Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 463: 2 and half dusk

The black-painted superalloy mecha constitutes a sturdy and strong wall on the fountain square. Even the same bayonet mechas on the periphery want to use their own weapons to destroy the comrades at the previous moment. It is not so easy. Meiyan has enough time at the moment

Leaving this ambush circle, I Star Zone’s suppression of supernatural abilities cannot ultimately limit her too much, otherwise the purple and black time vortex under her feet will not appear, and the bayonet mech driver can also avoid death. fate.

However, Xiao Meiyan, who has already achieved this degree, cannot leave so easily. The building of the Military Intelligence Office is in front of her eyes. Although I don’t know why, the **** of this sacred star has not done anything to deal with himself. Now cooperate with I Starfield military armed against itself

The best time for    has been missed, even if Xiao Meiyan is afraid of his existence, she is absolutely not afraid.

The time vortex that has absorbed countless energy gunfire has been slowly stopped because it has not been dispatched by energy for a long time, and the timeline covered in fierce rotation is pulling the mechas that try to self-destruct, like a big airtight net Generally, stable but dangerous


The unstoppable attack of the bayonet mech was included in the unknown tributary of time, but it does not mean that they have disappeared, plus a large number of bayonet mechs detonated, this purple-black giant net is like a giant bomb. In this square, anytime

  A devastating blow to an area.

   Now that she has exposed herself and exerted an incomprehensible force, Xiao Meiyan has nothing to hide. She does not need to hide in the shelter of the mech wall. The heel, which is not too high, clatters and walks from the gap to the outside world with great strides.

It is no longer a black one, and when you look up, you can see some orange evening light, but the light still stops spreading. The wind at the evening sun has calmed down, and the red cloud Xia also stopped floating. The whole world is quiet and horrifying. .

   This is the time to stop, it is easy to make people feel lonely and empty world.

Xiaomei Yan walked into the military intelligence archives, and successfully found all the information of the headspace star gates of the Pakfi Xinghai known by I Starfield, but it was difficult to come and caused such a big battle, just put these It's a waste to take things away.

   As she planned to take away all the materials stored in the I Star Zone here, a silent light stabbed into the light that made Xiao Meiyan feel extremely disgusted and could invade her realm, only that god.

   God said: "Almost enough, tolerating you does not mean that you can get in."

  Xiao Meiyan didn't raise her head, and she couldn't find a target that could be clearly locked: "You can't stop me, you are not a god, why come out for fun?"

   "Just look at Veneto's face?"

   communicated with Xiao Meiyan, naturally the pious Admiral kneeling in the Supreme Holy Church with eyes closed. Xiao Meiyan can instantly determine that he is not a god, because he is not coming out to eliminate his heresy, but preventing himself from taking away the things that are critical to the I star field.

  , if God really wants to protect the I-star field, it is impossible to watch it fail in the previous war.

   "You swear." Xiao Meiyan said in a deep voice.

"I promise to you in the name of God that I Starland will not bother Veneto and the ship ladies who are willing to follow her." Admiral Lanfa easily understood Xiao Meiyan's meaning, "In exchange, You can’t tell me about the I-Zone.

  Xiao Meiyan nodded and said, "Yes, if we say goodbye today, we should have done nothing."

I star field and other star fields start a new war, Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong can get the maximum benefit from it, so Xiao Meiyan has no reason to divulge the ambition of I star field, and she does not use it to threaten each other. Because he already knew that Veneto was in himself

  Here, I also saw the picture of myself getting the information of the Pakfi Xinghai. If I trace it down with the power of the I star field, I may not be able to find myself and Yue Zhong. They also have their own secrets, so it is better not to know each other.

   "We will meet again in the future."

   Shenguang retreated from the time-stopped world, and the silence filled the surroundings again.

This Admiral’s belief in God is true, otherwise he cannot use his divine power to invade the realm of stoppage, so let him swear to be feasible, and the other party cannot let her swear if Xiaomei Yan fulfills her promise, because she has no faith, Or her belief is self

  Self, only her real interests can move her.

  Xiao Meiyan, who lived so hard to live, can only believe in herself, but Yue Zhong can't do it, because giving up her faith in herself means losing all her strength.

  Xiao Meiyan agreed to give up the task of capturing more intelligence information. Now that she has completed all the missions to the Roman planet, she will no longer stay, and she will step into the tributary of time and disappear completely on this planet.

   As a trace left by her, the time vortex on the fountain square lost its guidance and began to shrink rapidly, pulling the bayonet mecha that stopped for a long time. It collapsed like a black hole of mass point, and suddenly a large space was made.

The sudden change made the people in the Defense Command a little puzzled. They could only think that the other party had escaped. They were relieved and worried at the same time. After all, she might have brought along the long-planned plan of I Starland. Go out.

New issues are brewing, the vortex of time that has reached the limit suddenly turns into an arrow and rushes towards the sky, and then violently explodes above the sky, like a dim sky split with a knife, the sky At this moment, rushed by the surging energy

   The hit was split in half.

The defense commander who was just relieved couldn't help but tense. If this violent outbreak unfolded on the ground, the damage caused was enough to make him resign and he resigned. Somewhat he didn't understand, he clearly set a trap and wanted to set her up. To death, why did she get this

  Why kindly direct energy to the sky before leaving.

Xiao Meiyan naturally would not know that there was such a person. The object she showed was only the admiral who held the brilliance of God. In the case of not determining the enemy, the other party’s attitude was very good, so she didn’t need to go too far. offend.

   "Your Excellency Commander, the President will let you report to him."

  Shun Mu, the defensive commander who was still in shock and confusion, nodded and suddenly said as if he had thought of something: "Just tell me to go alone?"

   "It is said that the Admiral who has been staying in the Supreme Holy Church will also pass by."

In this case, you should be able to know something... The defense commander's face is covered with bitterness. He has a strong army in his hands, and even the most powerful bayonet mech unit can be mobilized, which can face the overall situation affecting I. Starland. Things, he is not qualified

   Participate in the decision-making, even the time to know is much at night.

The commander-in-chief didn’t know that the big president would let himself pass. In fact, it really meant the legendary I-star admiral. This admiral hasn’t left the Supreme Holy Church for a long time. This time he suddenly came to the official residence of the president. The recent shadow incident

  , I star domain head office all attach great importance to this.

  Although his identity is only admiral and nominally under the jurisdiction of the Governor of the Navy, no one can ignore his existence after having another layer of identity. This identity is the acting pope of the Supreme Holy Church.

When the former pope died and the new pope was not elected, as the only admiral who survived from the battlefield because of the protection of God, he could listen to the voice of God and naturally became the best candidate for the pope. It’s not that he doesn’t give up the status of admiral

  , becoming a formal pope is also a matter of course.

   The original name of the Admiral has not been remembered by many people. His current name is the name of a new battleship, and there is no ship mother on this battleship.

   Augustus? Caesar.

In the main building of the I Star Zone with golden pillars, all the upper levels of the I Star Zone gathered together. Anyone here went to the Aura planet, and they all had the supreme authority of the emperor. During the heyday of the I Star Zone, they could sit To their position, all are

It is the real elite of I Starland, but after the defeat and the disaster of the Abyssal Fleet, the top level of I Starland has also undergone tremendous Now many of these people are from the large family of Roman planets Promoted, compared with their predecessors, regardless of ability

   is quite lacking in prestige, but before the order of the I-star domain is re-unified, the head office needs some people to maintain normal operation.

Caesar sat face-to-face with a silver-haired president in the ring-shaped conference hall. His eyes were still tightly closed, but his body was extremely relaxed. The divine breath was naturally revealed, and the whole person vaguely radiated a serene light. Really like a mortal

  God is average.

   "Admiral Caesar, I don’t care whether you did not cooperate with the Ministry of Defense to perform the shadow cleanup, but I hope you can come up with the exact reason to prove that she will not affect the plan of the I star field."

Now the only person who can face Caesar directly, and only this big president who has lived from the Seventh Galaxy War to the present. In the eyes that countless people expect, he questioned Caesar: "Otherwise how do you let us believe you Guess?"

   "My Excellency, I already know her identity, everything is under my control." Caesar said unhurriedly.

   "I am the president of the I-Star." The president said dissatisfiedly, "I can control everything."

   "This is the meaning of God."

  The President is not threatened by Caesar, and solemnly said: "Even the Pope has no reason to deprive the President of his power. This is a manifestation of the will of billions of citizens."

"Please wait for a while, after the arrival of the commander of defense, I will give you a satisfactory answer." Caesar lowered her head slightly, and said calmly, "Even if I do, I can't make sure that she will die, this is a company The opponent that God must value, hope

   Hope you can understand this. "

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