Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 509: Rebellion and suppression operations (⑨)

Now that the fleet of the F-Star field has been entered, Augustus Caesar may wish to increase the momentum, so he directly sets the rebel group control area as a temporary public star sea, although it still belongs to the I-star field in terms of law. But any fleet of other star fields can enter freely.

Once the rebels use black hole bombs without any scruples, the fleets that come to suppress them will inevitably suffer large-scale losses. Although they will also cause irreparable losses to the rebel area, but to use them to weaken other fleets is in line with Auguste Stuart Caesar and the interests of Starfield I.

The Star Fleet I has been wandering outside the rebel zone and has spent two days in cosmic time. Julio Caesar has started to receive complaints from other ship mothers that maintaining the peace and security of his Star Zone is originally the responsibility of the Fleet. But now their admirers are afraid, and instead let the fleets of other star regions to help them suppress the rebels. This is undoubtedly the biggest denial of the navy ships of the I star region.

   Even if it is indeed in the interests of I Star Zone, they still cannot let them accept it. They have lost everything when they became ship mothers, and now even their only honor must be deprived.

   "Is Sister Veneto right? Our admiral has forgotten how to win?"

Even if the rebels are successfully wiped out by the overseas navy, even if the I-star navy can still prove themselves again in the future, this time the stain of the war will always be with them. Once people mention the I-star navy, the first thing that comes to mind is not them. How powerful they are, but they can't even guard their own land.

This is a thorough joke. Even if it is viewed on an international level, no matter how much benefit is obtained from this, the credibility of I Starland in the seven galaxies will still be irretrievably hit. A starland wants to compete for hegemony. Want to rule more different cultures and nations, not only rely on force, but also prestige.

   Eight million bayonet mechs are powerful but not enough to defend the territory, and the only navy that can be proud of it must fall like this. If it is just gossip, sarcasm and contempt of others, it may not be enough to cause such a huge impact in the ship’s heart, they will also doubt that this is a conspiracy to break up their internal cohesion, but if you say this sentence and pay It was Veneto who was in action, and the result was completely different.

"Admiral, should we launch a tentative offensive anyway?" Julio Caesar, the flagship, finally couldn't resist the suspicions of other colleagues who were also ship maidens. Although she knew Augustus Caesar's plan, But they can't tell others about these things, even if they can't deny the loyalty of the ship's ladies, but who knows if it will be revealed by accident.

In the same way, she doesn’t want to see her brother being so questioned. His brother has not changed. He is still a legendary admiral, but he has to do more than the battle and take on the mission given by God. So it will not be understood.

The head of Augustus Caesar, who was praying almost all the time, raised his head slightly, and the voice full of sacredness asked peacefully: "Are they getting restless?"

   "Hmm." Julio Caesar never had anything to hide from her brother, so she didn't have to hide it.

   "Julio, do you think our fleet lacks something?"

Is    missing a mainstay? After all, no matter how powerful the Admiral's wisdom is, it can't be turned into combat power after all, and it can only play a certain increase effect. Isn't my brother reluctant to Veneto?

Seeing Giulio's misunderstanding, Augustus Caesar shook his head and said: "It's not the case, not only the fleet of I Starfields, but the ship's mothers of all fleets. After they were forced or decided to give up everything, even their faith also gave up. If you can really make them a combat tool without their own thinking, there is no problem, but although they will obey the government and the admiral, they can’t help but think of other things in their minds. Our fleet lacks a pious idea , Which even includes you, Giulio."

Hearing his brother’s words, Julio Caesar’s figure hidden under the black robe could not help shaking, and he wanted to retain a trace of personality, so he resisted the final possession of the divinity. Now he seems to be dissatisfied with what he said.

The closer    is to God, the farther away from people.

   "The new ship maiden will undoubtedly increase the theological training program. What I need is no longer a ship maiden that will consider myself, but a complete angel."

   Even if they are the only glory they can attach to, they are not allowed to exist...

   If so, why did my brother still not let them sacrifice, perhaps to squeeze their final value? Pious believers and lunatics are not far apart. They all believe that they are correct, and they also deviate far from the thinking and concepts of normal people.

"Received an unknown signal, it seems to be from the communication system with the G star field. Someone wants to send the core cabin of the Hood here, and please transfer the Admiral to... Yue Zhong?" Julio Caesar found After a topic that could be transferred, she didn’t want to talk to her brother about this issue anymore, so she hurriedly said, "Aren’t Yue Zhong dead?"

"Veneto may be dead, but Yue Zhong may not necessarily, Xiao Meiyan hasn't come to trouble us now, can save people under the black hole bomb, this is already the realm of God, but she is not God , But it is the purest demon." Augustus Caesar smiled slightly, feeling no emotion and lifeless. "The blasphemer must be destroyed. I am afraid that the Hood was deliberately sent by Syllen Scheep to Come here, do you want to cause friction between E Star Zone and us?"

   Julio Caesar said: "So after receiving it, will you send it back to E Starfield directly?"

"...May not be a good thing. The gift of the devil may not be that simple. Now that Veneto and Yue Zhong are fighting for the death of I Xingyu, if they hand over their things again, it really means, I’m scared.” Like Yue Zhong’s idea that Augustus Caesar couldn’t completely know, Caesar with God’s gaze couldn’t understand all the plans of those sheltered by the devil, as long as Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan didn’t really disappear. , Then he must consider the threat they can bring, "Shut it down, I haven't seen it in a long time, the greatest legend of the seven galaxies. Every time I met before was on the battlefield, this time I saw Hu In the face of virtue, maybe you can sit down calmly and say a few words."

Yue Zhong is an extremely cunning fox. He walks between various forces and continues to grow himself, and Xiao Meiyan is not good at communication, but has the strongest technical talent and individual strength. They are together. The power that can be produced together cannot be estimated, but if they are completely separated, one loses the guarantee of force, and the other loses the guidance of wisdom, then the threat will be much smaller.

So far, their image in the eyes of Augustus Caesar is like this. After he knew that the rebellion of Sicily appeared, Yue Zhong was forced by pressure and wanted to fight for more things. He would definitely separate from Xiao Meiyan. Maybe Some things will be explained before the separation, but the plan will never catch up with the changes, as long as they find a gap in their communication, then they can be broken one by one.

   So Yue Zhong lost Veneto, and Xiao Meiyan rescued Yue Zhong as she thought, and gave up the military base she should protect.

   The last nail left in the I-Star field was pulled out, which did not hinder the oath. Even if they really have any cards, as long as they can detect it, it is worthwhile. When all the strengths and weaknesses of the devil are exposed, it is no longer terrible.

"We should have joined together again, but they were still separated. When the fatal blow that Caesar prepared for us appeared, we found that Xiaoyan was not here. Even if he was so pious, I am afraid that he would be panicked. ."

   "Everyone who underestimates Homura is dead miserably, will you be the same, Augustus Caesar."

There is no doubt that this is the first head-to-head confrontation between Yue Zhong and Augustus Caesar, but unfortunately not on the battlefield, but in the field of layout, which is a good thing for Yue Zhong, of course, this is also his strong Motivated.

Yue Zhong has Xiao Meiyan, so it is full of possibilities, and all the rebel groups of Augustus Caesar are much more rigid and When the plan has been done to the extreme, what can be expected It is a variable, if this time can succeed, then Yue Zhong will truly have the capital to establish a foothold in the seven galaxies.

The Z-series destroyer formations led by Z1 escorted the core cabin of the Hood. They carefully avoided the F-Star fleet and entered the rebel group control area. After crossing the edge, they found the cruising I-Star fleet, which was quickly completed. The handover of Hood's core cabin.

Things went smoothly and unexpectedly, Sairon Schap was already prepared to fight and even fight with Augustus Caesar, but nothing happened. Augustus Caesar took the Hood and let it go. Z1 They leave.

   "Is it a little too smooth?" Syllan Scheep, who knew the news, shook his head, and then said, "Don't care, did Xiao Meiyan provide us with the right to use the Star Gate?"

Bismarck hesitated for a moment, and then said: "She said that the star gate at the Afrika development base has now been transferred to a military planet near Sicily and opened to meet the strategic transfer of the Veneto. If we need it, we can go there or wait a little longer."

Sairen Shp stood on the arm of the chair, angrily said: "I know it's not that simple, wait, wait for E Star Domain, they will be able to free up their hands and feet to clean up us, the core of the Hood The cabin was delivered to Augustus Caesar, and he would definitely not hide it for us, so that we would know what we wanted to run."

   "Then Admiral, are we going to pass?"

"To mobilize all the fleets, follow the F-Star fleet and set off towards the Sicilian star. Even if there is a black hole bomb, someone will help us find the way... Damn, Yue Zhong must be alive. Revenge for bullying Xiao Meiyan."

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