
Chapter 226 Destruction is Justice

The news of the breakthrough of the THAAD system has not been reported on a large scale, but it is obvious that this kind of vital intelligence will not be missed by those capitals standing at the top.

So, on Wall Street, a shocking news began to circulate:

The THAAD system originally planned to be deployed in the island nation was breached.

And what broke through it was the DF-17, which had already been famous for a long time.

It is said that in the face of DF-17's attack, THAAD's interception success rate does not exceed 10%.

This also means that this set of missile defense system that was originally proud of has almost lost its meaning.

And what kind of signal does such a failure signal to the capital market?

No one dared to say it, but everyone knew it.

In the island country, in the same tavern, the same two people, the same two glasses of sake.

Lin Zecheng sat opposite Nakayama Taro, with a relaxed expression and casual movements.

He drank the sake in the glass in one gulp, and then said:

"So, we have long said that whether it is our own THAAD system or the THAAD system sold to you by the Americans, it will not actually change the so-called 'power' balance."

"What we care about is just how much this system is worth and whether it can be successfully sold to you."

"It's a business, right?"

Nakayama Taro smiled agreeably, and replied:

"Indeed, this is a simple business."

"I didn't give a positive reply to Lin Sang's proposal before. The main consideration was our own economic strength and technical strength, but there was absolutely no disrespect."

"I hope Lin Sang can understand this point."

"Understand, understand."

Lin Zecheng nodded, but did not break the words.

In fact, from Taro Nakayama's attitude during the first meeting, he had basically guessed the thoughts of these islanders.

It is nothing more than the feeling that the great eastern country is now in the limelight, and that it can gain greater benefits by attaching to us.

But on the other hand, they are worried that cooperation in such a key field may lead to the breakdown of their own relations with the United States, so they plan to wait for a while and continue to bet on both sides to obtain an optimal solution.

But they want time, and the Americans are not going to give them time.

The entire U.S. economy has reached a precarious state. If at this time, the news from our own side is allowed to ferment, and the expectation that "the export of U.S. military industry has been hit hard" is allowed to solidify, then it will be too late to save it.

So, they have to be fast.

They must come up with countermeasures in the shortest possible time, and expose Huaxia's lies with a thunderous gesture.

Therefore, a "THAAD interception experiment" became the best publicity window.

In particular, they already have a plan to deploy THAAD in the island country, and the radar in Aomori Prefecture is also ready-made.

Driven by a series of seemingly mature conditions, they hastily launched this experiment.


Huaxia, on the other hand, keenly seized this opportunity.

Aren't you going to test THAAD?

Just right, help us test our missiles by the way.

Let's see whether it is your THAAD's strong defense ability, or my DF-17's strong penetration ability.

The answer is obvious.

If it is in actual combat, the THAAD base deployed in Aomori Prefecture may have been blown through by DF-17 long ago.

Seeing that Lin Zecheng's tone was perfunctory, Nakayama Taro quickly lowered his posture further.

Holding the wine bottle in one hand, he took Lin Zecheng's glass in the other, and after pouring him a full glass of sake again, he continued to ask:

"So, you are indeed planning to sell the Huaxia THAAD system to us this time?"

"Of course, if it's a joke, why are we spending so much time on you?"

Lin Zecheng's tone was a little impatient.

Although the position of the person opposite is not low, but now that he is the representative of the entire country, there is really no need to play the game of being neither humble nor arrogant in front of the other party.

In the exchanges between the two countries, it is necessary to distinguish between high and low status. If you insist on making a friendly gesture, it will be easy for the other party to look down upon you.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Zecheng's words, Nakayama Taro was not only not dissatisfied, but quickly lowered his head and said:

"I was wrong, sorry!"

"However, since it is a cooperation, can I learn some cooperation details with Lin Sang in advance?"

"For example, if we want to buy this THAAD system, what is the approximate price? When is it expected to be delivered? After delivery, do we have the right to self-management?"

"Do we need to obtain this system at the cost of information exchange?"

"You wait first!"

Lin Zecheng interrupted the other party by raising his hand, and then said seriously:

"Mr. Zhongshan, I am not here to discuss specific cooperation plans with you. What I need to do is to confirm your cooperation intentions."

"As for the cooperation plan, we will start talking slowly after the intention is confirmed."

"Yes, the questions you mentioned have to be resolved one by one, but it will inevitably take a long time to discuss. Do you expect to get an answer from me?"

"I can only give you some simple answers now."

"For example, this system is not cheap, and it will definitely not be cheaper than the system sold to you by the Americans."

"Its delivery time will not be too early, at least three years later."

"In addition, we don't need and don't plan to cooperate with you in military information. There is no need for this."

Hearing Lin Zecheng's answer, Nakayama Taro said "Hi" and sat up straight at the same time.

After adjusting his facial expression, he said:

"Lin Sang's answer has solved most of my confusion, thank you!"

"Since this is the case, I think I can give a preliminary answer to Lin Sang's cooperation proposal."

"In the future, please give me more advice!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Lin Zecheng's face, but out of caution, he still asked:

"you sure?"

An imperceptible bitterness flashed across Nakayama Taro's face.

I am sure? What is this problem called? !

Can I be unsure?

We just accepted Dad's "assistance" and got an AN/TPY-2 radar from them.

As a result, on the first day of the radar start-up test, you actually threw the missile at our heads!

In this case, dare we be unsure?

If I die and don’t buy your THAAD system, but buy Dad’s, then next time, will you really dare to install the missile on the warhead, and then send the system we just installed back to the factory for maintenance?

You must think so!

Where did you buy the THAAD system?

This is the protection fee paid! ——

However, there is one benefit of the protection fee.

That is, after handing over, it's really not that easy to get beaten up.

Thinking of this, Nakayama Taro adjusted the smile on his face, and then said:

"Hi! Lin Sang! I'm sure!"

On the other side, in a small office on Wall Street.

John Paulson is making the final preparations for his unprecedented investment spree.

He mobilized all the funds, selected the riskiest CDS products and continued to sell them short. In order to implement this idea, he even sold his only house and rented an apartment nearby.

In the eyes of others, he is already a complete lunatic.

However, only he himself knows whether it is he or the world that is crazy.

this is too scary.

There have been so many negative expectations and bad news one after another, but both housing prices and CDS prices are still above the level!

This is absolutely unreasonable.

And behind all the irrationality, there must be a great logic hidden.

What the hell is that?

For this logic, Paulson has been thinking hard for a whole year.

However, it wasn't until this morning that he completely cleared his mind.

And the process of opening up ideas is also extremely dramatic.

Just when he walked into the office today, he heard several senior investment managers exchanging their gossip.

Most of the news is nothing more than "Congress is preparing to cut interest rates again, and housing prices will further increase", "Default rate is stable, the market is healthy", "CDS scale has expanded again, it is said that so and so has bought a new yacht" and so on are not nutritious at all. slobber, but there was a piece of news that caught his attention.

"I heard that the missiles of the Huaxia people broke through our THAAD system. How did they suddenly become so strong?"

This was just a casual sentence, but the moment Paulson heard it, a strong premonition surged in his heart.

That premonition even made his hair stand on end.

So, he walked up to the two investment managers and asked them the details of the matter.

Although the other party didn't know much about it, based on their information, this matter was actually true.

The Huaxia missile broke through the THAAD system, what does this mean for Wall Street?

Paulson's brain was spinning rapidly, and he quickly connected to the rumor that had caused the market to turmoil before.

Regarding the information that the US military export economy may be hit hard.

The focus of controversy at that time was the THAAD system.

And now, news about it reappears, and it is extremely unfavorable news for the United States

Obviously, the previous suspicions have already come to fruition.

Unprecedented major bad news has arrived, and the boots are falling to the ground, but most people have not noticed the falling boots.

Fortunately, I noticed it myself.

Moreover, Paulson also wanted to understand the "logic behind it".

The reason why housing prices do not fall, and why CDS does not fall, in the final analysis, the reason cannot be found in the financial market.

Instead, look for them on the sea and in the sky.

We're already in a confrontation.

And any instability will make us fall into complete passiveness

That's why Congress has to hang on to it because they have no choice.

A smile appeared on Paulson's face.

He doesn't care where the country is headed.

He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a good fortune.

So, taking a deep breath, he checked the last balance in his account.


This much money is enough for him to complete his final plan.

He called his assistant, handed the bank card to him, and then said:

"Take my card and withdraw all the money in it."

"Then, do one thing for me."

"Distribute that money to everyone you meet on the street, and then tell them that the Chinese missiles are coming, and we can't save them."

"Of course, you can do some processing on the wording, but remember, you must express all the meaning I want to express."

"That is, our end is here."

The assistant was dumbfounded after listening to his words, and almost subconsciously shook his head in rejection.

"No, Mr. Paulson, I can't."

"You know, I'm an investment manager, not a clown."

"This kind of performance art, maybe you should find someone else to do it"

"No, it can only be you."

Paulson said seriously.

"Actually, if I can, I will definitely play in person."

"I don't want to miss this historic moment."

"But the problem is, in the eyes of most people, I am already crazy, so no matter how crazy I am, no one will take it seriously."

"But you are different, you are still a normal person."

"When you're crazy, everyone subconsciously tries to figure out why."

"And that's exactly what I wanted."

The assistant still hesitated, but Paulson's expression became more determined.

He looked directly into the assistant's eyes and asked word by word:

"Tell me, what are you here for?"

"Is it for your ridiculous self-esteem, or is it for one day to earn enough money and use countless banknotes to pave the way for your own future?"

"I think, from the first day you entered the industry, someone should have told you that self-esteem is worthless in Wall Street!"

"We have reached the most critical moment. For this moment, we have paid nearly tens of billions of costs and countless lonely nights."

"Even, we withstood the ridicule of most people on Wall Street, and the purpose is to win in the end!"

"Now, victory is coming, but you, are you going to back down?"

The assistant listened to Paulson's words in a daze. After a long time, he tentatively asked:

"Mr. Paulson, you mean if I do this, CDS prices will start to drop?"

"More than CDS."

"There is also the housing market, the stock market, the real economy...everything will fall into recession."

"And we're going to go retrograde in the recession."

The assistant took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and said:

"I do!"

"But... if that's the case... aren't we sinners?"

"Mr. Paulson, what are you doing this for?"

Paulson shook his head with a smile, and replied:

"No, my child."

"We will never be sinners."

"My purpose is nothing more than to destroy Wall Street."

"And destroying him is absolutely correct."

A few hours later, a madman appeared on Wall Street.

At this time, everyone has not realized that those crazy words hide the motto of doomsday.

And in just a few days.

The whole Wall Street is in a frenzy.

Desperate madness.

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