Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 864: Limitations of talent

The orbital bombardment and bombing of the Abyssal Fleet fell like raindrops on the border military planets. Even though the energy reserve here is extremely rich, it is always limited by the local shield energy supply. It is always in danger of being broken. The royal navy ship girls may be able to escape, but the defense of the S-Star Capital Star Zone is bound to be broken. Humans may have a large number of star zones, and even the S-Star Capital Star will be conquered. It was a huge blow to the morale of the human coalition.

Nelson and others who have been shrinking the defense line in the sky have been able to be observed at close range. The field of their ship's mother has been fully opened, and the accuracy of the shelling within the Bizhong range has been greatly enhanced, but they are not good at precision strikes themselves. Firepower suppresses the legendary warship mother who annihilates the enemy more than a dozen times. The dozen or so abyss main battleships they face can only seek to destroy their kinetic energy as much as possible and cannot sink them completely. The distress caused to them is quite huge.

   The strength is not fully exerted. The enemy ship mother is more like provoking them and getting too close to try to sink them. The slower speed makes Nelson and Rodney passively resist.

"Nelson, lift the ban. If you don't do it, you are very dangerous, and the border military planets are also very dangerous." The unicorn pursed her lips as though she was thoughtful. She is not an outstanding ship mother. The so-called realm has always been insulated from her. The dream-like super-normal posture has only appeared on a few people, but I heard that the formation of the ship's motherland will be easier after the ship is gathered, but I still can't find the threshold.

She can’t soar in combat power in a short time, so all the carrier aircraft stored on the border defense planets can’t be put into battle, otherwise the overly bloated array can’t take advantage of the carrier aircraft, only the carrier of the abyssal fleet The machine compresses the annihilated shares.

  Defending the line of defense is her highest order. As the mother of the aircraft carrier, she is now the core of the annihilation of the abyssal fleet. She does not have the prohibition issued by Ulster and does not understand its strategic significance.

"The order is the order, and even if you die, you must keep it." Nelson really rejected the unicorn's proposal very simply. After all, she was the supreme commander here. "I understand what you mean. Sure to sink part of the abyss ship. It will not allow us to be assimilated into the void so quickly, but the status of the Admiral is now more embarrassing and difficult. As the Royal Navy, he must obey his orders unconditionally, otherwise the Admiral will even be in danger of life."

The value of the admiral lies in the control of the ship’s mother. With the liberation of the ship’s mother, the command of the admiral is no longer absolute, especially in the fleet of the Royal Navy, which has a high degree of command authority, the new batch of ships Niang seems to be influenced by a certain concept, always trying to put aside the admiral to do everything herself, and the act of disobedience is becoming more and more frequent.

Being on the front line of the battlefield, making your own judgment based on the actual situation of the battle is difficult for people to hold them accountable, because the admiral no longer comes to the battlefield, there will always be blunders or misjudgments in the command, they do nothing more than In order to win more easily, the power and role of the admiral were also unknowingly elevated.

When humans have become accustomed to the autonomy of the ship's mother, and the more powerful ship's mother has the highest command authority, the admiral will face an extremely embarrassing situation. No one dared to object when they were in power, even if the A star domain dealt with it. Chester William can only focus on beating, and now they are gradually losing power. After the star domains leave them, they can still have a strong fighting power. Before the absolute military power, the suppressed cattle, ghosts and snakes will jump out, and even assassination is not. impossible.

Even in the battle of life and death, the intrigue still exists, but Yue Zhong plays the disgraceful role in it. Others are fighting **** the front line, but he hides behind to make a stumbling block. If one day Ulster is true 'S death was under his own gun. The culprit could only be Yue Zhong. He killed people without a knife but it was chilling.

   "Our perseverance is the last amulet of the Admiral, and we must defend even if we die!" Nelson's cry was loud and loud, and she would rather give up this line of defense than go against Ulster's previous ban.

And perseverance comes at a price. The two battleship warships, Nelson and Rodney, were continuously hit by injuries after continuous hits. If it were not for their fascinating energy distribution efficiency, they would be replaced by other battleships with slightly less war experience. The ship's mother was already sunk by the abyssal fleet.

   The unicorn smiled bitterly. She knew that her proposal must arouse Nelson's disgust. They are all people who can give everything to the advisor, and they are not far away from anyone. It is difficult for her to really like a person, and she will not hate a person. The blossoming of flowers is the beautiful bloom and the withering of the withering. The only thing in the world that she cherishes is the beauty and life that are still in bloom. The defense line is for more Human security, even if the abyssal fleet is so strong that it cannot be resisted, at least we must earn time for those humans to evacuate.

   "There is no choice, there is no escape route." The unicorn seems to understand what in the disagreement with Nelson, she chose to obey and retreat. Others have done their best, and the rest is only themselves.

  If the Royal Ark is here, what would she do?

Because the personality is too gentle, the unicorn is also very forgiving of herself, and there is almost no time to push herself into desperation to think, but now she really has to face the dilemma, only she has a trace of the peace that may break the battlefield. The fleet won the possibility of victory.

The carrier-based aircraft exceeding the limit of the unicorn's limit was launched into the air, and went straight to the most dazzling abyss flagship in the starry sky. The only thing she can do now is to put the carrier-based aircraft into the abyss flagship without the interception of local aircraft carriers. Next to the Nelson and Rodney shelling to complete the final kill.

The problem that the seemingly easy plan had to face was a ten-fold gap between the number of enemy and enemy carrier aircraft. The information fed back in the unicorn’s mind almost filled her consciousness to collapse, but she still tried her best. It can avoid the movement of being intercepted and eliminated by enemy aircraft.

The engagement of carrier-based aircraft has always been the most elaborate control in Star Wars. It is scattered from a cluster to each individual. Only by ensuring that they are fully moved within the formation can they avoid damage to the greatest extent. The unicorn forcefully puts the spirit into each. Above a carrier-based aircraft, darting against the interception of the abyssal fleet rushed towards the abyss flagship.

It bursts like fireworks, and disappears like a sinking sea. The falling of every carrier aircraft hurts the unicorn's spiritual will, as if the torn body fell into the sea of ​​storm. The only kind of pain is that of the mother carrier. Know.

   But even though the overdraft of vitality still can't see the victory, the prototype of the ship's domain has not appeared on the unicorn. It may require talent, and it has nothing to do with will.

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