Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 250: time

It has been a day since Xiao Meiyan came here to the headquarters of the Spare Tire Major League. After the garrison sent a message to the high level in the void battlefield, the headquarters only got a reply as far as possible to meet the requirements. It seems that the battle there is also Not optimistic.

The embarrassed fled back to the void battlefield almost became the laughing stock of almost everyone and faced the investigation of the judiciary, because the spare tire major league itself is an existence that is despised by most of the organization's member departments, all conditions The senior members of the big league, who were all superior, actually lost to one of their new members. It was as ridiculous as an adult was chased by a five-year-old child with a kitchen knife.

Yue Zhong inadvertently spoke for the spare tire major league that has been suppressed. The high-level side is still very satisfied with his performance, but for some reason even the spare tire major league can’t regain it with Yue Zhong. Contact, now that Xiao Meiyan is here, maybe she will think of a way.

After receiving this news, the NPC middle-aged uncle who gave Yue Chong as a newcomer was forced to come forward to try to ease the contradiction between the alliance and Xiao Meiyan on the side of the alliance: "Yue Chong's certificate has lost its validity. We have thought about reissuing the certificate. However, the world he is currently in is covered by a strange enchantment. If it is forcibly destroyed, not only does it require a large amount of energy, but the person who organizes the legal court in the general plane will not allow us to do so. The open human plane is protected by cosmic law."

   "Protection?" Xiao Meiyan sneered, she was a victim of this protection. If Yue Zhong didn't come, she would go to the same level as today, but she didn't have any trust in her heart.

   The story is not over yet, Madoka’s heart is very broad, and a Xiao Meiyan can never be filled. As he said, even if the devil weaves a phantom, there will be a confrontation between the **** and the devil.

"Well, when the pan-planet organization proposed this bill, it was only passed with a weak vote, so there are a lot of people in the organization who don’t take the low-level civilization plane seriously, and there are hundreds of new planes every day. It was found that the Judge’s Court could not manage it at all, so there were strange development plans.” Uncle NPC said, “As long as there is no comprehensive killing, enslavement or conquest, the general plane organization will not care about those small actions. Unless someone has come up with hard evidence."

  Xiao Meiyan turned the ring on her left hand, thinking thoughtfully: "The tragedy we have suffered is only a semi-legal development behavior."

"The strong is respected, this is the unchanging iron rule, but there is news that you should be more satisfied. Qiubi of the energy department has caused more than two billion human deaths because of the cultivation of Warcraft. The Tribunal has issued a judgment on it. Existence is dying. As for Amochi, the legal court seems to have found no solid evidence, and in the end it is likely that it was just a warning."

   "Was there witnesses everywhere in that woman's world?"

   Uncle NPC swallowed and swallowed a difficulty, telling the truth: "They have no power to testify..."

Xiao Meiyan suddenly looked up and stared at the other party with cold eyes: "It's just a game of nurturing. Our civilized human beings are no different from slaves in your eyes, but the need for order is not controlled by some people. Do whatever you want."

The total energy of each plane seems infinite but limited. The demon derived from the disordered source system of the highest scientific and technological achievements of the pan-plane organization represents to a certain extent the pinnacle of a plane. Perhaps a larger organization such as energy The department or the Raiders can also ignore Xiao Meiyan, but a broken spare tire league has to consider her threats.

   "Please don't be excited, class exists in every corner of human civilization, you now have enough ability to let us respect." Uncle NPC quickly stood up and said.

"..." After an intense attitude to vent the injustice in her heart, Xiao Meiyan knew that her purpose was not to dismantle the spare tire major league or even the ubiquitous plane organization. She does not have that ability yet, so she won the biggest Interests and getting news from Yue Zhong are the top priorities. In the final analysis, she is not Lumu Yuanxiang. It can be said that her consciousness is closer to the idea of ​​pan-plane organization. The reason why she will hold this injustice is that she has also suffered. This treatment is just, "Okay, you sit down, I know that things in my world have nothing to do with the spare tire major league, and I even want to thank you. Now what I said is related to the restrictions you gave him when Yue Zhong was just resurrected. What does it mean that originally I and he didn't need to experience all kinds of things afterwards, but because you need to exploit his value to let him go to the point where he is today, I need a satisfactory answer to this, you, think about it and then answer. "

Xiao Meiyan's question once again caused the middle-aged uncle to sweat out, did he dare to say that the reason for the release of the limited return message was to catch Yue Zhong's attention to emotions, in order to let him find Amoqi Did you bother to do it on purpose?

   "This is because we actually only want to collect the evidence of Amochi with Yue Zhong as the penetration point, but the shielding of the analysis drive tower makes us lose a lot of information, and we don't want to happen afterwards."

  Xiao Meiyan shook her finger calmly and said: "In short, you still ignored his safety and used all his value."

"I'm very sorry, we can compensate for this if we can." The middle-aged uncle carefully tentatively tried it. If it was an ordinary member, he was allowed to talk about the Spare Tire League's decision, but Yue Zhong provoked it. Who are these people? The emergence of Xiao Meiyan makes the broken spare tire major league nervous. If one day Miyako Saki also comes to say, this headquarters should open the door.

   "First of all, give me a copy of all the scientific and technological information you have." Xiao Meiyan put forward the conditions in a timely manner. "Then, I'm going to get Yue Zhong back. You can help me as much as possible."

   The middle-aged uncle blinked. He felt that Xiao Meiyan's request was too lax and there was room for bargaining. Or did she not know what was valuable in the panplane organization?

"Did you not hear it, or did you need to change someone to listen?" Xiao Meiyan saw the surprise in the other party's eyes, but she also knew that the Spare Tire Major League could not bring out any good things, as long as she could help her save Yue Re-find it, and she can even dispense with those scientific materials.

"This is no problem, but first you have to register for you to become a member of our alliance, and technology information can only be exchanged for contribution points and bitcoins, otherwise the crime of smuggling technology will not only bring great harm to the alliance Trouble, even you will be wanted by the Legal Supervision Tribunal." The middle-aged uncle saw Xiaomei Yan's complexion and quickly added, "We will try our best to lower the purchase price, and we will arrange easy tasks for you to get contributions." Point, this is already the limit of what the alliance can do. In the core area of ​​the pan-plane organization, everyone’s every move can’t escape the supervision of the legal court. We can’t find a loophole to drill.”

Xiao Meiyan stared at the middle-aged uncle for a long time, and finally failed to notice any signs of lying from him: "I have already said that I have applied to join the spare tire league when I came. This does not need you to repeat it, but I refuse to accept the task of being a spare tire for others, and the use is limited, understand?

Going to various worlds was a decision made by Xiao Meiyan before. If Yue Zhong was allowed to go to those places, it might be a crisis situation, but when she went, few people could threaten her, and Xiao Meiyan’s purpose of going to those worlds More to collect useful abilities and technologies, she looked at the technology list of the spare tire major league yesterday. Except for those top technologies that require huge patent fees, the rest of the technology types are huge, but they do not completely cover all planes. The direction of scientific research cannot be exactly the same in every world. In addition, the types of science and technology generated by their different basic properties are difficult to collect even if they exhaust the power of the entire pan-plane organization.

   The task of getting into the mission plane can be slowed down for a while. Xiao Meiyan asked to see what the strange enchantment was after reaching an agreement with the spare tire major league.

   traversed the road exactly when Yue Zhong first traversed the corridor to the magical girl world. Outside the same transmission room, the middle-aged uncle opened the side master control room and let Xiao Meiyan walk in with himself.

What was presented in front of Xiao Meiyan was a peculiar space. None of the scientific concepts she was exposed to could explain the meaning here. The moment she walked in here, Xiao Meiyan felt that her soul in the new spiritual core once returned After changing her own body, the whole person has undergone a transformation of existence, just like an infinitely shaped humanoid clay figure. This second may be that the person is a magical girl, and the next second she may become a star or a star. Black hole ~ ~ You can stay here for no more than one minute, otherwise you will lose all consciousness, and the individual will also disappear, and I will not know what will happen. "The middle-aged uncle hurriedly walked in front of an insignificant precision line drawing and then the whole person got into it."

  Although the desire for knowledge in his heart was stimulated infinitely, Xiao Meiyan followed the advice of the middle-aged uncle and immediately followed.

The place where    reappeared was the surface of the moon that Xiao Meiyan knew. There were some humanoid creatures with rabbit ears next to them. When they saw them, they immediately ran away: "Moon Rabbit, are they still humanoid."

   "I wanted to know what that place was just now."

"It’s not a secret. You can find it by looking at the history of the construction of the panplane. I can’t tell you in a few words. You just think it’s a miniature of the plane or all the rules are different from your world. Layer universe." The middle-aged uncle finished and pointed to the azure planet protected by the atmosphere. "Yue Zhong is here. You should be able to feel that there is a strange layer of enchantment on the surface of this planet. The satellites and spacecraft of people there can freely enter and exit, and nothing else can penetrate into it, except for the sun's light and gravity, which are necessary to maintain the planet's operation and vitality."

   "What will happen if you forcibly break this barrier?" Xiao Meiyan asked.

She didn't get an answer for more than ten seconds. When she turned to look at the middle-aged uncle in the spare tire major league, Xiao Meiyan found that the other party was completely still beside her. This is her unique field, but It wasn't herself that started at this time: "When?"

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