Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 649: Separate action

"It's impossible to go back again, and the two will definitely be closely guarded. If you really want to do things absolutely, wait for the news report to confirm their identity, except for such a big thing in A Starland. Certainly I can’t hide it.” Yue Zhongdao said, “Now that you have aroused the vigilance of the club, although the next action will face greater challenges, you can also use more force to solve the problem. Be careful not to caught."

  Isabella, who had never carried out such a spy operation, was disturbed by Yue Zhong's words, and accepted her opinion without much screening.

  Yue Zhong planned to let Isabella go to attack the strange groups wearing doll costumes to cause riots. Now that she has made more movements, then it is completely unnecessary.

  With her containment, Yue Zhong can do more things. In this action, he had not pinned his hopes on the inexperienced Isabella. The purpose of the other party's existence was to attract attention.

After the riot, Isabella had left the eleventh floor and entered the club security system under the state of second-level security. The system blocked the upper and lower three floors, but Isabella successfully escaped before completing the blockade. Alert area.

The floor structure of the guest room previously displayed by Yue Zhong has been completely remembered by Isabella. In order to ensure the convenience of the operation of goods and passenger flow, the channels connecting up and down are not only elevators and pedestrian stairwells, but are wearing waiters’ clothes. She does not need to lie outside the building in the manner of Spiderman like Yue Zhong. She can avoid the monitoring and patrolling of the transfer floor through the narrow clothing transportation channel.

   During this process, Isabella did not forget to observe the configuration and equipment of the search team. Isabella also led the team to catch Yue Zhong, so she still knows the situation in this regard.

Although she easily knocked down several security guards left behind, they can see from their reaction that they have a high degree of training, except that they do not use mechas, they are not inferior to the military base's security team, which also proves from the side The security of this entertainment club is very strong.

However, this clubhouse is always an area open to the outside world, which provides intruders with more opportunities, and they can’t do too much in order not to disturb other guests’ normal work and rest. This is Isabella’s biggest advantage. Where.

   However, Isabella’s constant hiding and fast walking are not so easy. Several actions that were thought to be successfully evaded were discovered by the search team, and they had to use force to solve the other party before they could continue to escape.

"Exotic Paradise is the top entertainment club in A Starland. It is not surprising that there are a large number of security personnel and advanced equipment, but their command and dispatch capabilities are exceptionally powerful, as if facing an army." Isabella thought Silently calculated, "Fortunately, they are not strong in the calculation of combat power. If it is in the E-Star field, the ultimate combat power that I can express may have been resolved. The enemy will be more effective in the use of troop strength than it is now. Constant temptation."

"Maybe Yue Zhong guessed right, even if it is not the scientific research institute where A-star space folding technology is located, it must be a very important experimental site." Isabella can't keep still when she hides, she must be based on The search team's actions are constantly changing their position so that they will not be more discovered by the other party. "Since it is a folding space... will our previous ideas have no problems, they only need an obscure corner to build a complete Laboratory."

  The fifth interval contact, Yue Zhong was on the forty-seventh floor, and Isabella also came to the third floor, about to leave the guest room floor to enter the resting place of the **** girl.

  Isabella told Yue Zhong about the problems she had thought of, and then said: "I am afraid that such a rough search will not get results, maybe their laboratory is hidden in a room on a certain guest floor."

"There is no better way now. The security guard has added an average of manpower to each floor. It is impossible to judge where it will be from the key defense." Yue Zhong responded, "I will continue to search for the floor, you are on the first floor If you don’t find anything on the second floor, you will be led outside."

"Understood." Isabella knew her current situation, and everyone's attention was on herself instead of paying attention to Yue Zhong hidden in the secret, so Yue Zhong let her act as a bait to lead the security forces away from her. There are no complaints. After all, this situation was caused by her own wayward actions. It is good for Yue Zhong not to blame her.

  In the process of escaping downward, Isabella found that the security party would not appear in the place where there are guests. They should not want to let the entire leisure club fall into riots because of their own. So as long as the place with guests is temporarily safe, what should you do to take advantage of this advantage?

Isabella wearing waiter costumes cannot enter the area of ​​the second floor **** girl in a fair manner. On the one hand, her current image has been exposed, and it is easy to attract attention when it appears suddenly; on the other hand, there are strict regulations on the management of this club. It's easy for men to make contact with the girls here too often, and the club also expects these girls as the core of their services to bring huge profits. It will not be cheap for waiters.

At the beginning of the battle with Yue Zhong, the one with less combat experience will always be defeated by the opponent in a strange way. Many times it is not that his skills are not as good as others, but he is easily subdued by Yue Zhong because he has not noticed some details. If he wants to kill himself, there are countless opportunities.

   At that time, Isabella felt that this opponent was too cunning, and never made a decisive victory with herself, so she felt very annoyed and angry. Yue Zhong said that the observation of the surrounding things and details is often the key to determining the victory and defeat in a comparable match. Isabella was unwilling to accept his statement at the time, but she failed repeatedly to make her understand If I pay attention to those things, I am afraid I will never win Yue Zhong.

   As long as it is related to combat, Isabella always learns quickly, and it is no wonder that Yue Zhong is feeling that soon she has nothing to teach her. Not to mention whether there is any water in Yue Zhong's sentence, will he keep a backhand when he fights Isabella, but at least proves that Isabella's talent in this regard is absolutely quite outstanding.

Since then, Isabella has also developed the habit of carefully observing every place. The ground floor connected to the lift of the exotic paradise is the second floor. Isabella not only discovered what Yue Zhong said before. Groups that don’t do any serious business while wearing doll clothes have also paid attention to the environment on the second floor.

"Neither the main entrance nor the exhibition hall is a place where I can go in, but these girls who only know to dress up to please men will not wash their clothes and clean the room and cook themselves. The waiter can only enter the logistics area, but I am now There is nothing on it, and the goal is great if you enter alone."

Knowing this information is not a difficult thing, just Isabella made observations in advance, so now it is not necessary to spend more time to investigate the intelligence. After having an idea in mind, Isabella continued to avoid the search team and began to look for The best time to enter the logistics area.

After several battles and the reaction of the monitoring data, Isabella’s body shape data has been calculated. Although the Exotic Paradise Club cannot lock the combat limit of Isabella as accurately as E-Star, the general measurement technology At least don't lose to J Starland.

   The second floor is no longer an area where search teams can patrol on a large scale, scaring these girls will affect the state of receiving guests. However, the security agency in Exotic Paradise had its own calculations after several encounters with Isabella. According to Isabella’s course of action, they did not think deeper, only thinking that she was ready to escape from the club after completing the attack.

Since the operation deployment on the guest room floor has failed, positioning the arresting location on the first and second floors with a wide flow of people is likely to cause adverse effects, so the upper-level search team began to evacuate gradually through special passages, preparing to deploy again in outdoor areas To catch Isabella wanted to enter the **** girl’s activity area but did not plan to continue to hide in this identity. On the one hand, she was very repulsive and disgusted with this identity. On the other hand, the **** girl’s movements are often more restricted. If she is not selected by the guests, she will not be able to leave too far. It would be more uncomfortable for her to put down her dignity to receive guests than to kill her.

Compared with myself and Yue Zhong who came to the ramp at first, the girls inside should have been with many guests but still stay here. After all, not all guests have the financial resources to enjoy the last service, or enjoy being surrounded by beautiful women like Mr. Mike. Without feeling out of bounds.

They must know more than themselves. Isabella stubbornly thinks that her previous thoughts must be right. Since Yue Zhong also insisted on his approach, she is ready to try it out to see if she can get the girl from here. We get more information from them.

   Yue Zhong pulled out of the seventy-eighth floor. The long suspension and climbing made him also tired. But until now, their exploration of the space folding laboratory has not made much progress. It makes people feel somewhat discouraged.

  Now Isabella has led most of the people away. Yue Zhong noticed that she stayed on the second floor and soon realized what she wanted to do.

"Do you think my plan is too inefficient?" Yue Zhong jumped over to the 88th floor storage room and jumped in again through the ventilation window. There happened to be a waiter who was picking up things. When he saw Yue Zhong, he just wanted to call When he made a noise, he was knocked out by a punch. "It's really bad luck."

After steady landing, Yue Zhong took out the hallucinogenic spray in his pocket and sprayed it on the waiter’s face: "Then the task of exploring the location of the scientific research institute will be given to you first, and suddenly I think there are other things. To do."

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