Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 449: Pirates and cats

Leo’s mentality has gradually changed, but he no longer needs to continue to stand on the position of Aura planet and think too much, unless he can find an opportunity in Xiao Meiyan’s constant control from the other party, otherwise he can It is foreseeable that in the future, he can only handle the affairs of Planet Aura as an agent. This is a very dangerous job. After all, the people he depends on have no foundation, and it is impossible to develop and grow with personal force. Its own forces temporarily stabilized the situation of Planet Aura, and in the future will also face a blow from the I star field.

  Unless I can't return to the previous order, and the seven galaxies enter a chaotic state, he will have a life.

   But that is a development that no one can predict, even Yue Zhong can't be brave enough to gamble, Leo has to pay for his ego, so he has to look forward to it.

  After all, he is only the upper level of an administrative planet. The truly capable people have already gone to the first star.

   At the moment, Xiao Meiyan, who left the Aura planetary coast, also returned to the seabed collection field through the time channel opened by herself. Even the plane nodes can penetrate the deep sea naturally in a span of time. It is a matter of course.

Xiao Meiyan had also heard about the name of Sylene Sheep before, but the other party often appeared in the G and E star regions. She didn't expect that she would have an intersection with the other party so quickly. The conditions are far more abundant than other tentative responses. Whether it is the general use of Jiesuke or the ship’s core cabin, it is Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong’s much-needed things now, but you can get it from this well-known pirate. To these things, I am afraid it will not be a simple matter.

   It should be said that it is quite difficult...

Xiao Meiyan can provide a lot of things, including Veneto's soul technology application that can gather the ship's equipment, but this is her and Yue Zhong's biggest reliance before developing a new universal crystalline ability, it is naturally impossible to hand over; times The first thing is to consume the general-purpose crystal medium to take Yue Zhong’s time as a source. It can be the current strong position of Selen Scheep. Naturally, it is impossible to agree to link the most important combat power to a stranger, and it is still based on the other party. Lead, tell the other party this news, it is more likely to let Sylon Schpep come directly to grab people. If it is only a small-scale destroyer and submarine force, Xiao Meiyan is confident of defeating the other party on the ground and can face the real main force. It takes a long time for her to destroy a ship, and it is impossible to defeat the fleet with the main ship as the core.

  The mystery of time is certainly powerful, but after returning the divine power to Madoka, her origin is still a magical girl, and it is impossible to maintain a long and costly battle.

In the situation where the technology in the brain can't immediately become combat power, whether it is coincidence or intentional, the time point that Selen Scheep chose is just stuck in the vacuum period of her combat power... The information of the Asian Galaxy is all There are feedbacks. In the Europa galaxy Celan Schop, he chose to respond when he wanted to make the official Ora planet official. If the chance of coincidence is too low, how can the pirate know my true identity?

   probably guessed? Yue Zhong also often makes some whimsical guesses. Although many are unreliable, if there is one guess, the profit is very rich.

I was not very clear about the true abilities of the navy admirers before, but Xiao Meiyan now knows that the opponent she is facing is probably not worse than Yue Zhong, so this response cannot be ignored, but you should carefully consider how to continue. Contacted.

   It seems that he has never had a chance to fight with Yue Zhong. From the beginning he met like a rogue sticking to himself. Is there such a chance now, Sepulon?

Xiao Meiyan gently stroked the credit ring on her left middle finger. It had long lost its own value, but was given another layer of value. As long as the meaning it represents still exists, then Xiao Meiyan is very at ease, even if It is a pirate admiral who makes all the stars feel a headache, and it is not impossible to defeat it.

When people think about it, they have some special small habits. Some people like to drink tea and some people like to play with objects. Yue Zhong is a bit strange. He used to like to drink cola while smoking. Now it is slightly better because Planet Aura has no cola . But Xiao Meiyan was extremely quiet when she was deep in thought, just like letting time stop her body, so as to affect her a little bit, the lights and shadows no longer swayed, and the clean room was terribly quiet.

  Because thinking needs a moment of inspiration, with the help of posture and stimulation of foreign objects, it will not make thinking into a daze. Excessive quietness will always make people sleepy. However, for Xiao Meiyan, the loneliness of time is used to it. Whether the external environment is noisy or peaceful, it is difficult to directly affect her. So for her, thinking and thinking is just a job like scientific research.

Through the feedback of the distance and other characteristics, Xiaomei Yan can determine the approximate range of these tempters. Selene Shepper is not in the I domain or even the Europa galaxy, he crossed the Asian galaxy. The range ran to the more distant Pakfi Xinghai. According to his character, he was definitely a fishing boat in the past. Thanks to his Fu Xiaomeiyan, he could activate the headspace star gate that had stopped operating there for a long time, and also gave his own information. Passed the past, and the response there was no more, no more, there is such a more in line with the standards now launched.

  Xiao Meiyan felt that it was necessary for the admiral to contact him. After all, Syllen Scheep had not returned to the Europa galaxy, and the Asia admiral was the biggest threat.

The horizontal distance of the I star field from the Pakfi Star Sea is almost equal to the two segments across the seven galaxies. Due to the limited technical equipment, Xiao Meiyan naturally cannot communicate with the other party in real time with the equipment here, so she can only pass through the other party. The frequency of the response sends a cosmic message, even though this is highly likely to be intercepted by others, but there is no other way.

Energy-activated headspace star gates are not just stagnant for a moment, and the remaining energy after the battleship moving between the stars will continue to operate the local headspace star gates. The information exchange column also maintains the information folding and transformation in both directions. Before the seven galaxies were hit by a comprehensive destruction, the huge network of prosperous commercial transportation brought the information of the seven galaxies without gaps. Communication, even the purely military headspace star gates also undertake some civilian functions.

However, most of the headspace star gates have been closed naturally due to insufficient energy. The energy required for re-activation and maintenance is not a small consumption for all star powers that have not yet re-formed the system, so they have reopened as of now. There are very few headspace star gates that are officially in operation. Unless Sailon Schepper ran to the Pacific Ocean, the world on both sides would not know how long it would take to restore contact.

   "Admiral, report, advisor, report!"

  In an unknown place in the pacific sea of ​​pacific, dozens of warships are moving at high speed. Instead of exploring separately from the six light cruisers under Karting, they rush to the full speed as if they knew their destination.

The flagship of the fleet with the red heart, white border and black heart cross flag can clearly see the Z1 number, and on its bridge, there is a white fat cat with short hands and feet that are jumping around excitedly, it He walks on four feet like his own kind. He not only stands and walks, but also behaves like a human. He speaks very fluently. If he doesn’t look at it, no one will guess that this is a cat. .

The object called by him slaps it and presses it, turning around with a serious face, looking at this strange cat that he picked up from an unexplored planet. He regrets it a bit, and Sellen Scheep does not Like to be noisy, but the cat is facing him everywhere, wanting to find a place to throw it away, but Ku Kufu and Z1 will always secretly pick it up.

This fat cat wore a classic pirate monocular blindfold and a black and white flower-encrusted headscarf. It has become this look since he started to be a pirate. It's put on.

   "What's the matter?" Saylen Schump said with a sullen face.

The fat cat in the pirate costume escaped from the hands of Sylon Scheep and jumped to the table to hold a teacup next to him in his hand. After a pleasant sip, his eyes glanced sideways: "47 sauce sent a report, UU reads the book www. They intercepted the news that the target was passed to the PACIFIC Xinghai, but the target was not the Admiral you, but an Admiral of Asia, 47 sauce asked whether the Admiral still carried out according to the original plan?"

   "Z1, the order made U47 look at her carefully. If there is any change, you can act. If you don't want to negotiate honestly, do you want to get tricks?" Sellen Schump sneered.

"Admiral, I forgot to tell you that Z1 Sauce is asleep, and now I am in control of the battleship." The pirate pretends to be a fat cat and shakes its tail like a hairball proudly, "So trouble the Admiral again to me Give an order."

   If it weren't for the fat cat's ability to take over the work of the ship's mother in a short time, Sylon Schepe vowed that he would throw it into the oven.

   "Take my tea cup and wash it, then make me black tea and bring it over to me, otherwise I will cut off your tail." Sairn Schepp glared, "This is the latest order!"

Faced with this pirate admirer who made all the stars feel awed and awed, the pirate pretending to be a fat cat was not afraid at all. He still used his polarized eyes to squint at Syllen Scheep: "Received, is that not necessary? Has it been ordered like 47 sauce?"

   "What do you say?" Sylon Schpep reached into his arms and pulled out the small scissors that were always ready.

   Seeing the murder weapon in the opponent's hand, the fat cat in the pirate suit can no longer calm down. He jumped off the table with a tea cup and slipped away. The speed and the size of the cat formed a great contrast.

From the point of view of the ship ladies, this fat cat who can only speak and can share the work pressure is very cute, but for Syllen Scheep, it is the biggest enemy, the famous pirate admiral would rather go to the meeting The Abyss Fleet doesn't want to deal with it either.

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