Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 245: The rescuer invited by Yue Zhong

After sitting at Remilia’s pseudo-red devil hall until 2 a.m., Yue Zhong got up and said goodbye, but the young lady who knew that the other party had no residence in the emperor kept him courteously and said: "You have no place to run around, tomorrow I will anyway. I'm going to Jinan with you too, and I live here today."

The other party was suddenly so good-hearted, but Yue Zhong was a little uneasy: "After all, you told me today that you have offended Yakumo Zi? Have you agreed to my request to go to Jinan to find Okazaki Mengmei? I expected."

"If you tell me during this time, you are bored with what I think on the couch at home, I don't mind telling you what my purpose is." Remilia didn't hide her curiosity, speaking of Yue Zhong's fate line Because too many people are involved, it is as unclear as a mess of codes. Remilia still wants to know his choice for such a special existence.

"……let's talk tomorrow."

If you stand on the sidelines of the bystanders, Yakumo Zi’s self-preservation is understandable. Even though she took the opportunity to create a larger living space for the monsters, there are some suspects of plotting this world, but no one can accuse her of doing something wrong. The monster party or the residents of Fantasy Township should also be grateful to Dade for this.

However, Yue Zhong is not qualified to think from this standpoint. He has a special affection for the world of Fantasy Township. He should have endorsed Yakumo’s choice, but the fate of the past can’t be changed. When they first met this adventing world, they There has been an irreconcilable contradiction between them for various reasons.

   If you are selfish, it is a good choice to point all your spearheads at Amochi. This will not only ease the relationship with the big monsters in Fantasy Township, but also seems to be feasible to convince yourself to accept this result.

  Yue Zhong, who was lying on the bed in the guest room, held the wreckage of Qi Xiaomeng's soul gem in front of his eyes with one hand: "I can't do it."

"Bayunzi, maybe Xiaomeng is a complete enemy in your eyes, because she brought destruction to the fantasy town that you created by exhausting your efforts. This destruction not only made me survive, but also gave me Some opportunities. Your ambition to kill her completely to achieve monster expansion has no psychological burden on you, then I can only bear the corresponding hatred. Now the development of this world is probably still under your control. Japanese humans and monsters will have a irrelevant duel, and all the people around me are already under your arrangement, even if Remilia thinks she is detached from your control." Yue Zhongshu I put my eyes on and forced myself to fall asleep, "Xiaomeng, if possible, even if the order of the world is broken, I will save you from the **** of the new great enchantment, maybe today's hearing finally gave me a hard work Directions, so that even cheering is also a strong spirit."

Somewhere in the pseudo-red devil hall, Remilia, who was originally a nocturnal species, was at the most sober moment of the day. She had just watched Yue Zhong had to make a majestic appearance and suffocated her long ago. After waiting for Yue Zhong to go to bed, she couldn’t wait to change the costumes and put on her pajamas, Paqiuli said: "Napaki, I totally listened to you and you really plan to talk to Marisa Do you guys go on tour, when we are bullied by Alice, we can't help you."

"Well, it has been decided." Pa Qiuli was packing her luggage at this time. The destruction of Fantasia Township was only dependent on Remilia before she really died or was replaced. In such a passive situation, her greatest wealth is great. The library has long disappeared, and she can't squat to read books in the library. She doesn't mind pursuing what she has not had the guts to pursue.

Also because of the damage to the large library, Pa Qiuli was hostile to Yue Zhong, but the other party helped himself boldly say what he was thinking. This account was also cancelled after he asked Remilia. : "Remy, you will be more cautious after I leave. Today you told the truth behind that to Yue Zhong. He may not be able to do anything. Whether it's Ba Yun Zi or Yue Zhong, you'd better not overdo it. Participate in their struggle."

"Hey, the same thing as the daughter who left the house to confess to her parents." Remilia just teased Pa Qiuli and was wrapped in a thin layer of water curtain. "Well, just kidding, Paki, you're angry now."

   "I can't rest assured you..." Paqiuli sighed the lid of the suitcase.

   As a witch, Paqiuli maintained her normal work and rest time when there was no book to read. Remilia lost her harassment and had to find her sister with the same spirit.

Because Lingmeng carried out a major cleansing of the Imperial Capital’s monster home, the entire Imperial Capital night returned to its original life track. Humans don’t have to worry about being attacked by monsters and become food, even if the young lady needs fresh B She used blood to get black tea, but she was not interested in bullying weak humans. She felt that the most cost-effective and convenient way was to spend money.

The long night gradually passed with the passage of time. Because of the different longitudes, the early morning of the imperial capital came earlier than that of Yue Zhong’s hometown. Yue Zhong, who got up at 7:00 on time, seemed to have returned after washing. On the day when the big devil got up, the difference was that after the day came, the young lady was in a drowsy state.

  The wealthy and dear Red Devil Hall shot a luxurious RV, leaving Hong Meiling, who has been forgotten, to stay at his hometown, and then drove the RV to Yue Zhong to the place designated by Lingmeng.

   Two loli vampires had fallen asleep in the vampire "coffin" of the RV compartment at this time, and sitting next to Miyake looked at each other without saying a word. Yue Zhong always felt uncomfortable.

"It feels like a corpse car..." Yue Zhong didn't dare to say this. The handsome and perfect maid next to him was not a good talker. Once he heard that he was disrespectful, he took a knife. Opening a hole for himself, Yue Zhong thinks that without Hong Meiling's strong physique, Saya Ye can pose in any position.

   "Mr. Yue Zhong." The car was halfway down, thinking that Miyake would have been silent for a long time.

  Yue Zhong, who thought he had heard it wrong, turned his head to confirm and generally looked at it before saying: "It's okay to call you Miss Miyake, is there anything wrong?"

"I don’t have the right to veto Missy’s decision, but I’ll state in advance that once I encounter an irresistible crisis, I will retreat to protect the safety of Missy and Miss II, and you won’t say that our Red Devils Hall People." Saya Ye doesn't seem to agree with Remilia's decision to go to Jinan to find Okazaki Mengmei's troubles, but she will not object to it or even the intention to oppose it has not been shown to Remilia.

Yue focused on nodding and said: "I understand that Meihong may have been free now. After that kind of thing happened, I will not have too much involvement with her. Now my only goal is to get back the long axis of my history. The key person is you, I hope you will do my best to help me."

   "Since it means Missy, I will definitely do my best."

  After saying this, Miye closed his mouth again. Yue Zhong didn't find unpleasant hobbies and closed his eyes to raise his mind. The RV soon came to the gathering square that Lingmeng said.

The envious spirit dream has been staring at this expensive RV that only looks at its appearance. After slowly stopping, it took a stepping foot and walked over to see Yue Zhong. The first reaction was: "You Was it corrupted by money so quickly, it actually appeared with the monster."

   Yue Zhong pointed helplessly next to Misaki, who said: "She is a human being with a serious sense, not a monster."

   "Huh, it's not a good person anyway." Lingmeng's prejudice against monsters is still very strong, and the humans who are willing to serve monsters, such as Miye, will naturally be despised accordingly.

Miyake didn’t lose the memory of Fantasy Township like other people because of Remilia’s protection. Although she hasn’t fully adapted to the lazy witch who suddenly became so energetic, but in view of the other party’s far beyond her own Strength, Ling Meng said that she can only go in from the left ear to the right ear, as long as it is not insulting Missy.

   Yue Zhong whispered close to Lingmeng's ear after getting off the bus: "Hey Lingmeng, please cooperate with me, so a large local tyrant follows us without any expense. Isn't it alright?"

In this way, Lingmeng was easily persuaded. She took out a double-winged badge like her chest from her pocket and pinned it on Yue Zhong’s chest: "I don’t know why you passed it as soon as you turned to the police. After my application, you are now an official Interpol. The monthly allowance of the organization will be paid according to your performance. Your own basic salary will still be paid by your country’s finances. Do you understand?"

   glanced down at the bi-wing badge of unknown significance, which was much better than the icon of the tire and the jack of the spare tire major Yue Zhong, who was very receptive, raised his hand and saluted: "YES, SIR!"

   Lingmeng whispered after returning a salute: "Don't be okay to salute, you must return the salute or you may be complained, it is very troublesome to know not."

Next, Lingmeng took Yue Zhong to officially introduce to the Interpols on the square and announced that he was temporarily serving as his deputy. His people are not many, only 20, many of them Yue Zhong had seen it before, and one of them was the white man who sold him decisively.

If this guy didn't protect Yue Zhong at first, he might not have tossed for hundreds of miles, and the emperor was almost made into cooking by monsters. He had a stomachy opinion about this white big man Yue Zhong, and he didn't make good intentions. He went forward and said, "Let's meet again."

   "I won't apologize, my decision at that time was the task need!" The white man, who was staring at him in a horror, yelled out in a spirited manner.

Other international criminal police officers led by Dongfeng Gu Zao Miao were also present. Yue Zhong was not good enough to immediately trouble the other party and left an impression of internal discord among others: "Don’t be nervous, everyone is a colleague now, my name should be I already know, can you tell me your name?"

The white man glanced at Lingmeng for help, but he had to see a head with a red and white bow, forced by Yue Zhong's pressure on himself, he said eloquently: "My name is Johnson Ritter, and I am a British policeman. ."

   "Oh, it turned out to be an English gentleman." Yue Zhong's tone was deliberately prolonged deliberately, and those who understood the key thought that Johnson might be unlucky in the future.

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