
Chapter 221 The building is built!

The smooth output of the technology of the all-terrain excavator is of course the credit of Chen Nian, but at the same time, Qiao Mai is also indispensable for it.

In fact, in most of the designs, Chen Nian just put forward some directional suggestions, and when it came to the use, it was basically output by Qiao Mai.

This made Chen Nian sure that the other party must have potential above the standard.

She may start relatively slowly, unlike Wang Jiancheng who can surprise everyone with her skills as soon as she makes a move, but her foundation is very solid, and she will definitely not lose to anyone in the later stage of development.

Therefore, Chen Nian also began to consider whether to let her join the Xinghuo team after completing the Yishan project and having sufficient professional quality.

But before making this decision, Chen Nian wanted to confirm some more things.

Meanwhile, the United States.

Quietly, such a piece of news suddenly appeared on the headlines of major advertising media in the United States.

555 Fulton decided to challenge the Guinness Book of World Records. They will spend 10 days on a piece of open land in Texas to build a 20-story building that can pass the inspection of official agencies.

If it is not completed, 555 Fulton will put all the profits in the next 10 years into charity.

At first, the news didn't attract much attention.

However, as this news was continuously brought up by major entertainment programs, its popularity gradually rose.

Of course, when it is mentioned, most people's attitude is mainly ridicule.

You know, at this time, the average construction period of a 20-story residential building in the United States is about 40 months, that is to say, it will take them more than 3 years to complete a standard building.

Of course, not all projects take such a long time. On some special and urgent projects, they also set a record of building a high-rise building within one month.

But in any case, 10 days is still a bit too exaggerated.

On the Internet, there are endless discussions about this "hype".

"It takes 10 days to build a building? I understand. They are probably talking about the kind of wooden building for squirrels, right? I have one in my backyard. It took me a lot of energy. If it can be built in 10 days , that’s still really powerful.”

"10 days? Is 555 Fulton crazy? I heard their financial situation is not very good, is it trying to maintain the popularity with hype?"

"Your information is too outdated. 555 Fulton is no longer 555 Fulton. It has been acquired by the Huaxia Investment Group. Now it is the Huaxia people who sent the news."

"Huaxia people? Now that I'm suddenly interested, maybe they can really do it?"

"How is it possible! They are Chinese, not aliens"

"Yes, they really overestimated themselves. Perhaps their achievements in recent years have gone to their heads."

The comments one by one kept refreshing, and the man sitting in front of the computer had a smile on his face.

His name is Dak, and he's a reporter for The New York Times.


Journalist in the entertainment sector.

His daily work is to search for interesting and curious news everywhere, such as whose dog got lost and was finally found in the neighbor's bed, whose father cheated on his son's girlfriend, which teacher gave the students "Special after-school tutoring"

some type of.

In short, these news may be interesting to readers, but to him, they have long been tired of.

He is eager to find some other materials and inspirations to revitalize his column and give himself some new changes.

But for a long time, he has been in a state of not getting what he wants.

But today, he saw an opportunity.

10 days a house!

What a perfect subject.

Not only perfect in its gimmick, but also perfect in its era.

That's right, in the United States right now, the real estate issue can be said to be a hot spot among hot spots. Even if you don't buy a house, overwhelming information will keep telling you how hot the real estate market is now, how fast housing prices are rising, and the construction of a house. It's not easy.

And now, 555 Fulton is in this outlet and made their own choice.

They actually wanted to bet the entire company for a chance to be famous.

Stupid - but brilliant as hell.

Anyway, they don't have much profit, and large donations can avoid taxes.

Taking such a smart company as the protagonist, I think I will never be disappointed

He clearly realized that he must fully cooperate with the gimmick that 555 Fulton worked so hard to create, and the best way to create this gimmick is to record the whole process.

It's a pity that he has no resources on the TV station, otherwise, he really wants to broadcast the whole challenge

That's bound to explode.

So, with this in mind, Darke started his preparations.

First of all, he prepared professional video equipment for himself, and of course, a memory card with a large space, enough for him to record 480 hours of uninterrupted video.

Immediately afterwards, he purchased a large amount of fast food and outdoor survival supplies.

Includes a tent, stove, emergency lights, and even a small-caliber pistol.

He plans to live right next to the construction site where construction begins and witness the challenge for himself.

During the preparation process, Dak was extremely excited—even though he knew that this challenge would definitely fail.

Yes, what does the failure of 555 Fulton have to do with me?

On the contrary, it is success for yourself to expose their megalomaniac lies

After waiting anxiously for more than ten days, when the heat of this news was fired to the peak, the challenge finally officially started.

There are still many journalists who come to the construction site for "live broadcast" like Dak, and the atmosphere at the site is joyful and peaceful.

Everyone seemed to regard this report as a rare team building activity, and some even brought their families and children to have a picnic on the nearby grass.

The 555 Fulton is also very close to the people.

Not only did they provide free drinking water and fast food to the reporters, they even had special personnel responsible for maintaining order on the scene and laying lights for nighttime lighting.

This made Dak once again confirm that this is a large-scale show.

Therefore, he also relaxed, planning to pick the fruit of success that was easily obtained this time.

On November 17, a week before Thanksgiving, various large-scale equipment began to enter the venue.

At the same time, a long queue of people drove to the middle of the construction site, pulling materials that Dake could not understand.

It was not until November 19 that the preparations for the approach were completed.

This made Dak a little helpless.

It seems that this year's Thanksgiving can only be spent in the wild.

However, it is a rare experience

On November 20, the Guinness team entered the venue, and the challenge officially began.

With the first roar of the large machinery, Darke started his recording.

"Hi everyone, this is your old friend Duck."

"As you can see, our records have already begun."

"555 Fulton, are they lunatics or geniuses? Can building a house in 10 days be successful?"

"Well, I think you can't wait, so look behind us, their work has already begun."

"According to my experience, they should prepare concrete, cement first. Yes, they are doing it."

"However, their steps seem to be somewhat different."

"They are assembling a huge device. As you can see, this device is hundreds of meters long."

"Wait! What is this doing?!"

"Oh my god, is this just a part of the device that is a giant robot??"

"Fortunately, it's not that this is just an aerial platform that can move freely. It seems to be driven by a crane."

"Okay, the construction work has officially started. It's 4 pm, and 8 hours have passed. There is not much time left for 555 Fulton."

"Now is the first day of the challenge, 11 o'clock in the evening."

"I can't believe what I've seen, they've completed the foundation and the four floors above ground."

"It's the second day of the challenge, 8:00 am, and 24 hours have passed since the start of the challenge."

"As for 555 Fulton, they've completed 11 floors above ground."

"Oh my god. It's magic"

"This is Dak, it's the second day of the challenge, 8 pm. The challenge time has passed 36 hours, yes, the challenge is halfway through."

"They have completed the construction of the entire 20-storey building and are in the process of topping it off."

"God, I don't know how to describe it."

"These Chinese people are simply born architects."

"So precise, so efficient, so beautiful."

"I'm Dake, it's the fourth day of the challenge, and the challenge time is 71 hours."

"The building is finished."

"Yes, they even spent six hours picking up construction debris."

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