Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 917: Commemorate

In the end, Bai Shi firmly believed that Yue Zhong didn't care about what he thought. He only needed Bai Shi to believe that what he asked him to do, it didn't matter if he hated himself, if he really had such emotions Is really not afraid. .ωm

After finding the maid in the presidential palace, the other party took himself to Veneto's room. Yue Zhong suppressed the curiosity in his heart and did not turn it around. He just turned around in the elegant and luxurious room and simply washed it in the guest room. He went to bed.

The next morning he was awakened by his biological clock. Yue Zhong opened the door and drove to Veneto who was sitting on the balcony drinking coffee. After a night of military meetings, she was still energetic. Smiled: "Admiral, let's have a cup of espresso first."

Yue Zhong didn't object to drinking coffee. In the past, he sat back and tasted the fragrant coffee in front of him.

"Do you like it? If you are not used to it, please tell me, and I won't prepare it for you next time." Veneto said, holding his coffee cup and his raised feet.

Espresso is not enough for everyone to drink. Veneto hadn't given it to Yue Zhong before.

"It's okay, I have a very strong taste." Yue replayed the coffee cup, which was just a sea of ​​daisies from the balcony. Yesterday I heard the maid said that this is Veneto's favorite flower, so I transplanted it in a large area in a short time. Yes, Veneto will not lose to anyone in terms of enjoyment.

The productivity of the interstellar age is extremely powerful, but because of the uniqueness of the ship’s mother, it is too restricted in its transformation into military power. Therefore, the center of gravity of these productivity is more inclined to civilian industry. This is also the Europa galaxy after receiving so many refugees. Reasons to be able to meet their life needs.

Veneto's behavior was undoubtedly a waste of money for the people during the ancient civilization of the earth with backward productivity, but now it is nothing, no one will make a fuss in this regard, because the people's values ​​are like this, and Yue Zhong is a foreign Turtles are still very different.

Hearing Yue Zhong's own taste, Veneto seemed very happy. She pursued the best in the details of her life, but it was also easy to meet: "After the consultation last night, Richelieu has agreed to sign a joint defense covenant. In the future If she succeeds in occupying the f star domain, she will form an offensive and defensive alliance with the i star domain, but she refused me to send troops to help."

"Liseliu is such a person, and you will get used to dealing with her in the future." Yue Zhong is not curious about why Veneto focused on this matter, because of the changes in the Asiatic galaxy, they can only respond passively for the time being, not Probably thousands of miles past to join the war, "Richelle should be staying in his inaugural speech two days later."

Veneto nodded naturally: "She said she wanted to stay and observe how I did it, and at the same time, give her ship maiden a thought, let them know that the ship maiden can also achieve this level."

After that, no one spoke, but the two were very familiar. Even if they were silent, they would not feel embarrassed. After the maid brought breakfast, Veneto ate slowly and swallowed, and wiped his mouth with a hot towel. I’ll go to the office area of ​​the Presidential Palace, and I’ve prepared an office for you."

Yue Zhong has nothing to do anyway. Maybe after the inaugural speech, Veneto should go to the border defense line to fight the abyssal fleet, and now she can stay with her for a day.

Because before appearing under her hand, Veneto did not take the initiative to take Yue Zhong away. After the decision of the military meeting, she seemed to have recovered the momentum of domination, and she also restrained her admiral.

There were constantly going in and out of the staff and the guards on duty along the way, but Veneto was indifferent and walked among the crowd to ignore it, and others seemed to be used to this, and when Veneto and Yue Zhong walked over, they automatically put down Salute hands continue their work.

A dictator must have the attitude it deserves. Instead of acting like a politician, it should maintain a distance from subordinates to maintain this dignity.

On the third floor, standing opposite the president's office, after Veneto opened the door, there was a modern automated office. The i-level flag and navy flag were placed in front of the stereo imaging table with the same level of authority as the president. Ornaments, a delicate and solemn white military uniform hangs on the sand chair at the back, and the sunlight is projected from the rear spotlight window to every corner of the room. A halo falls on the shoulder badge of the military uniform and the golden ribbon. .

Veneto walked over to pick up the military uniform and handed it to Yue Zhong, looking forward expectantly: "I haven't seen the Admiral in formal military uniform."

"I don't wear military uniform well. That temperament looks like a security guard." Yue Zhong smiled after taking it, "But vv will wear it to you if he wants to."

Veneto nodded with a smile, turned his back to look out the window, heard a rustling voice behind him, then Yue Zhong said: "Okay!"

Veneto's eyes turned a little bit complicated, because as Yue Zhong said, he was not suitable for wearing military uniforms, but it was not the security temperament he said.

Yue Zhong's figure is quite Xi Wu is also very solid, but his temperament is not open enough, and there are often intrigues in his heart, so he looks gloomy.

"It's not like a security guard." Veneto didn't know how to describe it, but just denied Yue Zhong's statement.

Yue Zhong also walked in front of the mirror with curiosity, facing his own dignity in the mirror and said: "Like a gangster's dog-headed military division, yes vv, isn't someone saying you are like a mafia elder sister?"

Veneto had heard similar statements, but she did not deny that she just walked slowly in front of Yue Zhong. Two tall and short people stood in the mirror, and Yue Zhong's momentum was easily given by Veneto Pressed down.

"Image recording." Veneto said brightly in her lips, and a light flashed from the room. Then she walked to the desk to start the procedure, and a holographic image appeared on the imaging table on the right. Image standing in front of the mirror.

After Veneto pulled Yue Zhong back to the sand chair and sat down, standing next to Yue Zhong like a secretary ship: "Record..."

Yue Zhong laughed softly while sitting on the sand chair: "vv you took me to take pictures."

"I'm afraid I will forget what the Admiral looks like in the future..."

I don't know why. When I heard Veneto's words, Yue Zhong felt wet in his eyes. This emotional **** was also full of subtlety. In one sentence, he disappeared from the future and summarized the past years.

"Admiral, change your clothes."

Yue Zhong and Veneto left the Honorable Admiral's office, the door was closed again, the white admiral military uniform was so quietly hung on the back of the sand chair, and the pants were neatly stacked on the seat by Veneto From today, no one will be allowed to move them. Announcement: Biquge app for Android, Apple dedicated version, bid farewell to all advertisements, please pay attention to WeChat public account to enter download and install: appxsyd

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