Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 496: fleet

   As the crumbling LN slowly entered the port of the border military planet, the naval officers and soldiers who were urgently repairing the post-war defense line set their sights on their main battleship.

There are many immigrants from C Star Zone in R Star Zone, and most of the people who responded to Kart’s call to join the army are also people in C Star Zone. Kardin is playing the banner of building an exclusive navy for immigrants outside C Star Zone. The immigrants in Starland are undoubtedly very attractive. Their motherland is in the hands of conservative forces, shrinking in the defense of the Great Wall and ignoring foreign affairs. Having their own armed forces is a picture of their dreams many times. Today they finally saw that their navy had a powerful battleship.

LN, which almost reversed the entire battle with one's own strength, first sunk the powerful USS Gecheng and destroyed the Fengxiang with one enemy and two. Such a dazzling record is worthy of publicity and praise everywhere. Today's honor belongs to the immigrant navy of the C star domain, belongs to the people group that has never made any achievements in the navy, and everyone has a heart.

  If there were people who were dissatisfied with Karting's escape, but today his performance is enough to justify himself, so even if the battle is tragic and the casualties are heavy, the dawn of hope is brighter than ever.

After the LN bombarded by countless arrays of Nagato stopped in the maintenance port, a large number of maintenance engineers such as ants swarmed to their workbenches, some of the warships defending this border military planet were more seriously damaged than the LN, but they seemed to I feel that only by repairing the LN with the fastest speed will I feel secure.

  Kartin did not mean to interfere with these naval engineers. He walked out of the battleship with his exhausted LN in one hand, and walked carefully to the rest area of ​​the ship's mother.

  On the way, the two met Yixian and ZQLN who were rushing to be picked up by the two. After Kart left, Selene Schepper needed someone to come here.

Yixian and LN have seen each other many times, so they are no stranger after the reunion. Yixian is very tall, but it is still half a head shorter than LN. It is clear how much load the LN just broke on the body. , She supported LN’s left arm and leaned her head slightly to look at LN’s sweat-soaked scarf and said: “Don’t be so desperate until a critical moment in the future, the ship’s service period is limited, which will speed up your life. ."

Yixian's position in this fleet is unique. LN cannot offend Yixian if he wants to integrate into the fleet. Now it seems that the other party does not have much opinion on the matter of obtaining the flagship authority, and LN thinks that he is slightly relieved. To speak, Yixian pressed his lips with his finger before speaking: "Don't talk, you are tired now and need to rest."

   This concern is not like fraud. LN looked at Yixian carefully. The tears and moles in her eyes were particularly eye-catching. The dark red eyes were not the kind of self-hearted gentleness like Xianghe.

Maybe what she cares about is whether the admiral’s fleet is strong, and the concern for the ship’s mother is only out of duty. She is not accessible to anyone like Xianghe. Even if it is not the flagship, she is also Kart’s most reliable assistant, Kart. No admiral should have the majesty, but Yixian does not lack this temperament, and the vague resistance seems to exclude everyone except Karting from the atrium.

   has been taking LN to the lounge, Yixian asked ZQ to accompany her to take a rest, and now Karting goes to talk with Sylon Scheep. The repair work of the base still needs Yixian to preside over the overall situation.

Combing like a curly hair, Yixian, wearing a bright red main color dark blue border cheongsam, gradually walked away in the sight of LN. The cheongsam was very open, and the two sides were flush with the hips, showing the slender white legs, beyond the majesty. Full of **** and mature charm, her dress is not suitable for meeting strangers, especially men. Shiraishi firmly believes that it is a rare man who has seen her full face, but it also arouses Yi Xian's disgust because of seeing more of them.

It was ZQ who took care of LN. Her costume was similar to Yixian, but she changed to a green cheongsam. This was the first time the two met. The other side had curious and eager challenge to see their gaze. Someone saw it from LN.

   "You are very strong. After the completion of my new hull construction, you will not be easily grabbed the limelight." ZQ does not mean to applaud, but it is also not self-confessed. "There is something to remind you."

   At this time, LN was already lying on the soft bed. After the nerve was completely relaxed, he heard ZQ's words and could not help but slightly opened his eyes.

"The Admiral is a very gentle person, especially if he is too gentle with the ship's mother, but he is an immortal. Anyone who wants to **** can't do it." ZQ said in a strange tone, while looking at it with interest LN I never had this idea. "LN was a little displeased, and the fleet was not the Admiral's harem, so many things.

  ZQ showed a smile and nodded, "It seems that you are the same as I thought, just to remind you not to go to your heart, take a good rest."

  Finally, ZQ also left. The girl who once lived in the E-domain of Europa galaxy is mixed with two different temperaments, with a bright and gentle smile like a water town, but full of majestic impulse.

   "The Admiral's Fleet is quite interesting." With this thought, LN finally couldn't help being tired and slept past.

At this time, Cardin also met successfully with Syllen Scheep. The low-sounding and rugged admirer seemed to have experienced some things. The gangsters in his body were stronger than before, and the chubby pirate was beside him. Cat, said straightforwardly when he met: "This time I have to pick up all the Z1s. Recently, something happened to the Europa Galaxy. I even transferred the Afrika's fleet."

   "What needs such a big battle?" Karting asked indifferently.

"The three superpowers E Star, G Star, and F Star do not know what is going crazy, and the joint sent an ultimatum to me to return all the ship's mothers, otherwise they will send a joint fleet to me in the Europa Galaxy. All of the bases in the city started to destroy and clear up." Sairn Shrp said with a sullen expression, "Of course I can't agree, so I can only be tough."

   This news is quite shocking. Karting also froze for a second when he heard it: "You can't fight against the three superstars at the same time, and does your shipgirl know this news?"

   "I didn't hide them, I would go back if I'm willing to go back." Sairn Scheep is somewhat similar to Karting in respecting the choice of the ship's mother, "but they are also hesitant."

Any star domain with a strong navy’s training and education for the ship’s mother is the highest priority for loyalty to their star domain. In the past, they had no choice so they could only fight to death. When their core cabin sank into the vast sea of ​​stars, yes Sairn Schepp worked tirelessly to find and build new ships one by one. During this process Sairn Scheper asked nothing and never forced them to follow themselves.

   In their new life, they have the possibility to choose, and they also feel the different life after becoming a ship mother. In the past, their own star domain did not care about themselves, whether it was sunk due to civil war or died due to confrontation with the abyssal fleet, but now they have issued a call to want to return to the battle sequence again. Could it be because they miss it?

   "Even if they are willing to continue to follow you, do you want them to fight against their motherland?" Cardin waved his hand and sighed, "This is too cruel."

It is said that Sairon Snow also fell into silence. His collection of the ship’s core cabin was a preference. When the chaotic era came, he unconsciously rose out of his ambitions and expanded vigorously. These ship maidens from different star regions built Shipwear. In this process, Syllan Scheep has met many opponents, and he has gradually matured from a wandering pirate admiral, but he really has to be an enemy of the traditional powerful star field, and he has no bottom in his heart. .

"Did you just give up on the Europa galaxy's territory?" Sylene Scheep took a deep breath and said another thing, "Why don't I return the Hoods first, you're best at negotiating things , Think what is better?"

There is hatred between the ship mothers, just like Hood and Bismarck can't coexist, Hood has always refused to accept the sailor ship's outfit She can't stay with the Bismarck in the same fleet in. There are many existences like Hood, and Syllen Scheep thinks it's boring to buckle them, so he gave up the willingness to return.

   "Don't look at you being cruel all the time, in fact, it's really soft-hearted." Karting said leisurely, "It's not good to open this mouth, Daxingyu's appetite is not enough for you."

   Silen Scheep was silent for a long time, took out the cigarette from his pocket and threw one to Karting.

"Yue Zhong asked me for their Hoods, and in exchange he would give me the technology to really pack the ship." Suddenly after saying such a sentence, Sylon Schepe looked up at Karting, "You The battle has just ended here, so he may not be looking for you, but the kid will definitely not blackmail me alone, I am afraid that the Xianghe and Dafeng in your hands will not be able to keep it."

   "There are also Gecheng and Fengxiang." Karting added, and then weirdly said: "Where does he come with such a good appetite, is it true that all the ship goddesses are as cheating as Veneto?"

Sylene Schepe vomited a smoke ring in his mouth, hiding his words in the smoke: "Veneto is not a lie, Bismarck said that her determination is much firmer than most ship's mothers, saying that there is no way to leave the I star field. A little hesitation."

"I think it's good to give him, Admiral, and then push things to Yue Zhong, and let these big star domains find him in trouble. Hu De, but E star domain is named by the surname, the Royal Navy. Hey glory, how can it fall into the hands of others." The pirate cat that had been around Selen Schep suddenly stood up and crooked his head, and stretched out his short, fat front claws to support the pirate turban.

   "You shut up." Sailon Schump said angrily.

   "I think it makes some sense, but before that we have to figure out what Yue important so many ship mothers do." Karting glanced at the pirate cat and unexpectedly agreed with its opinion.

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