Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 901: Nelson's contempt

Because Xiao Meiyan did not perform information partitions, two strange people suddenly appeared in the base of the military planet and were quickly revealed by the human coalition commander. The first flagship ship mothers who returned to the rear to repair were from the Saint Petersburg star. When Nelson withdrew from the district, she seemed to have a lot of opinions about Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan. After confirming the identity of the two, she directly dropped her hat on the ground and rushed over with two dark circles.

At this time, Yue Zhong was still at least, like this in Xiao Meiyan's eyes. After feeling that the ship's high maneuvering figure was approaching, her purple eyes turned to lock the other party in an instant, and Nelson sailed to At a distance of five meters in front of Xiao Meiyan, she was blocked by some unknown powerful force, and no matter how much the engine advanced, she could no longer move forward.

"Xiao Meiyan!" As a battleship warship, Nelson is not as weak as the current Abyssal Fleet, and the black girl in front of her looks like a delicate body that gives her a sense of oppression far beyond the Abyssal Fleet. The most powerful flagship ship mother, as a powerful battleship, was immaturely like a child in the eyes of the other party. Her eyesight can make her difficult to move. If you really want to kill yourself, I am afraid it will not cost much time.

She could only use her voice to show her sense of existence, and then looked into the other person's deep eyes without fear.

Yue Zhong woke up from meditation because of the movements made by Nelson. He didn't know that Nelson was here in advance. It was also a whim to come to this military planet. It was really not for other purposes.

"Nelson? What are you doing." Yue Zhong saw that the engine behind Nelson was still glowing radiantly, and the other party's expression was also very bad. He could not help but frowned, "Stop the engine, and if you are not obedient, flame will put her Throw it into outer space."

"You!" If Yue Zhong shouted to kill Nelson, he was really not afraid of him, but Yue Zhong threatened himself to throw himself into outer space, if other warships saw the majesty of the Royal Navy?

In the end, she was honest, and Xiao Meiyan also relaxed the **** imposed on her, but the ferocity on Nelson's face did not change. This was not a good condition.

Yue Zhong didn’t know where Nelson had such great resentment. When he used to be in the stars, he was more in touch with the Prince of Wales. For the former bgvn, Nelson has always only heard of his name and no one, justified between them. It's not as if they saw each other at once.

"What did you suddenly run over to kill?" Yue Zhong asked.

Nelson glared at Yue Zhong with the single star without any weakness: "Are you okay to ask?"

Yue Zhong shook his head awkwardly: "I really don't know where I offended you."

At this time, her sister ran to Yue Zhong out of control and their Rodney also caught up. She picked up the white feather and black hat that Nelson dropped in one hand, while pulling Nelson to avoid her from doing unfriendly behavior.

After being pulled by his sister, Nelson closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Veneto clearly has such a powerful fighting force, why do you want to hide her in the present, even if you have any political intentions, now the human coalition and the abyss What is she still doing in Starfield during the full battle of the fleet?"

"I don't seem to need to explain it to you." Yue Zhong vaguely understood the reason for Nelson's excitement...If Veneto could participate in the war with the abyssal fleet, the human coalition might not be defeated so quickly, covering the evacuation. Not so many soldiers are sacrificed.

As a legendary ship mother, Nelson should have her self-cultivation and patience. Ordinary deaths should be ordinary in her eyes, unless the kind of sacrifice that is really tragic can not be added, and the ship mother who sacrificed to protect the evacuation of the people and fight for the construction of the defense line. The number of soldiers is far beyond the bottom line she can accept.

Then there will be no more silence. As a person with a conscience and a soul, there will be anxiety to vent when the gully is in the chest.

"Okay, I don't want your explanation, but you remember my words." Nelson's one-eyed whispered, "No matter how promising Veneto's achievements will be in the future, she can't be erased in her life with you as an admiral. The shame of the ship. The purpose of the ship's mother is to fight, no matter how harsh the shackles that were placed on our heads at the beginning, this must be understood from the day we put on the ship."

"But under your guidance, she began to pay attention to more and more things other than fighting, forgetting the original intention of protecting her homeland and the original intention of protecting human beings. Everyone should fulfill their due diligence and make their due contributions, but she did not do it. Maybe. Veneto is now strong enough to look up to us, but she stands idly by while she lives and forgets the countless existence to resist the invasion of the abyssal fleet. An Zhiruotai enjoys our use of life and blood Time and security, busy fulfilling your ambitions to fight for power and profit."

Nelson’s teeth and teeth are full of disdain and contempt: "Why can such Veneto represent the will of our ship’s mother, using the most despicable means to call the justice of the ship’s mother, and to question whether the system of the admirals Correct? Our Admiral is devoted to the deployment and planning of the battle against the Abyssal Fleet. From the very beginning to the present, all your accomplishments are the consequences of the Admiral’s connivance for the overall situation. False hypocrisy puts immature ship warriors into their tanks to overturn the admirers who are really planning for this world. This is the brazenness that I have never seen in Nelson's life!"

Talking freely, Nelson couldn't really do anything to Yue Zhong. Finally, he wanted to spit at him to express contempt and only spit out saliva, which was still unsatisfactory, but still slowed down by Rodney Slowly left.

Nelson's behavior is decent but it allows her to make such a move, Yue Zhong's impression in Nelson's eyes can be imagined.

Xiao Meiyan is very upset with Nelson's language and wants to blame but does not know where to start.

"We are nothing but her, unless shameless." Yue Zhong smiled bitterly and took Xiao Meiyan's hand. "The merits they have laid are the most irrefutable facts in the world. I used to pass Hod's generation before. The Royal Navy's thinking has been completely solidified, and it is impossible to change like vv."

"I just think she has some sense, but it doesn't feel comfortable to listen to it, and she doesn't feel that she really did something wrong." Xiao Meiyan thought, leaning her head.

Nelson and Rodney walked neither fast nor slow, as if deliberately controlling the pace. Yue Zhong said with the voice that they could hear: "It's still a different concept, their actions and spirit deserve respect, but that doesn't mean we will agree... Homura, I sing to you."

Xiao Meiyan frowned, trying to cover her ears and finally gave up.

The song of Yue Zhong’s running tune fluttered, not far or near, just passed into the ears of Nelson and Rodney: “There’s a reason to say that the ship’s mother should go to the battlefield...” ()

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