Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 747: Roshan Blood Pond

   opened the strategic perspective of the fantasy mode. It was not flesh and blood that flew under her death storm, but the red halo that shattered into a spot of light, like a torrent of debris wrapped under the storm, and it was irresistible.

Yue Suling is still afraid of the black figure in her heart, even if she is convinced by countless reasons, even if she always picks her faults in daily life to prove that she is not as good as herself, she still fears, otherwise she will not As for keeping the other person in my heart all day, I tried every means to bring her down.

Worried about whether the utopian did something during the period when he could not be sure, or who he saw, he has learned to ignore his life in family education and regard it as a slave who can be sacrificed at any time. Yue Suling decided to use the blood of the soldiers of the Internal Affairs Army to dispel his greatest fears.

"Monster, monster!" Without the **** fighting will, tens of thousands of internal forces quickly collapsed under the impact of a utopian person. They saw their companions were rolled into that stream of death storm In the sky of meaningless flesh and dust, even the people who survived the disaster continued to sound the dreaming artillery fire and were stricken with blood. Their weapons could not threaten the light that ran all the way, even locked No goal can be achieved, as if the meaning of being here is arbitrary.

There was no battle that could win, and the soldiers of the Internal Affairs Army instinctively fled towards the safest place. No one ran far away in the wild environment of Shino, because they ran fast and scattered again, but it was too fast. The speed is faster than the speed of the naval gun, so the solid iron surface structure becomes the best escape option. If you can enter the intricate roads under the iron prison, you will be lucky to avoid the fantasy pursuit and survive As for the punishment of deserters by the Internal Affairs Army, it is no longer a question they can consider now. No matter how punitive the penalties are, it is more terrible than the body being slammed into the sky.

The crowd of bees crowding into the entrance gate of the iron jail was undoubtedly shoved in the desperate state. The soldiers who were not strong enough when they were crowded naturally fell to the ground, and the people behind stepped on them without mercy. The body continued to flee to the depths, screams and wailings followed one after another, and a trampled, muddy road of flesh and blood paved the way for the survivors to survive.

No matter how wide the entrance gate of Tie prison is, but it can't accommodate so many people, from a strategic perspective, the rest of the red dots have all gathered into a bloated and long line, it seems that they want to rush into the prison named Tie prison In order to prevent the iron from being flattened by a single shot, she released an interstellar torpedo towards the enemy's gathering place.

A huge explosion comparable to the Army's heavy artillery blasted in the crowd. Thousands of people were directly flew into the sky by the huge air waves. The impact and shrapnel caused by the explosion were almost absorbed by the soldiers of the Internal Force. Wang Xueshui's meat pit was formed on the spot, and the soldiers who flew to the sky and fell heavily also smashed into a pool of meat, making the screams resounding in the sky silent for a moment.

There are too many people. Without accurate single killing, there will always be a fish that missed the net. The killing of the utopian finally let thousands of the fastest running soldiers of the internal army escape into the iron prison, and the utopian sees no one. I ran in front of myself, so there was hardly any hesitation, and I rushed up in a flash.

The iron prison was completely dark. All the prison guards and civilians had disappeared for a long time. The main gate of the lighting system was also cut off. After the fantasy was chased in, he suddenly thought that he could not attack at will. The structure of the prison caused serious damage. Looking at the red dots running around in front of them and their descending heights, Utopia stood in the door stupidly and did not respond for a long time.

"It's really annoying, obviously catching up, and let Homura add me individual weapons in the future." Utopia looked at these red dots a little upset, so he lifted it from the strategy mode and began to observe the situation here with a naked eye. .

Illuminated by the ship's lights, the lobby of Tielong Prison was instantly clear, and the documents scattered all over the floor were still telling how rushed the previous emergency evacuation was, the roof beams, pillars, floors, tables, chairs and benches in the lobby. With a sense of cold, the quiet environment and the fresh blood stains are chilling. Although Utopia is the ship's mother riding the Xinghai, their battlefields are composed of the most gorgeous artillery and explosions, intertwined in the light of the Xinghai. It's their dreams, not the blood that stings humanity.

Subconsciously wanting to evade all this, her dreamy silver long hair flicked around, and when her eyes saw everything at the entrance, as well as the thick fog of blood foam that had not yet dissipated in the sky, her golden eyes instantly enlarged, There was no accident of kneeling down and violent vomiting.

"No!" The body senses of the ship's mother are several times stronger than ordinary people. The physiological response is particularly intense when she feels vomiting. It seems that the nausea that all the internal organs must spray from the body is constantly haunting. Asura was affected by the hell-like scene and lost his autonomy. The crimson red floating in the blood fountain of the meat pit is the deepest color that stains and stains the soul.

   A lot of physical energy was consumed on the physiological reaction of vomiting, waiting for the dream to feel that she spit out all the food she ate for three days, and large pieces of food residue and acid water were formed on the ground, and she had no strength to stand up again.

  Is it all I did just now?

   Impossible is impossible. I destroyed all the enemies, all enemies that would explode into alloy debris with a bang, how could it be like this, how could it be a human body, I kill? I'm killing! Still so many, so many, I did something bloodier and cruel than all the horror stories, vomit, vomit!

Utopian eyes that have always been energetic have lost their brilliance. With the continuous development of civilization and technology, this direct **** scene has long been insulated from the ship's mother. If she still gallops on the sea of ​​stars, she will never be exposed to war. The most cruel and desperate scenes, the similarly crippled corpses and the imagination of the treatment they have suffered can always bring a direct psychological impact on people. Utopia has not seen blood and experienced countless inhumans since childhood. Torture, even without practicing the indifference that Xiao Meiyan ignores all, seeing such a scene, and then thinking about it was caused by one hand, it will inevitably collapse.

The utopian knelt down at the gate of the iron prison is no longer the death storm that just drove around. When her concept of war has undergone a tremendous change, she is just a young girl who has not been involved in the world but has encountered sudden changes. Utopia also has Because of his kindness, he cannot accept the red dots that must be eliminated on behalf of the enemy. Why did he become an incomplete body?

   In fact, something that should have been psychologically prepared, but it was not imagined in advance because of the personality and pure thinking of the dream.

   "Is it so fragile?"

  Through the only surveillance camera in operation, Yue Suling saw the fantasy and helpless figure across the screen, and silently turned the tea cup in his hand. It seems that everything is not as complicated as one might think, and the fantasy is easier to deal with than expected. It seems that the sacrifices of the soldiers of the internal affairs are somewhat redundant, but fortunately it is not an irreparable loss. Under the current economic situation of Algiers, There are so many people who want to be soldiers.

  Frankly speaking, Yue Suling was also the first to see such a terrible thing like Roshan Blood Pond. She endured no expression, and didn’t want her maid to wait around to see any imperfections in her.

   "Are you still not doing it?" Yue Suling spit out a word indifferently.

"Miss, Master Xiaonan is here to look for you!" Upon hearing this news, Yue Suling's complexion changed instantly. Like the end of the severe winter is like a spring blossom, she brought infinite tenderness and spoiling, she quickly turned off The surveillance camera stood up and saw Li Xiaonan's tears on his face pushed open the door and ran in.

   The little guy shouted with a cry: "Mother, Xiaobei ripped off the picture of the big sister I found!"

The elder sister in her mouth is naturally Xiao Meiyan, the dark-haired girl who left a deep impression and beautiful beauty in Li Xiaonan’s young heart at the first sight. Ever since she knew that Xiao Meiyan had been in Algiers, And his mother also controls the power here, so he can’t wait for people to search for everything related to Xiao Meiyan, but his sister Li Xiaobei hates his brother’s naive behavior, so there is this A scene appeared, and more than once.

"Xiao Nan, don't cry." Yue Suling bent down and hugged Li Xiaonan in his Her son inherited his father's ordinary looks, but he didn't have any scientific research talents, and he didn't Too much loved by Li Peiyun, if the mother who does not spoil him a little, the little guy is too pitiful.

However, Li Xiaobei was naturally tacitly approved by Yue Suling. Li Xiaonan only collected anything related to Xiao Meiyan, which would be revealed to Yue Xiaoling by Yue Suling. Some of her mothers did not For the things that are convenient to do, it is more appropriate for the daughter to do it.

Xiao Meiyan is Yue Suling's most feared and most wanted opponent. How could she allow her son to indulge in the shadow left by the other party, even if it was an unintentional move, Yue Yueling's eyes are also particularly vicious .

  Children’s attention is always easy to divert. Sooner or later, Li Xiaonan will forget the sleeping beauty in the forest and her independent smile like a lifetime?

  Yuesu Ling didn't go to see the situation of Utopia again. In her judgment, Utopia, which had entered into a collapsed state, completely fell into the trap of her own design.

When the utopia was bracing the body and wanted to stand up slowly, the shadow missed by the battleship lighting suddenly blew through a wind-like figure. She did not have any hostile signs on the star map, and even there was no such thing in her own way. There was no trace of mud and water close to the fantasy, and the fist shining with black light was like a black hole that swallowed everything, and suddenly swayed behind the fantasy.

   The fist penetrated the powerful energy shield of the battleship, shattered the invisible armor protecting the fantasy, and the unstoppable fist was extended. The next step was to smash the fantasy head.

  The instinct of life can make the utopian brain react, but the body seems to be in a state of fear out of control, and it has not been able to execute the commands of the brain.

   That punch came suddenly.

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