Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 786: Qu Bing

The internal military officers who had lived during Xiao Meiyan’s reign had a fear of this seemingly weak black-haired girl who could not be eradicated. The threat to life and freedom under the **** of power and violence was only a trivial point. They are more afraid of the ubiquitous shadows when the night falls, like the Takihara under the shadow of the devil, the endlessness in the shadows is always silent and unknown, taking life and even existence, and the unimaginable horror is hidden in There it operates around her will. It has been witnessed by many people and spread all over the planet. Those who dare to oppose her have always gone through the focus of life after madness and despair.

The complete disintegration of physiology and soul is like the separation of a wise existence into a lifeless body tissue cells, organs and even a broken soul, which can be felt by just watching, this fear is completely wiped out Everyone rebelled against her courage, so it was only at the moment when Xiao Meiyan appeared that the veteran officers were so nervous and frightened.

The chaotic internal army is like a spark falling into the sea of ​​oil as Xiao Meiyan keeps approaching. With the first point lit, it instantly burns into a raging fire, instantly burning the lonely and decaying outside the gate of the scientific research institute. Excited and majestic, the scattered gunshots fired towards Xiao Meiyan and disappeared in front of her eyes without any surprises, and appeared in the shooter's eyebrows and shot a burning blood hole.

  Xiao Meiyan is expressionless, but in the eyes of those officers it is indeed the most horrible evil smile in the world. They turned to Yue Suling for survival. Now that more horrible girls have appeared, it is no surprise that they rebelled again.

"Master Xiaomeiyan is back, everyone lays down his weapon, and immediately shoots if he doesn't obey the order!" The leading major is naturally under the greatest pressure. He dare not stare at Xiaomeiyan for a second, but his hoarseness is still exhausted. Roaring and giving orders.

The vast majority of people laid down their weapons under the reprimand of the chief, but there were still a few officers and soldiers who were afraid of Yue Suling in their hearts and tried to rebel against them. New recruits, these people soon had a fierce battle with the bloodshot veterans around them.

   The rebellion of the Internal Affairs Army did not surprise Xiao Meiyan, but she hoped that the chaos here would not end so quickly, so she had not tried to stop the rebels.

Her performance was naturally understood by the veterans of the Internal Affairs Army to be dissatisfied, so all the soldiers who defected were thrown into the suppression of the stubborn guys, and countless lasers passed through the air. At the same time, there were continuous explosions. , Soon the **** smell spread to the whole square in front of the door, and the remaining few people stood in a daze and shivered.

They don’t understand everything today, why are there so many people who dare to rebel under the high-pressure rule of Yuesu Ling, thinking of this, they would accidentally look at Xiao Meiyan who walked in front of the Internal Affairs Army, is this girl really better than Yue Is Su Ling scary?

   These people are the living mouths left by Xiao Meiyan. When they saw the purple and black shadows on their bodies, they knew that this was the internal force soldiers that Xiao Meiyan will manifest. They quickly stopped the fire, which saved the lives of several of them.

  Xiao Meiyan strode through the meteor. The soldiers on the way evaded and expanded a five-meter-wide passage. Everyone lowered their heads in unison, preventing their eyes from being noticed by Xiao Meiyan.

  Xiao Meiyan who walked to the front of the group looked up and asked, "Is Li Peiyun inside?"

   "I don't know..." The soldiers under Xiao Meiyan's gaze also lowered their heads, feeling the dark and desperate temperament of the other person's body, and there was no trace of resistance.

Xiao Meiyan did not press any further questions, waved them away, and also said: "Help me tell Yuesu Ling, I will wait for her here to explain everything to me, if she does not come, how she treated Eminem Fu, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy the same treatment."

There are not many people who know about Amf's affairs, but they are not too few. At least they are well-known in the internal affairs army. The dark-haired girl in front of you said this without fluctuations, as if it was as simple as eating and drinking. The matter made some surviving soldiers even more helpless. How dare they tell such words to Yue Suling, who was also terrified in their eyes?

  Xiao Meiyan was always not very patient when talking to strangers. When she saw a few people without movement, she squinted her eyes irritably, and said to the major officer in charge of the defensive research institute: "You sent someone to send them over."

   didn't wait for the other party to respond after speaking, and went straight toward the door of the scientific research institute.

"Master Xiaomeiyan be careful, there is..." The major officer looked at Xiaomeiyan's movements and just wanted to remind her that the scientific research institute under the protection of Tianli Circle was very dangerous, but everything she saw before she finished Was shocked.

The colorless, invisible and indestructible defensive ring in their eyes was quickly revealed by the touch of Xiao Meiyan's fingers, with the white jade's flawless index finger sliding The brilliance of the ring moves like a melodic note controlled by the conductor.

Xiao Meiyan, who has conducted in-depth research on it, no longer needs to use force to break the protection of Tianli Circle. Her time line flutters gently and during the period, she quickly found the transformation made by Li Peiyun. The rhythm after the change is constantly pulling away the cocoon, and a little bit of the original anxiety and the main melody are out of order.

   When Xiao Meiyan's fingertips moved away from the wall of the Tianli ring, a low whisper sounded and meandered. The Tianli ring formed a vertical arch in front of Xiaomeiyan, and then the light curtain supporting the sky slowly dissipated.

"After studying for so long, I still have the old ideas." Xiao Meiyan commented on Li Peiyun's transformation of Tianli Circle. He should understand that if he wants to stop himself or cause some trouble to himself, he must be from Morong Technology. There is another way, but Li Peiyun is stubborn with his original research system to continue to develop the possibility of Tianli Circle. If his opponent is not Xiao Meiyan, then there is no problem. Perhaps Yue Suling’s momentum really makes him think that Xiao Meiyan Will it solve the circle of heaven and earth through a simple technology?

The officers of the garrison research institute stared at them dumbfounded as they once bombarded the imposing Tianli Circle with thousands of energy cannons and opened the door to Xiao Meiyan so easily. Lord Xiao Meiyan is mighty, Li Peiyun is likely to be inside!"

  Xiao Meiyan turned her head, her long hair fluttered to block half of her side face. She picked up the flattering officer of the major, and scared the other party quickly and lowered her head.

   "Mighty is not good to describe girls." Xiao Meiyan corrected his mistake expressionlessly, and then said: "To order all the armed forces on the Algiers star to gather and arm around the scientific research institute."


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