Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 600: Young aspirations

  Yue Zhong continued to follow Chester William on his journey to the A-Zone. Although he did not forget to keep abreast of the dynamics in other places, he was still very bored.

In the distant Asian galaxies, the R constellation, Karting, who has obtained full control, has been upgraded to a certain extent with the support of local compatriots. With the aircraft carrier LN as the flagship, ZQ and Yixian have also completed the re-installation of heavy cruisers. Entering the ranks of the battleships, Ninghai, Zhaohe and Yingrui were strengthened again on the basis of the original ships and constituted the backbone of the fleet. In addition, it also has ten destroyers and two other light cruisers, as well as a test-type permanently powered submarine. Karting does not want to build more battleships. It can be limited to the industrial base of the RE star field until today. Only completed a full facelift and was unable to build a new main battleship, but he has found two suitable candidates, both of which are qualified aircraft carrier mothers to prepare.

  Because of the principle of voluntary participation in the army, the training time of the ship's mother has been shortened a lot. The ship's mother who has not received the ship has completed the training and is waiting for internship in the core cabin of other ship's mothers.

Two young generations were ushered in the core cabin of LN. She did not expect that she soon became a role model for others to learn so soon after joining the army. In order not to hurt that expectation, she was very serious even in the routine exercise task. .

   The newly added companions are HN and JX. Actually this is not their own name, not even LN. In fact, many ship owners in Starfields did not use their real names like Vitorio Veneto in Starfields I, but adopted other meaningful names, such as the Prince of Wales.

   They chose this ship name when they joined the army. The root is that their ancestry originated from a different star zone in the C star zone, and these names are the names of the star zones. I want to express the expectations of the navy dream in this way.

Since the death of Pinghai, the word navy dream has been sprouting and taking root in the heart of the ship maiden of the C star domain. Her sacrifice has a special meaning under Karting’s propaganda, which has also added iron and courage to this dream. I hope that the strong and brave girl can live in the hearts of all people and start a new future together.

   When they first met, LN was like they inquired about the news of Xianghe and Dafeng. They learned that they had also received instructions from Xianghe and Dafeng, and they got closer emotionally.

  HN and JX are slightly green in front of this black-haired classic beauty predecessor, but being able to come here has proved that they have this qualification, LN will not doubt their ability.

Another regular exercise ended. LN cooperated with the destroyer formation against the light patrol formation led by Yixian and ZQ. Both sides paid some losses, but in the process, LN found that the two were a bit tired. In the usual post-war summary The tone rebuked: "You didn't participate in the last battle to repel the J Star Fleet. The Admiral said that J Star Zone will soon come back. We will even face the threat of the A Star Fleet, so even during the internship During the observation, I hope you can also play a twelve-point spirit."

   "Sorry, Sister LN." HN and JX quickly lowered their heads to admit their mistakes. They knew that the picturesque beauty did not curse, but it was still terrible when he was really angry.

LN is quite satisfied with their attitude of acknowledging their mistakes, and judged from their respective combat analysis. Others are quite satisfactory and there are not many signs of laziness: "I know that you already have your own ideas about the exercise set, but the actual combat It's completely different. There is no harm in doing more work."

  HN is a very prosperous girl. The two twisted braids are like two strings of peppers. The military uniform on the body is also bright and bright red. There are still red peppers in the pocket. When you are okay, you often chew and eat.

   Her temperament also matches her appearance. When LN is not angry, she smiles and asks with expectation: "Sister LN, when do you say we can have our own ship outfit?"

LN remembers that this is not the first time they answered this question. In fact, she said that she couldn’t find the time and could only pin her hopes on Kartin: “The Admiral hasn’t been in control of R Starland for a long time. Consciousness is still very strong, and we only support the Admiral with a clear flag. The limited resources that can be used to build are now spread to the entire fleet. The aircraft carrier’s equipment and supporting fighters need stronger industrial support. I am afraid it will not work for the time being."

   "That's right, okay." HN's braid became lower with her broken face. Every time she asked this, she was looking forward to it. LN's answer was different every time, but the result was the same.

   Also disappointed is that the bright red match of JX and HN is like a green leaf safflower, and the JX of the bi-colored shirt is also lost, rubbing the corner of the clothes with his head down and his hands.

  LN didn't know how to comfort the two younger generations. He sighed slightly with his hands on the shoulders of the two.

Although she is the flagship of the Navy Fleet, Kartin’s most trusted assistant is still Yixian. No one can take her place in the foreseeable future, so as the ship’s mother, only she can affect Kartin’s Decided that, of course, it also includes the construction order and resource allocation of ship mothership.

  If it were not for her overall consideration, she would not hand over the flagship position to LN, so LN's status in the fleet is quite awkward.

ZQ once warned LN from the side, but that kind of threat is not enough to compromise the arrogant LN. As the C star domain ship mother of R star domain continues to join, their attitude is naturally more inclined to LN with the fleet With the continuous expansion of the scale, LN can finally have the capital to compete with Yixian and Karting's former team.

   But whether to finally get to this step, LN has not yet made a decision. Because at the same time she is also very clear that Kart's fleet cannot tolerate differences, otherwise it will undoubtedly find itself in the face of the powerful navy of J Star Territory, and as long as Kart is still the admiral, Yixian's status is difficult to replace.

  Looking at the loss of the two, LN felt a little embarrassed, but she couldn't do anything like split the fleet, and she fell into confusion for a while.

   Separated by an open sea of ​​stars, Takeuaka reorganized a powerful fleet and was planning a new round of attack. He did not participate in the Admiral's meeting, but Ulster told him the whole content of the meeting, obviously it was necessary to encourage him to fight against Yue Zhong's nominal ally in the Asiatic Galaxy to achieve the effect of checks and balances.

The reorganization of J Starland focused on the construction of the navy. Except for a small number of warships, such as the Xianghe and Dafeng in Kart’s hands, the majority of ship mothers continued to return. J Starland.

  With the large-scale construction of the ship's equipment, the strength of the joint fleet gradually recovered. With the help of the new interstellar treaty formulated by the Admiral Association, Takeuchi began to exert constant pressure on the government. The biggest result was to completely put the army system under the jurisdiction of the navy.

   The new round of war will implement the limited war mode proposed by Ulster. Between the star sea between the R star field and the J star field, there will be a positive dialogue between the two parties.

   While Shiraishi, the leader of the attacking R Star Zone, firmly believed that he had lost his value and was thrown aside by Takeuaka, and he returned to J Star Zone.

  Can't see the hope of seeing Xianghe again and liberating her, Shiraishi firmly believes that he no longer trusts Kart to keep his promises as he originally did. Seeing the scams between the admirals, Shiraishi firmly believes that he wants to achieve his goal, and he can only rely on himself.

  Bai Shi firmly believes that he has not returned to his family business. He knows that no one will accept himself even if he goes back. Everything has been doomed from the day he left J Star Domain.

A stark and tragic atmosphere pervades J Starland, and the entire country is fully invested in the expansion of the navy. The potential that has not yet been fully drained is continuously Shi firmly believes in a trance After passing the enrollment point of the army, and seeing the young people with dreams entering the army one after another, he did not fluctuate in his heart.

   Now Shiraishi firmly believes that he is a rare homeless man in J Starland. Under the full operation of the national machine, many positions require adult men to work. I don’t know if it’s Zhu Zhongxue’s pity or maliciousness. No one cares about such a tramp, and he also provides an underground shelter for him to live, while giving a small amount of food every day.

  He is not hungry or frozen, but he never sees the day when his wish is fulfilled.

   left the recruiting point with a trace of sarcasm. Shiraishi firmly believed that it was extremely sloppy at the moment. He did not remember how long he had not taken a bath, but this time, Shiraishi firmly believed that he had already thought about what he should do, so he could not see his confusion.

   "There is one life left, then there is a trace of possibility. I have nothing to be worth without anything, then find something that can be exchanged for hope."

Bai Shi firmly believes that he will take a big step toward the scientific research institute in his memory. Karting told him that J Xingyu has a few general-purpose crystals. Although he is under heavy protection, if he can find one, his current situation may be able to. it has been improved.

   No one went back to pay attention to a sloppy homeless man. Even if he appeared so unnatural on the neat but killing road, people did not have time to think about what he was doing.

   The range of the J star field is not very broad. To support a world-class navy, it is necessary to gather every drop of sweat and blood in one place.

  Bai Shi firmly believes that he has thought about his new cooperation partner. When he appeared in front of the front door of the scientific research institute, he looked at the heavy guard in front of his head with a high head, and forgot the minimum fear in his heart, because there was nothing to lose.

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