Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 470: Costume girl

"After playing for so many years, the idea of ​​the abyssal fleet is still so rigid. If they don’t have the terrible number, how could he and I lose before." Veneto retreated from the state of control of the whole ship, low Say something.

Yue Zhong knew in her heart what she wanted to do, but there was still a moment to shrink the formation of the Abyssal Fleet: "The Seven Stars are hindered by faith, so each of the Admiral Surplus failed to reach its full load. In contrast to the countless battleships of the Abyssal Fleet, There is only one Admiral, how does it feel to play against him?"

   "There is no feeling, as long as the abyss fleet is not so stupid, the quantity gap can't cope with it." Veneto solemnly looked at Yue Zhong said: "Admiral, I want to pack the ship, you are ready."

Because the outer-loaded ship is semi-British soul, under normal conditions, it can assist the ship’s mother to complete the overall control of the battleship, but in the way that Veneto is at ease, she can’t use this function for the time being. The value is to complete the compression change of the spiritual body of the positive substance, to achieve the transformation of supernatural energy in scientific and technological physics, and finally to complete the purpose of gathering the ship.

This seemingly whimsical idea was really realized in the era of fantasy township where the two civilizations collided in the era of fantasy township. That is, pan-plane organizations must pay attention to it, depending on whether Fan Hanshi will report this situation. .

The tactics of gathering ships are not only in the seven galaxies, but also unique in many planes. Xiao Meiyan’s observation of the world from the radiation sector of the plane where Yue Zhong is located is just to add to the human body. With the attached armament, it is a far cry from the fact that the spaceships are gathered into a detailed point, but it is undeniable that the source of this idea is from there.

Compared with the size of the human body, the aircraft giant ship is very small, not to mention the huge monsters that shuttle between the universe. If this huge gap is the level of retained power, it is almost invincible, just like a person fighting a microorganism However, that microbe has human power, so no matter how powerful this human power is, in the end, it will only be the result of being directly killed. The reason for its invincibility is that its body shape cannot be captured. Even if the other party is found with the most advanced detection methods, its own weapon can't hit her, unless the range of the attack really reaches the point where it can't be avoided.

   But this is only the most conventional way of thinking, and it is more abundant and varied in design and specific application. This is the question that Yue Zhong, as a governor, should think about, but it was Veneto who first used this.

Although gathering ship equipment can maintain defensive capabilities and have high maneuverability, for Veneto, as a battleship, the highest priority is how to destroy the enemy, and its own survivability is only for this purpose. Therefore, the operations after gathering the ships must also be around this point.

   In the state of gathering the ship, it seems that the maneuverability is too fast to catch. In fact, it is no different from the state of the battleship. It is just because of the huge contrast of the size that caused the cognitive error of this phenomenon.

Veneto wants to wipe out this abyssal fleet. If they show their invincible attitude in advance, then the abyssal fleet is not an idiot. They will definitely run. Although Veneto’s speed is not slow, but he wants to catch up with the cruiser. It is impossible, so she created the current situation, attracted all the remaining abyssal fleet, and then wiped it out.

Although Yue Zhong handed over the decision to Veneto, she needed to say to him before she gathered the ship, because in this state everything inside the Veneto would be gathered together by powerful energy, Yue If it is compressed as a living body, the final result can only become one of those heroic ship suits.

   After hearing Veneto's words, Yue Zhong consciously covered his chest, and at that time he was about to be banished to the tributary of the main timeline.

   Ten million red silks and purple-black lines under the feet form the so-called tributary of time. This is not its own color, but here is a safer area, so there is the color of the developer. Yue Zhong could only stay in this narrow area to observe what happened at the current position of the main timeline before inheriting Xiao Meiyan's time. Even if he inherited it, he would not dare to break into the realm of time. After all, this constitutes the universe. One of the two major concepts of a thing, with his understanding, I am afraid that just entering the endless vortex of time will never find a way out.

  Xiao Meiyan also told him to be okay not to enter the tributary of time, so it seems that it is the so-called safe zone, and it is not so safe.

So this is Yue Zhong’s first visit to this place. He is now barely a martial artist. His keen instinct makes him feel how deep the time is not far away. It is the world that once made everyone in awe in front of him. They all seem insignificant, just like a second glance will disappear, Yue Zhong will stop looking, he can only pay attention to the changes of Veneto.

   "...Does Homura often walk in it?"

At the moment, the extremely large Veneto suddenly stopped moving. It was not a slow and natural stop. Instead, it hit like an invisible giant wall, and its impact finally formed a dark. The quality point, the silver-haired girl's eyebrows dotted with a black shawl, immediately frantically crushed everything including the core cabin, and the surging gravity crushed all the broken ruins into powder, and finally formed a deep, regular light.

The steel streamer appeared all over the girl’s body, like skin, which was constantly attached to her body. The first floating armor appeared on the top of Veneto like a strange hat, and then as bright as her high heels. The bottom clip is fundamental, and kinetic energy ports, detection, and fireship equipment are constantly emerging on it.

The huge momentum cannot be heard in the universe. If there is a conductive medium, it must be earth-shattering. A familiar figure appeared in the meantime. Yue Zhong finally saw the real ship mother who appeared without concealing the ship’s costume, and It's exactly the same in memory.

Veneto sat on the side of the main gun that had been compressed countless times, and looked calmly at the approaching abyss fleet. They lost the position of the Veneto completely at this time, but continued due to inertia. Moving forward.

The white porcelain coffee cup beside her was hung around Veneto's waist by a chain. She pulled the black gloves on her hand, and her eyes became blank again, and the detailed information flow reappeared in the ship and Between the body, the ship was installed in a vertical and horizontal direction, and no weak firepower was thrown at each enemy ship like the largest fireworks.

The minimalist ship spouted endless gunfire, but its frequency has increased countless times, because the collected ship is not a physical form, all the armed forces are only covered up by this fictional shell, just launched the previous moment The artillery that was fired was not the gun that was seen at this moment. Because of this, the Veneto can still have the same terrifying firepower after the ship is packed, and it can even be said to be more powerful firepower, because there is no need to adjust and space. , The output of firepower can fully attack a point in a shorter time.

Never thought that the Abyssal Fleet with such a huge change in the Veneto had been destined to fail when deciding to encircle and kill the Veneto, and their movement trajectory could not escape Veneto’s control no matter how changed, such as The attack of the tarsal maggot landed on the hull crazy, without even a trace of waste, and the energy utilization was fully maximized. In the face of this unreasonable offensive, the battle damage of the abyssal fleet appeared one after another. How long can it be declared that the whole army is annihilated.

Even if the silver-gray figure adds some ship equipment, it is no different from the dust in the vast universe, but the combat power she formed is far beyond the limit of her size. The rapid maneuver is not to avoid the death of the abyssal fleet. The firepower of the counterattack, the Abyssal Fleet who can only rely on her own attack to judge wherever she is is unlikely to pose a threat to the Veneto. The reason she went all out was to put this ship at the fastest speed. The abyssal fleet was wiped out.

This is not only to sharpen the purpose of his new combat method. The Veneto, who knows the abyssal fleet very much, still wants to keep his own secrets, so destroy the abyssal fleet as soon as possible, then the information they can pass back to the void A little less In the details of the battlefield, Veneto has always done a very good job, because these details will occasionally produce unexpected effects, and even affect the outcome of a war.

   Each battleship's protection operation has its own rules, just like the previous heavy patrol defensive array, but the protection of its hull has substantial armor, so there is no possibility of loopholes. But the battleship is changing every moment, especially after being attacked and damaged. Veneto's maneuver can always find the best angle and calculate the advance amount to attack the abyssal fleet most vulnerable.

How to effectively kill the abyss fleet was an instinct that began to form long ago. It can still be achieved in the form of a battleship. This advantage is even more magnified after the ship is gathered, but because it is the first actual combat application, Wiener Torr did not perfectly achieve the tactical purpose, but this mistake will never appear again after one or two occurrences.

  The battleships of the Abyssal Fleet exploded in succession, until the last battle patrol that had been retreat under full cover turned into a blaze of fire. After all, it did not escape Veneto's attack.

Veneto, who had wiped out everything, added a new look to her eyes, with joy and excitement, as well as confidence in her current strength. She picked up the coffee cup beside her, and the coffee in it had not been spilled under the rapid maneuver just now. To the extent that Veneto's control is not so powerful, she simply applied a layer of air pressure to leave the coffee in the cup.

   Witnessing everything, Yue Zhong vaguely saw that the cup of coffee still had a little warmth. It took less than ten minutes from the battle between Veneto and the abyssal fleet until now, and the seemingly powerful abyssal fleet disappeared.

   Yue Zhong naturally thought of a red-faced general, but the association's sense of disobedience was too heavy, and he quickly got rid of his brain.

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