Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 804: Decisive battle news

After the picnic, Xiao Meiyan himself returned to the Central Research Institute, but he did not take Li Xiaobei away and left her with Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong, who had already arranged tasks for Veneto, had nothing to do and he didn’t need to. To interfere in the battle of Algiers and even the entire AL star field, everything needs to wait until the day when the change comes.

   Yue Zhong sat on the lawn and watched the flames flying in the night sky, but Li Xiaobei could not sit around and wander around him.

   "Master, what are you waiting for?"

   looked up at Li Xiaobei, Yue nodded and said: "You don't seem to worry about your family's future destiny at all."

"It can be seen that Niang is no match for Master, but Xiaobei is still there." Li Xiaobei squatted to Yue Zhong and shook his arm. "As long as there is Xiaobei, the Li family will definitely not fall, but Master. Can you tell me what you plan to do?"

"You are spying on the military. Did you guess what I said to Xiaoyan and I guessed something?" Yue Zhong pulled out his hand and stood up, pointing to the lawn road in front of him. I will tell you how much you insist on, and start from the beginning."

   Li Xiaobei's smile collapsed at once. Of course she knew that squatting is a compulsory course to learn martial arts, but she likes to use her cleverness but dislike this kind of water mill exercise method: "Is there no more effective way?"

"You can ask your sister tomorrow this question, I believe she can give you a better way, but Master I will use this traditional method, if you don't want to endure hardships." Yue Zhong seems to have eaten Li Xiaobei Will not suppress curiosity, so it doesn't matter.

   Unsurprisingly, Li Xiaobei jumped up and flicked her hair and ran honestly to take a horse step. Yue Zhong looked at it and found nothing wrong. It seemed that she had already done her homework in advance.

   "So let me talk about when Homura and I just arrived at Planet Aura..."

This night is very long, and different moods under different stars. Li Xiaobei is in pain but also pleased. All the unknown and the secret are infinitely attractive to her. Imagine that even the body pain can be forgotten. . Yue Zhong's generalization ability is very strong, and there is no nonsense from the beginning, and he constantly explains his various layouts and opinions in it, without leaving any reservation to Li Xiaobei's own way of thinking and experience.

In Veneto, far away from the sand star, when Sailon Schepper took the fleet to leave the sand star, she landed. After receiving the personnel left on the sand star, her fiery eyes looked at the starry sky and turned to walk in. In the huge transformation workshop, the technical preparation of the Super Veneto program has never been stalled. Xiao Meiyan returned to the Central Scientific Research Institute to re-verify it and announced the completion. In the next period of time, Veneto will complete the final Andrea Doria, they will stay to guard the safety of her sand star.

After knowing Veneto's move, Salen? Shep went to the Star Zone more at ease. After all, Yue Zhong wouldn't let Veneto stay on the sand star for transformation, as long as they didn't calculate, as long as they didn't dig and bury. There is no problem with the rising planet bomb.

In a wider world, the battle of the Brittany Star Zone has entered a fierce stage, and both sides have completed the preparations for the final decisive battle. Each new era battle with a card and confidence is on the verge; S Star led by Sukhbaatar The domain army also approached the core control area of ​​the A-Star Parker Philippine Sea Fleet. Retreat to Chester? William is also ready to prepare for the decisive battle.

Liao () Ning, without any accident, defeated the little emperor of C Star Territory and entered the Forbidden Star Miracle City. With the support of major families, he received all the control area sites without encountering too many obstacles. After reaching a non-aggression treaty, S Star Territory started a decisive battle with Kart at both ends of the faint yellow star river.

Algiers star walked from dusk to late night, exhausted Li Xiaobei listened to the story told by Yue Zhong, and lay down on the grass unconsciously, fell asleep, Yue Zhong could only hug her to the newsletter The female soldiers at the station took them to their dorms to rest.

Thinking of sleeping and still drooling, Li Xiaobei, Yue Zhong is much more at ease than Xiao Meiyan. Although his mind is more complicated, he can see people straight through his heart, compared with the young boys and girls who have begun to shape their world outlook and temperament The plasticity of a child is undoubtedly much higher. Even if she has some secrets that she cannot tell others, more of them are still innocent.

When the sky was bright on the second day, Li Xiaobei, who woke up on the strange bed, saw Yue Zhong at first glance, and the clear, angel-like eyes at that moment when he first woke up were immediately covered by a touch of cunning and pulled. The quilt blocked his little arm and calf: "Master, how do you peek at people sleeping?"

"The sun can't get up but can't get up. This is not the habit of those who learn martial arts." Although Yue Zhong said this, there was no angry expression on his face. At first, he spent a long time to overcome the habit of sleeping lazy. At that time, Meihong stared at him like this every day, "I can't get up before dawn every day, and I will come to the bed to guard you until you form a habit."

  Li Xiaobei didn't know what inexplicable way this was, and he whispered in the second half of his face hidden under the quilt: "Master, did you get up so early and did you not have that life with your mother-in-law?"

   "Smelly girl is pretty gossip, hurry up to me." Yue Zhong smiled and disguised his embarrassment, threatened with the alloy spear as a stick and danced, "Otherwise you will spank you."

Li Xiaobei looked around. There was no maid waiting for her to dress up and change her clothes. She could only pull down a set of martial arts clothes neatly folded into the quilt, pointing at the doorway and saying, "Master, go out first, Don’t you have to look at my clothes?"

Yue Zhong shrugged his shoulders, and when he walked outside, he met the female communication soldier who hurriedly rushed: "Yue I just received a battle report saying that the battlefields started fighting together at 6 this morning. Now."

"All battlefields?" Yue Zhongwen's eyes narrowed, and the news came a few days earlier than he expected. If it wasn't for Veneto, he had already made a strategic plan to capture Saxing in advance and successfully drove Sylon? Going, then Veneto, who has not entered the transformation process, is difficult to do nothing in the eyes of all parties.

A light brown skin, a pretty pretty female soldier nodded and said: "The two major theaters of the F Star Zone, the Brittany Star Zone, and the Parkway Star Sea Midway Star Zone, were actively attacked by the Allied forces. The forces do not know whether they are affected by the war between the two sides, and the universe time has only fought in the past half an hour."

   "I know, let's go down." Yue Zhong waved towards the female soldier. The latter gave Yue Zhong a pity, but could only twist his pretty posture and leave.

"It seems that Ulster's ability to control the overall situation of the world has never been weakened. Although there have been many waves and accidents, the world has finally reached this step according to his will." Yue Zhong stood outside the door and said to himself He said to himself, "He should be aware that this is the last afterglow of the Admiral's era, and every day there will be one more variable, so he can't help but open the curtain of the event."

   "Master, isn't this a good thing, do we have to do something." Li Xiaobei didn't know when to get dressed and walked behind Yue Zhong. She also heard the news of the female soldier just now, so she asked eagerly.

   Yue Zhong looked back at the neatly dressed Li Xiaobei. It was a surprise that no maid waited for her to wear it like this: "Nothing needs to be done. The day you really want to do is also the day you leave this world."

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