Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 561: Admiral Event

The issues such as the stability of colonial star areas, the antagonism between great power consciousness and separatism, the expansion of the star wars universe, the rise of unaffiliated forces, and the division and redevelopment of the resources of the seven galaxies, doomed this all-galactic advisory conference It will be a long and tedious meeting.

The seven galaxy officials who are internally and externally troubled will try to grasp the final peace in the form of a meeting of admirers. In the case of uncontrollable force, it is difficult to control the situation. If the former powers cannot give enough benefits to mainstream the seven galaxy If the forces are brought together, then the rebellion will spur the division, and the war that will be spurred by nationalism will surely come as scheduled.

   Xiong Guyan worriedly went to the big conference hall, Yue Zhong was not qualified to enter there, and Ulster would not let him in, so all he could do was wait here for a result.

"This is a person who really cares about the future of the seven galaxies, but this world cannot be all this kind of person. Who does not know that the threat of the Abyssal Fleet is the most practical, but no one can come up with evidence to prove that they are quickly When I come back and destroy and plunder everything here again, there will always be someone who wants to seize this God-given opportunity." Yue Zhong wiped his mouth with a napkin, and there was still the aftertaste of soup in his mouth. Xiong Guyan did not brag. Even if it's steamed buns, he steamed it deliciously. The soup and the fabric are inseparable from each other. The flavor of the seasoning and meat filling is evenly distributed, which makes Yue Zhong reluctant to swallow.

Yue Zhong didn't realize that he was a guest. Xiong Guyan walked around his suite after he left. Of course, the study room had no books. It was just a platform for storing information. On the only table was a photo framed by a photo frame. It was Xiong Guyan and several group photo of the ship Niang, they can see that the relationship between them is very good. If you can make good dishes yourself, it shouldn't be that difficult to make a good girl, not as a bad guy like he used to.

The admirals of the various star domains gathered in the ship-based conference hall of the Admiral Association Center. Yue Zhong wanted to blow it up. Most of his other abilities were average. Engaging in blasting was a skill that could enter the eyes of Xiaomei Yan. If he was given a chance It is absolutely possible to bury all these admirers here.

   It's a pity to think about this idea, it is not reluctant, just can't. I pretended to be a businessman and ran to the London Star to make him incapable of carrying any bombs. Homura’s time disc can hold a lot of things, but that thing can’t be taken off, just like growing on his body, or else stop the time with the time knot in his heart, Yue Zhong really can do this.

These admirals died here, and for him, the benefits outweighed the disadvantages, even if the abyssal fleet ran to plunder the next day, but they would still go, and the remaining stall Yue Zhong could take care of and grow up. The Admiral is definitely not so difficult to deal with.

   Without Homura by her side, many things that can be done are not convenient, but if she comes, London Star will not be so calm. It’s not time yet, Homura’s power can no longer be used casually. Despair and the guidance of darkness are the most dazzling existence in the plane, the most dazzling in the hopeless plane, Yue Zhong doesn’t want to face that so quickly again. Facial paralysis and suspected rival.

Alster saw himself just now, and may have identified himself, but since he doesn’t want to do anything, Yue Zhong often doesn’t like to use force, because he can’t beat anyone before, but he can fight now. A lot of people, and the world told him that personal force did not do much until it exceeded the overall strength.

Then you can only wait, and when you are bored, you can figure out how to abduct Xiong Guyan. This guy’s steamed buns are too delicious. Even if you cheat, you must cheat him to form an alliance. Reliable, can also improve the food of the fleet. After all, he and Homura are both Orientals, and eating pasta all day will be an appetite.

   The Antalco galaxy is too peaceful, and even the value of resource plundering is not even. A transport not only faces various risks, but also can not guarantee to profit from it. The resources there are only locally developed and used locally. If the situation of the Grand Union can emerge in the future, the pressure caused by this galaxy will be minimal, and they care more about their survival than who dominates the world.

   "What the **** is going on, it should be clear after this meeting."

   Yue Zhong has a lot of things, but he always looks very busy, so he sits leisurely in Xiong Guyan's room again, waiting for a result.

The large conference hall of the ship-based form is a template of the seven major galaxies that has been shrunk countless times. It seems that this place has to be divided into its own at all times. The advisors or agents of each star area are in order, and Alster also brings two The assistant enters the room, except that there are no more irrelevant people.

   may be related to the position of the Admiral Association. It is committed to controlling war within a limited range. While demarcating the boundaries with the Star Government, it also depends on the strength of the Star Navy.

  E's strength has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts. The space that can challenge his status may surpass it briefly, but it will eventually become a meteor, leaving only a flash of flash in the hearts of its own people.

But the powerful must be isolated. The existence of the background will never choose to attach itself to a force that is slightly stronger than himself. Instead, he wants to pull him from that position all the time. F Star and G Star have tried to do this. , But ultimately failed. E Starland has constantly consolidated its position, and there are many younger brothers around him. The position of President Alster was made by himself and was selected by E Starland, but there is no lack of support from these younger brothers, otherwise the lonely Has been ousted from office long ago.

Entering Ulster and following his gaze has never been cut off. The resolute suppression of I Starland has made Ulster's position quite stable, and some of the starry domains that are weak and unwilling to give up their own interests will still choose. I believe that he has the ability to turn the tide and bring the world that might fall into war again into the order it deserves.

Baturu, who came on behalf of the F star field, is not far from Ulster, because the geographical positions of the two star fields are very close in themselves, and there is never a major or secondary order in the whole galaxy admiral meeting, but the work chaired by the chairman Admiral to do it. Baturu's face is not very good, because his role in the rebellious war of I Starland is not very glorious, which not only violated the agreement of the Admiral Association, but also was seized by other competitors inside the Starland and slammed. When he comes to the Admiral Association, he must be punished accordingly, but he has to come, otherwise he will permanently lose the opportunity to become an official Admiral of F Star Domain.

Many people will wait and see what Ulster will do, but not every star field cares so much about the decision of the E star field, because the new challengers in Riga North America have gradually matured, and the two galaxies North America Riga and South America Riga The strength of the forces gathered under the sufficiently strong representatives, there is already a tendency to resist the courtesy of the E-Star Chamber, which was particularly obvious when the advisory meeting was held.

   Now his biggest opponent, the Admiral of Riga North America will basically appear in any public place where he appears. It seems that he can't express his attitude without doing so.

   In Ulster’s eyes, the Admiral of Rica in North America was a very energetic young man. From an actual age, he was much younger than himself, and he was younger than the one who had just served as the Admiral of E-Zone.

His biggest motivation is to defeat himself, but he will not be blindly impulsive. Although he is young, he has a lot of action in every move. A Starland is the latest rising force. Their internal ideology and ideas are highly unified, and they support the Admiral. The strength is far beyond the traditional strong countries lined with factions. After the baptism of war, he completely defeated the J Star domain that once dominated Asia Xinghai, and has grown into the biggest opponent.

  Nakatake Takeshi failed to come, missing a very important link in the Ulster plan. He and the Admiral of Riga in North America are absolutely called enemies, and the hostility between the two is even greater than himself.

   Armed forces representatives gathered around the center of the world gathered together, Ulster routine opening remarks: "The seventeenth interstellar convention and strategy consultation meeting officially began."

"Regarding the current issues of concern to you, the Admiral Association has set out detailed clauses. I hope that today we can reach a consensus that we will not let the world fall into war. You are all smart people. When the threat of the abyssal fleet has not dissipated Because of a solid defense..."

Ulster has no talent for impromptu speeches, he just keeps the sorted content in his mind, and then speaks out word by word. The admirers or agents present are very calm, no one will be at this time It is difficult to make it quietly waiting for the emergence of key issues.

"Before dealing with the international situation, there has also been an act of breaking the interstellar convention within the Admiral Association. Do you have anything to say about Mr. Baturu?" Ulster placed the first target on Baturu and attacked The action of the administrative planet is the same as the use of black hole bombs by the rebels, which seriously affects the credibility of the Admiral Association. Based on the principle of first dealing with internal issues, Ulster seems to take this for granted.

   But Baturu looked at Ulster with a disappointed look, he might still have some expectations, trying to be able to dilute the matter. After all, he represents the F star field, no matter how to be excluded internally, it is no longer as simple as an individual to come to the Admiral Association. The E star field and the F star field have a long history of disagreement, but the old power of the Europa galaxy is now. It's not time to fight arbitrarily.

"The deployment of interstellar missiles on the administrative planet has already abandoned its neutral position in wartime. For the sake of fleet consideration, I must do this." Baturu's explanation is not the first time, and it is theoretically justified. See how others plan.

Ulster did not refute this, he just gave Baturu an opportunity to defend, and the Admiral Association is not a judicial institution, and he has no right to do anything to any Admiral. The only thing he can do is use the power of the President to initiate a review The mechanism allows the Admiral to decide whether to reserve the seat of F Star Domain in the Admiral Association.

   And in fact he did so, not so much as to be the authority of the Admiral Association.

"For the ultimate victory, there is nothing to be sacrificed, the Admiral Association, and you Baturu." Ulster wanted, not world peace nor world war, he wanted to control all development, at the same time There are also challenges from many opponents.

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