
Chapter 211 Reclaiming the sea and moving mountains, shield machine!

Treasure Island was completed, and the airport construction plan was put on the agenda. Chen Nian, who was far away in China, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Things at sea finally calmed down completely. After that, for a long time, there should be no storms.

the reason is simple.

The combination of J-20B + island making is really too strong.

The Sky Whale was born nearly 10 years earlier, and its performance has almost doubled, which means that now that the United States is deeply mired in the quagmire of the anti-terrorism war and temporarily unable to touch the South China Sea, we have more time and more abundant resources space to operate on the sea.

The cost of building islands has been greatly reduced. In a very short period of time, we can build one after another "leapfrog" islands in the Xisha waters.

Of course, even if the funds are sufficient, it is impossible for each of these islands to be like Yongxia Island, which will be built in later generations as a large island with an airport, various infrastructures, and even living quarters.

The biggest possibility is that these islands have the ability to take off and land helicopters, and some islands have ports that can park small ships, which can have basic self-sustaining capabilities.

Originally, according to this design, the deterrent capability of these islands is actually insufficient.

But the problem is, when the J-20B began to deploy to Paracel, everything changed.

The scope of the Air Force's activities has expanded from an island to a group of islands.

And the enemy's attack methods have also been greatly weakened in effect.

Yes, if there is only one Yongxia Island, then you can easily destroy it with a saturation attack. After this nail is pulled out, our control over the South China Sea will drop.

However, now we have not only Yongxia Island, not only Treasure Island, but also a series of small islands.

What, are you going to blow them up one by one?

As long as we can't finish the bombing in the first wave of attacks, our air supremacy will not be completely lost.

Because our J-20B can take off from any island in an emergency!

This is the difference between an aircraft carrier and an "aircraft carrier system".

Otherwise, why does the United States have to engage in dual aircraft carrier battle groups every time it is serious?

Quantity, at some point, will also be the key to solving the problem

quantity quality.

Chen Nian suddenly thought that the J-20B currently deployed to Treasure Island is not complete yet, and its range is still too short.

However, once the variable cycle engine at the 611 Institute is born, its combat effectiveness will be qualitatively improved.

With a combat radius close to 1,000 kilometers, it can almost cover the entire Southeast Asian peninsula.

At that time, in the most extreme cases, it is not impossible to touch China India.

Thinking of this, he smiled with satisfaction.

In fact, he had made this plan when he first imagined the STOVL fighter.

Up to now, nearly two years have passed, and this goal has finally been achieved.

On the whole, this whole set of scientific and technological progress has also brought him a lot of rewards.

Now, the number of his daily growth points has broken through the 0.3 mark for the first time, and this number has been maintained for a week in a row.

Although there will definitely be fluctuations in the future, this can be regarded as a huge improvement.

And the total number of source points in his hands has reached an astonishing 16 points.

It's time to start planning for the next step.

He needs a large-scale project that can be decomposed modularly to consume these sources.

Chen Nian frowned, and he glanced at the schedule.

Tomorrow is the regular working meeting of the Xinghuo team, and we can take this opportunity to learn about the progress of various projects.

Including the ongoing Deep Blue 16 project, including the Rainbow-8 UAV project, including the H-20 project that has already started pre-research in cooperation with Russia, and also includes the high-speed rail project that has completed the construction of the first train set and is ready to start testing

During this period of time, I have actually invested a lot in these projects, but basically they are sporadic investments.

This shows that these projects have indeed not encountered key technical problems, and they do not need to do it themselves for the time being.

In other words, maybe some problems have been encountered, but the people in charge of the project think that the cost performance of letting themselves intervene is too low.

If this is the case, then you have to re-analyze it.

According to the prompts of the "task manager", it may be possible to invest more resources in some key points to speed up the progress of technology development

Chen Nian put away his wandering thoughts, and glanced back at the time.

It's time to go outside again.

At this time, the summer vacation of Xigong University was over, and most of the students had gone home, but the cafeteria was still open.


The reason is very simple. In this school that is already under great pressure, there will always be some students like Chen Nianla, Wang Jiancheng, and Qiao Maila who stay in the school.

However, today happened to be the time when Chen Nian made an appointment with the other three to have dinner together, so instead of going to the cafeteria, he went directly to the hot pot restaurant outside the west gate.

In the hot pot restaurant, Chen Nian saw the other three people who had already ordered their dishes and had been waiting for a long time.

"Just waiting for you, why is it so late today?"

Qiao Mai asked while handing chopsticks to Chen Nian.

"I'm sorry, something was delayed."

Chen Nian didn't say it clearly, and Qiao Mai didn't continue to ask.

In that respect, she's actually not stupid.

Even if she hadn't joined Xinghuo like Li Xiang, she could guess that Chen Nian should have some confidential items in his hands that are inconvenient to disclose to the outside world.


This is not surprising, she also has such a project.

It's just that the scale is relatively small, and the role I play in it is relatively marginal.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the few people cooked hot pot in full swing, chatting about their recent affairs.

Li Xiang and Chen Nian knew each other well, and they played the cover very well.

Wang Jiancheng is tossing his exoskeleton. Now that he has more funds in his hand, he has become more playful. He even started to think about whether to get a large-capacity battery first.

But Qiao Mai is relatively more ordinary, attending classes, working on projects, and preparing to review for the postgraduate entrance examination.

It can be regarded as the basic path of an "ordinary academic master".

After chatting for a long time, the pot was hot and the dishes were cooked, but they were not in a hurry to move their chopsticks.

Not because they were too fascinated by the chat, but because everyone was attracted by a piece of breaking news on TV.

"On August 19, a major engineering accident occurred in a certain place in Hubei. The auxiliary tunnel of a certain railway section collapsed during the construction process, causing 11 people to be trapped. They have not yet been rescued."

"Fortunately, the ventilation pipes of the tunnel were not blocked, and the 12 trapped workers were able to obtain the oxygen necessary for life. The 12 trapped workers were safe and sound."

"Currently, rescue work is actively underway"

Looking at the news reports, the expressions of the four became unified and dignified.

"Shiyan. The geological conditions in that place are not bad. The tunnel collapsed? Is this an engineering design problem?"

Wang Jiancheng asked suspiciously.

"Not necessarily, it may be an engineering design problem, or it may be force majeure."

"Although the Hubei area is generally not as complicated and dangerous as the karst landform in the south, the groundwater system is rich and the rock formations are severely eroded, so the construction is still very difficult."

"In addition, our current construction equipment is relatively backward, and it is normal for problems to occur."

"--I can't say it's normal, anyway, the possibility is not low."

After Qiao Mai finished speaking, he continued to sigh:

"In the past two years, we have made great breakthroughs in the military field, but in the civilian field, especially in the field of civilian large-scale machinery, it is really not enough."

"Look, we are working on the high-speed rail now, but in fact, what if the high-speed rail is built?"

"It is impossible to have a car without a road. No matter how fast the EMU is, it must run on the railway."

"The terrain of our country is so complex, if we want the high-speed rail to reach the most needed places, we have to build bridges and build roads."

"Bridge erecting machines, shield machines, these are areas where we are extremely backward."

"Extremely backward?!"

Chen Nian was shocked.

In his impression, these two gadgets are typical cases of reverse export of domestic heavy machinery, not to mention domestic, even in the era when he wore it back, the shield machines were beaten to the point that Western manufacturers had no food to eat. .

With this kind of strength, there are still times when they are "extremely backward"?

Seeing Chen Nian's unbelievable expression, Qiao Mai nodded slightly, and replied:

"Yeah, or what do you think?"

"I was originally engaged in machinery, and I am more concerned about this area. The report I saw last time shows that more than 80% of domestic shield machines rely on imports."

"Moreover, according to market forecasts, this number will continue to rise in the next few years, and may reach a peak in 2009, which is more than 98%."

"If that's the case, it will be really difficult for us to make a comeback."

Good guy, 98%

In essence, the shield machine market in the entire country is controlled by others.

Chen Nian couldn't help frowning.

According to historical experience, he knew that such a situation was temporary.

It seems that the predicament of rare earths being controlled by the West is also temporary. The upper echelons always have various ways to mobilize various resources to fight a turnaround in these key areas.

But it is undeniable that this is "turning over" after all.

Turning over means that we have indeed been suppressed, and we have indeed lost significant benefits because of the opponent's suppression.

If such a loss can be saved, how much would it cost?

Chen Nian asked:

"What is the scale of our current shield machine usage?"

Qiao Mai shook his head and replied:

"I don't know the scale in use, but according to the forecast, by next year, we will have at least 200 units in use."

"If the high-speed rail project is still considered, it is estimated that 300 units will not be able to get through."

"At the current average import price, a shield machine needs at least 100 million yuan or more. In this way, the annual sales are about 30 billion yuan."


This doesn't seem like a big number, but Chen Nian knows that this number is a conservative guess based on the current situation.

After all, neither Qiao Mai nor those economists could have predicted the real development speed of Huaxia in the future.

Around 2008, due to the chain influence of the Olympic Games and other factors, a large number of developed cities began to build subways, high-speed railways were fully rolled out, coupled with the development of some expressways and undersea tunnel projects, the demand for this stuff can be Definitely not just 300 units.

He remembers a data that in 2020, the domestic demand for shield machines is 650.

Moreover, this number has declined.

In fact, since 2011, the demand for shield machines has remained high. In 10 years, the internally digested output should be above 5,000.

"A lot of money."

Chen Nian couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, this thing is expensive. Hey, don't you want to build a mechanical exoskeleton? This shield machine is a large mechanical exoskeleton, or you can just build this and forget it?"

Wang Jiancheng rolled his eyes and replied:

"It's not the same thing at all, is it?"

"If you really want to build a shield machine, it's better to let the people who built the Sky Whale do it."

"The design of the cutter and suction knife group of the Sky Whale is actually closely related to the shield machine. It is estimated that there will not be a big generation gap in technology."

"Plus, wasn't it advertised that the Sky Whale used the ship's integrated electrical system? It's the same if it is directly transplanted to the shield machine."

Hearing this, Chen Nian's eyes lit up.


There are really similarities between the design of the Sky Whale and the design of the large shield machine.

No, it should not be said to be similar. It should be said that the basic technologies involved in them are actually interoperable.

In this case, if you want to build a shield machine, it shouldn't be too difficult, right?

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the system page in his mind.

Then, he entered an analysis term into the system.

"Zhenxing super large shield machine."

Results were quickly fed back from the system.

【Zhenxing super large shield machine】

[Analysis requirements: 4 sources]


Chen Nian's spirit lifted.

This thing is really cheap.

4 source points, compared to the 16 source points I have on hand, it's really like sprinkling water——

However, of course, Chen Nian would not immediately analyze it impulsively.

He must be responsible to the entire Xinghuo team and the entire country.

The regular meeting of the Xinghuo team will be tomorrow. At tomorrow's meeting, he can put forward his own suggestions, and then let other more professional people judge whether it is feasible.

Thinking of this, he picked up his chopsticks again and put a piece of mutton in his bowl.

Others came back to their senses one after another, and their eyes moved from the TV to the pot.

"Hope people are okay."

Li Xiang sighed and said.

"It's going to be all right."

Chen Nian replied without thinking.

He just remembered that this accident was actually quite famous in his time.

This was a successful rescue under extreme conditions, and it can be regarded as a rare advanced case among mine and tunnel rescue cases in the world.

Relying on the experience of this rescue, in fact, we have done better than other countries in many subsequent accidents.


However, even so, Chen Nian still had a hope in his heart:

I hope that such an accident will never happen again.

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