Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 580: Lost fantasy

"The positive and negative control is not so powerful, it can only act on yourself, but it can still be maintained in the form of gathering the ship, so that you can easily adjust the speed when you maneuver in all directions. Other templates in the database need to be constantly loaded. , Used to this template today." Xiao Meiyan gave Veneto a hint and stopped talking, so as not to disturb her ongoing battle.

The close range of three kilometers is almost equivalent to no space. The location of the Veneto can only be used by her to fight others and the other party is difficult to fight back. With her firepower output, Duirio and Julio Caesar can easily The replica battleship was completely destroyed, except that she did not intend to do so.

In order to give them the ability to escape, Veneto focused on the side of the muzzle outside the main ship’s gun, using macro magnetic secondary guns to continuously destroy the loading section with a macro zoom. When all the weapons they attacked were destroyed , Do not believe that they do not escape.

This time it was found that the engraved fleet was not as complicated as imagined. The imaginary enemy of Veneto at the beginning was Augustus Caesar, but now it seems that he is not in command, otherwise it is impossible to be beaten by himself. Veneto has an accurate judgment on his ability to presume oversight.

They should just follow the order to hinder the strategic purpose of the heavy flame fleet to attack AL Starfield. As for the issuer of the order, it is impossible to know who, but it is not important for the time being. Yue Zhong has dragged most of the admirers on the London Star. It is nothing more than second-line personnel.

  In order to conceal that they will not exclude all fleets, then where is the remaining fleet is the question that Veneto wants to know.

"Will they still want to ambush us? Are they capable of sinking the form that I gathered up the ship?" Veneto was curious about what would happen next, what the I-star main fleet did not do. What, will there be any hidden technology.

War is undoubtedly the best help to promote the development of science and technology and change the application technology. Veneto does not think that her previous battles in the I star field will not pay attention to it. Those star fields with complete industrial systems and scientific research groups may have already With the direction of coping.

The outer carrier plates of the two battleships were almost flattened under the flat push of Veneto. They had no way to escape from Veneto. The remaining two light cruisers could only helplessly surround this The strange battle circle spins and tries to attack Veneto, but instead reaches his friendly army, and no more contribution under the mouse.

   The normal fleet has long collapsed and collapsed in this cat-and-mouse game. No matter how powerful the admiral can't break out with the cards in his hand, the confidence of the ship's mother will be blown away. But the fleet can’t be expressed, but like the AI ​​in the strategy game, I don’t know how to admit defeat. Unless the last building is destroyed, I will try my best to resist the end. For this, I will even make a lot of ridiculous actions. .

However, Veneto has no meaning of joy. On another level, such a fleet is undoubtedly the most tenacious. They will never be affected by disadvantages and will always be able to play their normal level. When this range is expanded to a certain scale , It will become quite a terrible will.

"Nella, Aviere, change the torpedo blockade to drive them over, and I will support at any time after the attack." Veneto continued to give orders, and the control hull quickly left the current position and passed through the two battleships. Immediately, the starboard side turned through the ship's side firepower to complete an accurate strike against the remaining two light cruisers with combat effectiveness, completely destroying their tail firepower.

   "They have no counterattack ability, catch up."

The Veneto gradually extinguished the engine and watched Camicia Nella and Aviere chase away through the detection board, slowly leaning towards the replica of the Taranto that had stopped in space. Cruiser, ready to complete the overall recycling project.

   "I can't take him away completely, what do you need, Homura?" Veneto asked.

Xiao Meiyan also knew that it was impossible for Veneto to drag the engraved version of the Taranto. After formulating an important area of ​​this battleship, he replied: "The core cabin, the main control template and the outer armor sampling... "

  Veneto acted according to his words. To complete this dismantling work requires precise fire control, so that Camicia Nella or Aviere might be messed up and could only be done by herself.

   The heavy cruiser is not much smaller than the conventional battleship in size. It is used as the main ship. Although the protective fleet front is the main job, it can still replace the battleship and battle patrol as the core assault when necessary. Although the Veneto is much larger than conventional battleships, there is no significant difference between the two.

The replica of the Taranto is exactly the same in design as the prototype. Although Veneto may be transparent about the design of the I-star battleship, she still understands it. When she is close to the direction of the turn, she is preparing to start dismantling with lateral firepower. At that time, the intuition of the battlefield suddenly prompted the Veneto to overclock the supply of kinetic energy for lateral avoidance.

In the next moment of Veneto's urgent action, the originally engraved Taranto, which was still quietly in space, exploded, and the instantaneous burst of light reached the brightness of a class B star, and the heat released also took the entire ship. The body vaporizes extremely quickly. The sudden change made Veneto stunned for a moment. She had seen the super-light speed ejection of the core cabin of countless ship mothers, but she had never seen such a complete self-detonation.

Ship Mother is a strategic material of the seven galaxies. Although she does not want to admit it, Veneto must also recognize this. Even the destroyer of a destroyer is not used for consumption. The destruction of the ship’s equipment is more than the death of the ship’s mother. Speaking of the loss of a star field is not in an order of magnitude at all. Except for the very few starry star regions that will install a system that destroys the ship's mother together with the core cabin, any normal star region will not do so.

   So Veneto didn't anticipate this scene. If she didn't rely on her instinct to stay away from the Taranto's self-destruction, her ship's outfit would be affected by this scale of self-destruction explosion.

This is something that Homura can't stop. She can spread the time to the entire warship, but she can't support the Veneto to complete the long-term dismantling work. For the replica of the Taranto that has begun to self-destruct In terms of heavy cruisers, the body that has begun to fissile has even lost the value of research.

   Faced with this picture, Veneto opened his mouth slightly silent for a long time, then asked with a trace of incredulity: "Xiaoyan, why is this?"

   Taranto was also a companion who fought together while serving in the I-star field. Veneto could bear the pressure to destroy her, but could not directly watch her completely die in front of herself. Even if it is just her replica type, it is like bringing a prototype at this moment... even if it is just a copy, it is the same as Taranto, do you want to destroy yourself in order not to collect samples?

"Why!" Veneto pushed off the stable plate and stood up. The coffee cup placed on it was half full. Although the chain was clasped on the waist, she moved too much and still took her beloved coffee cup. Throw it out hard and smash it into the robotic arm.

   "Are you excited? This is just a replica, not Taranto." Xiao Meiyan was also stunned by Veneto for a moment, and explained involuntarily.

  Veneto closed his eyes and took a long breath. When he reopened, the crimson pupils became more vivid: "If we also start to use them like consumables, is there anything else that we should pay attention to?"

"The emergence of the engraved fleet means the development of new technologies. Since the other party no longer cares, it can only show that it is not as important as imagined." Xiao Meiyan is still as usual, and the explanation of things is without emotion, you can see Veneto's petite figure shivered uncontrollably, like a helpless child.

  Finally Xiao Meiyan was still jerky and comforted, "VV, you are different, the ship mother who gathers the ship will be different."

   Perhaps Xiao Meiyan would not be comforting by nature. After listening to her, Veneto did not change a bit, reviewing everything familiar around her. She is not afraid to sacrifice herself, but for the time being can not accept the tragic and not magnificent death of other people, the ship mother can only pursue the vigorous and vigorous, even this point must be denied?

   "I'm sick." Veneto reached out and wiped his eyes, leaned over and started to pack up the broken coffee cup. There are no tools on the battleship that can be perfectly repaired, only the debris can be collected and returned to the base as far as possible.

Veneto squatting on the ground to pick up debris is very serious, maybe she really likes this coffee cup, even if the debris should be repaired and thrown away for a new There are very few things she can cherish Now, it’s the same as the lack, and it’s even more reluctant to lose the second one.

   "VV......" Xiao Meiyan wanted to say something but could not speak, Yue Zhong would be good at doing this, but he was not here.

   "Xiaoyan, don't bother admiring, I will adjust my mindset." Veneto seemed to be able to guess Xiao Meiyan's intentions, and directly dismissed her calculations in words.

"I just couldn't accept it for a while, the battleship itself should die on the battlefield, but we have always had unrealistic illusions. Thought that this battlefield belongs to us, even if the battle will not fight without bottom line, But you should always understand that this battlefield actually belongs to the people who command us and the interest groups they represent." Veneto carefully packed the fragments in his pockets and then said, "The ejection of the ship's core cabin will hinder To maximize the benefits, one big country always wants to see the complete destruction of another big country instead of being able to breathe out at any time. Perhaps there will be technology that hinders the super-light speed ejection, so there will be no fish in the net. With the use of new technologies, it can even be said that the previous combat modes are beginning to become outdated."

  The Abyssal Fleet destroys not only a past, but also the bottom line that mankind originally adhered to. When facing threats that are difficult to overcome, we always know how to sacrifice unnecessary things. The only one who can protect us is the cycle of being a ship mother who cannot protect herself and cannot escape.

   "Did you think so?" Xiao Meiyan could see that Veneto was not as calm as she was.

"The Admiral said." Veneto sorted out his dress, and sat back on the mechanical control chair again. "I'm sorry that the samples are gone. I'll think of a better way to collect them, so that they don't destruct themselves so easily. ."

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