Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 290: Deficiency

Zao Miao’s reference when facing ghosts and evils is the villa behind her. Because there is a preset enchantment, she isolates all influences from the outside world. When she looks away, she finds that she is really a ghost. What Zheng Xie said is upside down in the space.

The top of the head is the bluestone brick and tile floor, but the dust and fallen leaves are separated from the ground by gravity and are scattered in the sky. Under the influence of the same gravity, the clothes and hair of Zaomiao did not appear any abnormality when she turned upside down. , But her current appearance is on the ground, which is also the biggest anomaly.

Watching Zao Miao become panicked, the ghost man Zhengxie didn't support her, but immediately launched a barrage to launch an offensive. Zao Miao, who turned upside down in the air, didn't recognize the strangeness of this evil spirit, but her instinct for fighting still let her take the most Escaped at a fast speed and released his own attack.

The star symbol is formed in reverse painting, and early seedlings will release the attack with a flick of the snake stubble to fight against the evil spirits of ghosts, evil spirits and evil spirits, and they also subconsciously move backwards to avoid flight, but the development of the matter is once again out of the ordinary. As expected by Zao Miao, the barrage she released actually flew towards herself, but the body that was supposed to evade backwards hit the barrage directly.

   Only listened to a deep roar, and a little bit of energy-like debris erupted from Seo Miao's own attack, and the scattered dust around him was shocked by the impact, forming a clean space with a diameter of five meters around Seo Miao.

  Sao Miao, who was under self-strike, was caught by surprise and did not deploy enough defenses. Under the high-energy energy barrage attack, the pure white police uniform shattered and was covered with black spots. Without a little buffer time, the attack from the ghosts and the evils has already flooded the eyes of Zaomiao in the next moment.

"It's not right, it's not that the body is under control, and now the defense is too late. Let's fight." Zao Miao made a decisive decision with his combat experience trained in the Interpol. The instructions given to his body no longer receded toward the back, because she seemed It can be seen that the monster's method is reversed, and since it rushes forward, it can certainly be avoided reasonably.

boom! The bright red jade-shaped barrage struck one after another on the injured body of Zao Miao. Everything was not as simple as she had imagined. This time she moved forward directly to the firepower point.

  Under the overlapping strike of the barrage, Zao Miao's body was blasted far away, and an arc of blood turned into the air and slowly rose.

There were severe pains all over the body of Zao Miao, who was hit hard one after another, and her head became less sober, and a confused emotion spread out in the muddy nightmare: "What is wrong with me, is it really Was the body controlled?"

   As a evil spirit, the ghost-man is standing on the ground steadily. She has no explanation for this because of her opponent's frustration. It is very likely that once her measurement is broken, there will be no battle.

The small white hands with sharp nails waved a new barrage impact. Countless large jade and rice bullets crossed to seal off all the spaces. During the rapid flight, the fallen leaves were ignited at the moment of rubbing, and they looked like burning. This piece of attack space is general.

   Ordinary barrage energy body has abnormal temperature, but its killing method does not only refer to the limitation and the difference between high and low temperature. The key is the explosion impact and energy level damage after hitting the target.

Zaomiao Qingxiu's face has become filthy. In the face of the overwhelming barrage impact, she instantly saw countless roads that can be rubbed and avoided. Even if she does not avoid it, she will have enough energy to release enough barrage will It counteracts and even suppresses the opponent with even stronger spell card skills. The monster is not very destructive except for its special ability.

But now Miao Miao can only feel at a loss in the air and watch the other party’s attack hit her. She doesn’t know what to do to avoid it, and she dare not release the barrage to fight, because it will only deepen herself. The only thing that Hao Miao can do after a long time is to expand the defensive border to withstand the mad bombing of the other party.

The ghost man Zhengxie looked at the multicolor explosion caused by the energy hedge in front of him with contempt, while continuously releasing new attacks while secretly saying: "What is the strongest leader of the white double spike, I can easily relax alone. She solved her problem, Lumiya and they don’t have to shoot at all."

   is similar to the idea of ​​initiating a change in Fantasy Township. The ghosts and evils who came to this world also want to subvert the order dominated by humans here, and turn the world into a place where monsters have the final say. However, there are no spiritual props in this world, and after being enchanted by her once, Jianmiao Mart refuses to use the power of the marauder mallet to make ghosts and evils come, so she wanders in the human world for a long time. In the process of causing huge damage, she also made a lot of movements in the process, but after fighting with an international criminal police officer in black and black hair with a red and white bow, she was almost killed. She was divided a lot.

However, as the war between humans and monsters intensified, the ghosts, the evil and the evil found an organization that achieved their goals and joined the Yakumo Zi party. This time she was ordered to come to the east to launch an attack on an international criminal police. At the end, so I invited a large group of little friends who gathered in Iceland to do nothing, that is, Rumia, Immortal Shadow Wolf and other monsters are ready to take Zaomiao as a copy of the BOSS brush, but after this battle, the ghost and the evil found that the other party is named and black The first group leader of the white Shuangsui with the same weight of the wings, the combat effectiveness and combat intuition are far worse than Lingmeng.

"The red and white witches have been controlled by the old lady. If the Interpol has this level of combat effectiveness, then there is really nothing to be afraid of." The ghost man Zhengxie began to get tired of Sao Miao's shrinking defense, relying on the eight cloud purple To develop new power for herself, she used the month of anti-deficiency to start interfering with the early Miao defense.

The inexhaustible barrage fiercely blasted the defensive enchantment that Zao Miao unfolded. Each wave of offensive will oscillate the enchantment to the verge of collapse at all times. Zao Miao in the middle knows that if he goes on like this, his power will be consumed by inequality And exhausted, but she could not find a better way to reverse this disadvantage.

Suddenly, a wave of attack passed through the defensive encirclement without any warning and struck Zao Miao's body again. As a result, Zao Miao, who had no precautions, was hit in the head, and the emerald green hair smoked black and became yellow. Awake, at this moment of trance, Miao thought of a report of Ling Meng...

   "The monster change in Alexandria has been completed, and it has failed to kill the disordered monster, but it has been seriously injured. Let me describe the anomaly of the other party."

"This is a monster capable of reversing common sense and rules. When you first fight, you will feel that the sky is the earth, the front is backward, and the back is forward. Your own attack will hit you, and your defense will be reversed. The attack is instantaneously broken. The processing method is to give the battle to intuition, do not give any commands from the brain, so that your body will adapt to the inverted space to the greatest extent, as long as you have enough fighting power, it is no problem to defeat the opponent. "

  Give battle to intuition?

  Zhao Miao didn't know if the current situation could defeat the ghosts and the evil spirits. Compared with Lingmeng's combat experience, she also lacked much. That was a near-invincible gesture, but now she is actually controlled by the monster...

Watching the fallen Green Hair International Criminal Police stand up again, her body stiffened and twisted as if to avoid her attack. Although everything she has done so far is in vain, there is a decent acquaintance a feeling of.

   "No, she seems to see through my abilities, it must be the nasty red and white witch who revealed my information, so quick battle!"

Zaomiao's actions became smoother a little bit, and the price she paid for it was also very heavy. Now she can't find a piece of intact cloth on her body, even her fair skin has burns and tears under constant attacks. Wound, but Zao Miao was very stubborn and forced the physical pain to continue to believe in Lingmeng’s opinions. The gradual attack of ghosts and evil has been difficult to hit And she launched from time to time Fuka counteracted the attacked barrage, the bright energy of different colors exploded frequently, and that ring of explosion also expanded a little bit outward. The combat ability of the early seedlings was definitely above the evil and the evil.

   "The attack is completely counteracted, and the physical injuries need to be healed, the bath of the **** virtues and grains!"

The inverted body regained its normal posture a little bit. The moment the feet of Zaomiao stepped on the ground, the gentleness from the earth and the gift of heaven penetrated into a dazzling white light, and the wounds of Zaomiao bathed in him healed quickly. In the faintly revealed divine power, the once-wishful wishes became holy, even if the broken clothes could not be repaired, she was still so dusty under the pillar of Fengdeng.

"Don't wait any longer, come out and give this guy a fatal blow!" The ghost man Zhengxie can't suppress Zao Miao anymore. At the beginning, she was careful to let her helpers hide around the villa to wait for an attack. After the fight, she It has the upper hand completely, so those monsters haven't shot yet, but now the ghosts and evils have to call them to help,

"Hit her, is that true?" The invisible darkness completely cut off the light of Xingyue. The black ball rushed out of the darkness to form a sharp contrast with the holy white light. It crashed awkwardly. The early post-mortem God was not as unbearable as imagined. The erosion of darkness was not supported by Rumia’s weak demon power. It originated from the common sense of the world itself, so black and white collided together and began to attack each other. Rising up, Shende can no longer devote himself to taking care of the early seedlings.

  Ghost-man right and wrong opinion waved his fist and said: "Good job Lumiya, how come the other people haven't come out!"

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