeng. The memories of the times, together with the history and violent heart that were locked in the basement.

  After Miss II ran out, Pa Qiuli sighed, "Is this really good for Furan?"

"Of course, that destruction became an opportunity with the use of Yakumo Zi. I changed Furan with the power of fate, and now she is a good boy." Remilia said undoubtedly, anyway. How could she be willing to keep the other person close to her closest relative, and she did all of this without hesitation with the help of the ruined new life, and sealed the ability of Frandoluo to control the purpose together with the twisted spirit, all Everything seems to return to what she was before she experienced that big change.

"The meaning of the seal is used to destroy, and history can't be changed. She will think of everything one day." Pa Qiuli's tone was low like a prophet, but when she put on her glasses, a dull look made her speech The contagion is greatly reduced.

"Fran is going to get better, her essence is not so murderous." Remilia had no intention of arguing with Paqiuli about this issue, turning her head, "Today that human being is indeed the cause of the destruction of Fantasy Township, the most What is interesting is that his fate line is involved with the leaders of countless worlds. What kind of evolution it will cause in the future is difficult for me to confirm, because it is too much, but if I feel right, someone is already there. Looking for the existence of this world."

   There was a knock on the door during the conversation, and in a green maid costume, Sataka Miyuki walked in with a plate: "Miss, I came downstairs and I sent two tickets for the concert."

  Remilia glanced subconsciously at the direction of the Workers Stadium before saying: "Are we tracked?"

"The problem must be with Furan. The human must have left some traces with her, but I didn't feel the signs of magic and demon power, or it was a modern technological means, or it could only be a force of natural existence. "Paqiuli turned her head to confirm Misaki, "What else did that person say?"

"He said that he hoped that Patricia and Ms. Patricia would go to watch the concert. If Patricia had intentions, they also prepared a concert costume. I hope you can perform on the same stage with BadApple..." Hesitantly said, "Another strange thing is left."

  After hearing this news, Pa Qiuli had already moved her mind. If she could be with Marisa, it would be a good idea. She would have more chances to compete: "What did that person say?"

   "Paqiuli ♂ GO!"

After coming to this world, Remilia found all the mortals of the Red Devils House and began to understand the world in depth. After half a year, she was almost familiar with most of the things in the world, and lost the original There is a sense of freshness. The young lady who is still a grown-up among the vampires is actually a person who can’t stop besides pretending to be majestic, otherwise she won’t play with Pa Qiuli and will now hear the other party going to perform her The interest was raised at once, and he quickly told Misaki: "Saki, you go and prepare the costume for Paki. My Red Demon Museum is not uncommon for other people to give. In terms of costume, you must beat those two magical envoys. ,do you understand?"

   "Good old lady." Sakuya put down the two cups of black tea on the tray and then exited the room. Since the young lady had ordered her, she would inevitably complete it.

  As Remilia's intuition indicates, someone is indeed looking for the coordinates of the panplane of this world. If you tell Yue Zhong this news, he will be able to guess who the other party is.

Chloite is busy with the new order of integrating the world of Gastrodia. In that plane, all human beings have witnessed the strength and invincibility of outsiders. After winning the first line of vitality, human beings have unprecedented scientific research power. The scientific and technological information brought together with the armor wreckage of Amoz, scientists from all over the world have gathered together to overcome scientific research problems and make progress. Countless satellites and spaceships fly from the blue planet to the universe, the pace of humanity Out of the lunar orbit and out of the asteroid belt, even faced with extremely high mortality, there are still warriors who yearn for the starry sky, and they will sit on the new spacecraft and leave the earth. They are yearning to leave the solar system. Before the advent of a strong enemy again, humans in this world were always tense and creating miracles.

Specialists still exist in this world. After the Antarctic expedition team successfully found the remains of the Alien Drive Tower, they were unable to repair it, but thankfully the real core program was not damaged, and it can still be maintained. With the development level of the special ability, this is why Miyagi Saki can borrow the power of solar terms for Yue Zhong to use. As for the proud and cold big demon king, she is immersed in the mahjong system after the battle and the reform. Forgetting that there is such a person as Yue Zhong, who is preparing for the battle wholeheartedly and wants to lead Qingcheng to defeat Tian Luo High School led by Lin Luoqing in the new mahjong competition to win the real world championship.

   Pan-plane organization at the entrance of the spare tire major league headquarters. All the black security guards stood at the door like an enemy. They watched a girl step by step with uncontrolled sweat.

Behind the girl, a pair of huge white-winged black feathers, falling blades fell to the ground like a sharp blade and easily pierced the hard ground like steel. The clothes of the owner of the white-winged black feathers were also made of broken feathers. The general material constitutes a black jumpsuit. She brings a sly and charming smile to the headquarter of the spare tire step by step without pressure, and her bright back is exposed to the air without concealment. The posture makes people imagine together.

Compared with the past, Xiao Meiyan's height seems to have grown ten centimeters after absorbing all the desecrated powers. The size of nearly one meter seven is not too short among women, wrapped in gray and black intertwined stockings The slender legs have improved the visual height a little, and each step seems light and flexible, but the roads they have walked on have completely lost their luster and become dull and abnormal.

She killed a driver of the spare tire major league and snatched a seemingly broken conveyor. After some research, she found a way to panplane Today she Came here temporarily to put down the affairs of his own world.

   "Are you nervous?" Xiao Meiyan's changes were from body to heart, and that profane power was not easily tolerated. As she had previously thought, some changes were uncontrolled or reversible.

"This is a pan-plane organization. If the lady wants to make trouble, please consider the consequences." The security team leader knew the identity of the other party in advance. All major leagues believe that she came to revenge the organization to use Yue Zhong. The core strength of the spare tire major league is not in the case of the headquarters, really no one can cope with this girl whose strength has become unfathomable.

  Xiao Meiyan smiled even more and revealed a sense of irresistible meaning: "Don’t be afraid, I didn’t have trouble thinking of you. Instead, I came to apply for... to join the spare tire league."

   The confused security captain asked subconsciously, "What do you mean?"

   "Literally, do you need me to teach you if you don't understand?" Xiao Meiyan's murder was fleeting, but left a chill in all the security guards.

   "Isn't this necessary with your strength?" Even the security leader of the daring has successfully said this sentence. God knows whether Xiao Meiyan is teasing them.

"I'm also a spare tire. With Madoka paying more attention to the safety of the world and the existence of human beings, is it the second highest emotional position? Is there any problem joining you?" Xiao Meiyan's fair-skinned neck lifted slightly Then, the index finger of his right hand pointed at Zhu Lip's undiminished smile and said, "I don't want to hear any other answers. Do you agree now?"

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