
Chapter 245 We are connected to every village, you pay the money

"A super-large gold mine was discovered in the Evande area! The reserves are more than three domestic gold mines!"

"Charity project? Make a fortune project!"

"30 billion for 100 billion? It's a big profit!"

"The Gauteng High Speed ​​Rail and Avonde Mine projects are expected to bring foreign exchange income of over 10 billion US dollars to the country within 10 years, excellent foresight!"

After the situation of Evande-Baihe Mine broke out, not only the domestic forces, but also all the forces in the whole world who were paying attention to this incident can be said to have dropped their jaws in shock.

Even South African officials did not expect that the gold reserves there would be so rich.

Regret - that's pretty much their first reaction.

But soon they came to their senses that it would be even more difficult to rely on South Africa's own strength to develop the complex mountainous area.

It's better to let Huaxia develop it honestly, and collect the tax dividends by yourself.

So things worked out in an almost perfect way.

The South African government has received more infrastructure investment in addition to the Gauteng high-speed rail project. The local people in South Africa have obtained new markets and job opportunities. The excess capacity that is gradually expanding in the country has its first export. The frenzy of public opinion, like a burning fire being extinguished by the pouring rain, completely died down.

After all, the core of the real public opinion is actually questioning the official spending of wronged money.

Just like a family, if life is already difficult, and the head of the family still takes the money to go out and invest indiscriminately, any member of the family can't help but complain.

But what if he really made his money back?

What happened now was that not only did he make his money back, but he also made a lot of it, enough to keep everyone's mouths shut.

As a result, those accusations and abuse suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there was a lot of flattering voices.

"I've said it a long time ago. It's impossible for the officials to be stupider than ordinary people like us. Don't they think of things we can think of?"

"This time someone was slapped in the face again. I know who it is, but I won't say it."

"No matter what, it's good that the project is successful, and it can be regarded as a sigh of relief."

"That's right, it's certainly good for us to be able to go out. But, shouldn't the domestic problems also need to be resolved?"

"It will be solved. If you have money, what is not easy to handle?"

As public opinion continued to ferment, fanaticism was gradually suppressed, and then turned into a rational discussion of practical issues.

Of course, this kind of discussion does not mean the convergence of opinions. The sharpness and opposition of contradictions make it impossible for most people to put their butts in the same place.

But even in this case, the abuse and attacks have obviously decreased.

For the first time in history, an atmosphere of high opposition between pros and cons, but trying to persuade people with reason, began to appear on the domestic Internet.

This situation not only makes it completely impossible for those forces that are still trying to fuel the flames, but even Li Xiang, who has participated in the work of guiding public opinion, and his department are completely confused.

In Xigong University, Li Xiang scratched his head and looked at the screen in front of him, and said to Chen Nian in disbelief:

"For the first time, I feel that my job is so simple. Why do you say this is?"

Chen Nian smiled, he understood the current situation too well.

It is nothing more than that after being slapped severely once, everyone will subconsciously recall the experience of this slap in the face during the discussion, so the speech is more restrained.

To use a less accurate term, this is "the sage time of internet trolls".

However, such a sage's time is limited and short-lived, and it won't be long before extreme emotions will resurface.

So he opened his mouth and said:

"Sage time is all."

"Don't look at how the environment looks good now, go and have a look again in a few days, and it will soon return to the familiar taste."


Li Xiang sighed helplessly, hesitated for a moment, and said:

"I had an idea recently."

"I think that the popularity of the Internet is getting higher and higher, and the speed of public opinion is sinking faster and faster. One day in the future, it is very likely that the mainstream media will no longer dominate public opinion, but individuals who gather spontaneously."

"In this case, we should change our thinking."

"Netizen education is one aspect—you have already done this aspect, but I think there is another aspect that needs to be prepared."

"That is, to find an outlet for these public opinions."

"We should build a platform, a platform where we can really express our opinions."

"Then, through guidance, all mainstream agendas in society will be discussed on this platform."

"In this way, not only can the order of the entire Internet public opinion be guaranteed, but it can also be used as a reference for our subsequent specific policies."

"You mean the online political inquiry platform?"

Chen Nian asked curiously.

"Absolutely, but a little more extensively."

Chen Nian nodded slightly, but did not answer immediately.

He can understand the standpoint of Li Xiang's suggestion.

In fact, judging from the memories of his previous life, this is an excellent and forward-looking plan.

After all, blocking is worse than sparseness. What can really further optimize the public opinion environment is not to restrict speech, but to allow them to speak reasonably on an open platform.

Of course, how to operate it specifically, and how to prevent this platform with a wide range of influence from becoming a new position for external forces requires further discussion and planning.

So, Chen Nian said:

"I think you can discuss this issue with your leader. This is not my specialty, and I can't give you any advice."

"All I can tell you is that it's a good route, but it's not that easy to implement."

Chen Nian was telling the truth.

In fact, in the previous life, the government tried several times to establish similar platforms, but in the end, under the tide of pan-entertainment, most of the public opinion supervision functions of these platforms were overwhelmed by other social media.

Ordinary netizens would rather choose to speak out on the so-called "men's and women's restroom" platform, rather than go to the official platform to report problems.

This may be said to be an instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but on the other hand, it may also be a vicious circle of trust decline.

It would undoubtedly be a great thing if this vicious cycle can be broken.

But to what extent it can be achieved depends on the ability of Li Xiang and his group.

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Li Xiangzheng nodded, and then said:

"Anyway, let's try it first."

"Set up a framework and let everyone talk first."

"It's really not possible. At the beginning, it will be controlled manually. When it develops slowly, we will consider using other methods."

"Okay, go ahead and do it!"

Chen Nian replied with a smile.

But Li Xiang's face was full of seriousness.

In his heart, maybe this will be the first step in his great career.

On the other side, in the village of Luojiao.

With the support of many large-scale construction machinery and sufficient financial budget, the rural road leading from Luojiao Village to the outside world was declared open to traffic in just a few months.

After the opening to traffic, Wang Qing was not idle. After consulting the villagers, he took out all the funds raised for road construction, and set up the first telephone line, the first network cable, and the first road construction in the village. computer.

At this time, in remote areas, the way of dial-up Internet access has not been eliminated. Although the speed of the Internet is a bit slow, it can still be used after all.

Now, Luojiao Village is finally fully integrated with the outside world.

In the next step, Wang Qing intends to rely on the Internet to try the legendary "online sales" route, sending the medicinal materials that are obviously precious in the village but can't be sold at local prices to other places, and severely sell the villagers. Income pulls up.

During this period of time, he has been researching this matter, and the account on the Alibaba platform has been registered, and he is waiting to receive the first order to see if this method is reliable.


He wasn't worried about being cheated at all, after all he didn't accept big orders, even if he was really cheated, the amount of medicinal materials lost would not be too large.

Just be trial and error.

In addition to using the Internet to develop markets, Wang Qing will inevitably use these computers to look up the information he wants and browse online forums to relax.

No one in the village said that he used the public to benefit his own interests. In fact, they wished that Wang Qing would play more, so that they could move a small bench and sit behind him to see the world.

On this day, he also took a few villagers to surf the Internet to watch the news after dinner, but after clicking on the familiar forum, he found a different post.

"The official political inquiry platform is open! Everyone can propose and ask political questions anonymously!"

Curiously, Wang Qing opened the link in the post. After jumping, he found that it was actually an official platform!

Moreover, judging from the number of replies, the popularity is not low.

There is a list on the left side of the webpage, titled "Hot Agenda Ranking". After clicking on it, it is full of recent hot topics.

What is the problem of the elderly in rural areas, what is the problem of going to school in remote areas, what is the problem of wages for migrant workers, and so on.

Moreover, under each agenda, you can see the discussions of many netizens.

Wang Qing looked over one by one, feeling deeply touched on one side, but at the same time, felt something abnormal on the other side.

The problems of schooling of students, medical security, and wages of migrant workers are understandable, but the elderly in rural areas?

Will there really be so many rural elderly people who choose to kill themselves?

As far as he knows, Luojiao Village is already one of the most difficult natural villages in the province, but since he was a child, he has only heard of one suicide case.

Even in this case, the person involved chose to give up because he could not bear the long-term pain. From the beginning to the end, although the children were unable and unable to give the elderly the best medical treatment, they never said that they should let the elderly go by themselves.” Solve" kind of words.

This is weird.

If Luojiao Village is like this, is the situation in other places even more serious than Luojiao Village?

After thinking for a moment, he turned around and asked:

"Second uncle, have you ever heard of any old man in our village who has the idea of ​​committing suicide?"

"Suicide? Hang yourself?"

The second uncle scratched his head and replied:

"Twenty or thirty years ago, it was quite a lot—but there was a lot of talking and a little hanging."

"Your old lady, she was hanged before, her feet hurt so much that she couldn't bear it, and she insisted on dying. Afterwards, some youngsters gathered herbs and gave her massage, and they were saved."

"After her, basically nothing."

"You also know about that aunt, just over there, when you were young, didn't you always scare others, saying that there was a hanged ghost under the head, or something like that?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Wang Qing's face, he quickly waved his hand to stop the second uncle and said:

"That's because I was ignorant when I was a child, haven't I heard of it now?"

"I've never heard of it! Wang Shu's grandma is suffering enough, right? All her children are gone, and she has only a grandson, and she can't walk herself. Do you think she is going to die?"

"Two days ago, you asked me to sell medicine, saying that you want to buy an electric wheelchair—hey, all these things have electric ones, do you think it's unusual?"

"Come on, Ah Qing, go to that one, check online to see if there is one, if so, let's buy one for her."

"Let's not be busy."

Wang Qing shook his head, then turned to continue looking at the screen.

The doubts in his heart grew stronger.

What exactly is going on?

Where did those legendary "rural old men" come from?

The posts continued to be refreshed, and at this moment, he suddenly saw that Luojiao Village was mentioned in one of the posts!

Moreover, the person who posted the post also used Luojiao Village as an example to demonstrate the so-called "high suicide rate among the elderly in rural areas"

Wang Qing felt his anger welling up all of a sudden.

Isn't this slander? !

He got up abruptly, wishing he could reach out and grab the rumor-monger on the other side of the screen and beat him up, but after calming down for a moment, he suddenly understood:

Isn’t the purpose of this platform to allow ordinary people like me to reason and explain evidence?

So, he thought for a moment, and said:

"Second Uncle, help me get in touch and call the old people in the village together. I want to make a video for them."

A few hours later, Wang Qing's video of the elderly in the village was successfully uploaded to the Internet.

In the video, he carefully asked about the status of each old man and introduced the situation of each old man.

He even asked the old people the same question:

"What is your greatest wish right now?"

The answer can be said to be strange.

Wang Shu's grandma wanted an electric wheelchair.

She said: "The brakes must be strong enough! Otherwise, the big slope will not go down!"

This sentence caused a burst of laughter from everyone in the picture.

In addition to her slightly "expensive" wish, some of the old people in the village want their children who are working outside to come back to see more, some want to talk to someone, and some want to call their own home

Of course, some people want to go to the market to eat freshly baked sweet potato chips that they ate when they were young, instead of the kind that have been brought back after several hours and are already soft.

Or, some people said they wanted to go to the longevity shop in the town to have a look, and choose a set of coffins for themselves in advance and put them at home.

According to her, the sooner the coffin is purchased, the happier the family will be.


This is the closest answer to death.

But among all the answers, none is "want to die".

Wang Qing didn't need to say anything, everyone who watched the video already had the answer.

People who still have wishes in their hearts, how can they want to die?

At the end of the video, Wang Qing said to the camera:

"In fact, this video was recorded mainly to refute the rumors on the Internet that maliciously smear our village."

"In that rumor, you said that the traffic in Luojiao Village is blocked, the environment is bad, and the economy is backward."

"It cannot be denied that it used to be like this."

"But even in that case, those of us here would never end our lives senselessly."

"For us, where there is life, there is hope."

"Now, isn't hope here?"

As he said that, the camera turned and looked at the cement road winding out of the mountain.

"This is a rural road we just built this year. Don't compare it with the city, but at least it's no problem to run a truck."

"A lot of things that we didn't dare to think about before have become easy now."

"Thanks to the country, thanks to every village."

"We have roads, telephones, and even the Internet. The next step is running water."

"Oh, right."

Wang Qing deliberately paused, and then said:

"I also have to thank South Africa, those two devils who spread rumors about us and the masters behind you."

"Let's just say, if we insist on pursuing it, there is still your money on this road in Luojiao Village."

"Thank you boss!"

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