Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 880: Off-plan

   "And you have to disappear, otherwise I can't rest assured." Yue Zhong's words were aggressive, revealing all the time that he wanted to cause Ulster to die.

   Ulster is not good, but he is not angry because of these words, but Hood behind can't sit still.

In the past, Yue Zhong did not want her to return to the Royal Navy, and buried Hood's core cabin in the abandoned mine pit of the Sand Star Development Base. Like a heart-wrenching man.

If possible, Hood wanted to directly bomb Yue Zhong with a naval gun, but when she just raised the idea in her mind, Xiao Meiyan Ling Xun's eyes fell on Hood, as if she had stripped off her coat. Look directly at the coldness of the soul.

   "Hood, sit down." Ulster knows that there is Xiao Meiyan who can't move Yue Zhong here. "We are waiting for you at the Capitol building at 16:00 local time in G Star Domain."

   "We are not going to the Capitol now?"

"To establish a new headquarters, the situation in the Europa galaxy is already very critical. You need to fully understand the situation." Ulster said, "Even if you want Veneto to become the banner to replace the Admiral, you must first put the abyssal fleet. The problem is handled well."

   Suspended locomotives made a heavy roar, like a phantom passing through the streets of the capital star of G star field, as if deliberately venting the anger hidden in Ulster's heart.

  After arriving at the highest command, Ulster put Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan down and drove away, and Hood did not stay together, because Reinhardt was already waiting inside.

Relying on the frontline warship and fighting and retreating to restrain the abyssal fleet, the war has not yet burned to the capital star of the G star field, but with the influx of a large number of refugees, this planet that reveals the solemn and strong planet is filled with pain. The people who lost their homes were most dissatisfied with the human coalition. More than half of them were reluctant to accept the new work arranged by the human coalition. Instead, they set up a portable tent on the back of the street, eating and drinking every day while cursing The incompetent way of the human coalition serves as a pastime.

A large part of the refugees who moved here are the people of S Starland. Their biggest daily needs are not food, entertainment, and the opposite sex, but vodka. It took less than half a month to come here. The wine reserves are almost consumed by them. Refugees who are not productive and drink alcohol every day have caused great trouble to the security of the G star territory capital star. From the day they arrived, various crime rates have shown a linear increase. trend.

Because they are refugees, the previous methods of dealing with the hostile elements behind them are not good for them. Otherwise, it will cause many conflicts that are more serious than the security problems of refugees. Even the local people who reject these refugees will have panic. They worry that if they also lose their homes and are not treated well, human war enthusiasm and cohesion will be greatly damaged.

During the day, there are many policemen and soldiers patrolling the streets, and Yue Zhong can’t see anything when he is in the car, but when he gets off the car, he can feel that he is being stared at by bad eyes, if he and Xiao Meiyan are not directly commanding the tribe at the highest level. Feet, I am afraid that there are already drunk refugees who have come forward without fear and even tried to commit crimes.

"The despair that is deposited here is not a small amount, and it is almost the same as the original Witch Destruction." Xiao Meiyan police felt that Yue Zhong was behind him, just like when she returned to see Takihara, she was all soldiers. It will unwittingly provoke disaster itself, and when despair reaches a certain level, the chance of disaster will increase greatly.

   Yue Zhong gently hugged Xiao Meiyan's shoulder and said, "Is there a way to solve it?"

  Xiao Meiyan glanced coldly: "In the same way that the dark ruled Takihara in the past, it is the best way to make these war-wounding people with negative emotions disappear."

"It's still forget, letting you solve the refugee problem all by yourself is a lot of money." There are many people fleeing from the front line, and they are placed on various administrative planets such as G Star Zone and F Star Zone. Some of them are among them. It is still willing to invest in industrial production and technology research and development. The remaining refugees who have nothing to do have caused security problems and a certain amount of panic, but appropriate pressure is also a means to catalyze the momentum of war.

  Xiao Meiyan nodded, she likes to deal with the problem in a straightforward way, but since Yue Zhong feels that she is not necessary, she will not be entangled, after all, it is not them who are so distraught by these refugees.

"Is it true that you scared Ulster just now? I think he might have secret agreement with the disappearing Ogi. The world in which Miyagi Saki is now probably already incorporated into the system of panplane organization. Inviting Fan Hanshi or other people who hunted us in advance, I am afraid we will leave the seven galaxies in advance." Xiao Meiyan seems to have made a defensive arrangement, and her tight body relaxed slightly.

   Yue Zhong looked at the various navy flags flying above the highest command of the Europa Galaxy and said, "Do you think he will be taken seriously?"

  Xiao Meiyan turned her head and asked, "Isn't it right?"

"It would be nice if it were taken seriously." Yue replayed the arm on Xiao Meiyan's took her hand and slowly walked towards the command post, "I know there are omniplane observers From that day on, it’s only a matter of time before we reveal where we are. If Ulster is facing an unfavorable situation and doesn’t want to die so much, he will definitely seek new variables.”

   The pace of the two people has always been the same, and there is no difference between the walks. Xiao Meiyan's empty hands are used to lift long hair: "That's good?"

"The legal court and the observer are not one system. Their needs in the seven galaxies are different, so it is a sure thing that disputes arise between each other. On the premise that they cannot interfere with the original plane by force, the most likely compromise is to After solving the troubles of the Abyssal Fleet, we shot to us, so that VV can get more attention." Yue Zhong explained patiently, "You are worried about the people in the court, I am also vigilant to the observer. If they do not have any worries, they may have accidents that we cannot deal with. The powerful opponents will not be defeated by external forces. However, if the internal contradictions are used well, their strength will be limited."

  Xiao Meiyan understood, nodded and said: "This is your usual style of acting. With so many deployments, they would be hard to think about not paying attention to VV."

"The premise is that VV can successfully achieve the general trend. Before that, everything is still uncertain. All we have to do is pave the road for her." After Yue Zhong said his eyes had been placed at the mouth of the command department, Reinhardt stood upright Then stood there.

   His expression was unsmiling, his eyes gleaming coldly, and Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan had no emotion.

  Just preparing to go up to say hello, Xiao Meiyan slightly pulled Yue Zhong's hand: "VV has something to tell you, and sent him early."

  Yue repeated her head and nodded: "I see."

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