
Chapter 258 Acting

North Darfur.

Liu Guangyu finally obtained the permission to move freely. He walked out of the room with his camera on his back, and began to take pictures near the base according to Khalifa's instructions.

Of course, these photos can be said to have been taken exactly at Khalifa's request.

The soldiers standing straight, the people smiling, the smoke rising from the kitchen, the construction site in full swing

If these reports are published, I am afraid that everyone will be surprised.

"Darfur? Isn't it a war zone? How can it be so prosperous and full of life?"


Probably many people think so.

Afterwards, they will start to be annoyed by their prejudices, start to reflect on who is the righteous party, and start to support these unfairly treated "revolutionaries" internationally.

Liu Guangyu thought it was ridiculous.

This is how public opinion is manipulated.

Only those who are here know what kind of doomsday scene is here.

Behind the soldiers standing guard is the wounded barracks, where flies are everywhere, blood is flowing, and there is not even the most basic disinfectant alcohol.

It is said to be a wounded barracks, but in fact it is just to find a place to throw those wounded soldiers together and let them fend for themselves.

As for the smiling people?

There is no doubt that they are all actors.

Under the smoke, there is no steaming food at all. What is boiled in the pot is a cake made of bark and soil. People who eat it may be able to barely maintain their lives, but at the same time they are inevitably dying.

In contrast, there is a mountain of grain piled up in the base of the Revolutionary Front.

"Army rations".

Only those who sign up to participate can receive military rations.

This has led to a strange phenomenon: In Northern Darfur, the number of scouts is much higher than the average level in other chaotic areas.

Because the military rations are distributed according to the head, children eat less, and the leftover food they eat can be distributed to their families.

Therefore, it is better to let your own children go to the army than to expect the adult labor force to "join the army".

Finally, there are those construction sites.

All the construction sites are actually building water conservancy facilities, and this may be the only project that really benefits the local area.

But ironically, this project was assisted by China State Construction Engineering Corporation that year.

After they left, there was no progress in these water conservancy facilities for more than ten years, and they were just tinkering with the unfinished projects of China State Construction Engineering Corporation.

Thinking of this, Liu Guangyu couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

I don't know how long the suffering here will last.


Perhaps, until a certain force is completely pulled down from the altar, there will be no chance to truly achieve peace here.

After all, the world is at peace, so how can we fish in troubled waters?

Looking at Khalifa who was still directing the "actors" to arrange various scenes not far away, Liu Guangyu stepped forward and said:

"General Khalifa, today's shooting ends here."

"I'm staying for a long time, there's no need to get everything done in one day."

"In addition, shooting too many things in a day will also affect my thinking, and the effect will not be good."

Hearing his words, Khalifa nodded empathetically, and then replied:

"Then do as you say, Mr. Liu."

"The time is still there, you can take a stroll around the base—but don't go too far, the neighborhood isn't safe after all."

Liu Guangyu quickly agreed that this was the free time he really wanted.

So he quickly replied:

"I understand, but if possible, can you send me a soldier as a security guard?"


Liu Guangyu's move of retreating was playing into Khalifa's arms. In fact, his allowing Liu Guangyu to move freely was essentially a temptation.

There are absolutely no fewer people secretly monitoring him. If Liu Guangyu takes any actions that are not good for the base and the Revolutionary Front organization, he will get rid of this person without hesitation.

It's reasonable for a war correspondent to die due to various accidents in a conflict zone, right?

No one will trace it to their own head.


Of course, such troubles can be as little as possible. Since Liu Guangyu is so honest, there is no need for him to be too nervous.

So, accompanied by guards, Liu Guangyu finally got rid of Khalifa's direct surveillance for the first time.

He didn't dare to go to those sensitive areas, but wandered around the urban area in the center of El Fasher.

Although the situation is chaotic, businesses here still maintain basic operations.

Like "no man's land" in all war zones, the most in-demand commodities here are cigarettes and alcohol, followed by food, and finally weapons.

Liu Guangyu deliberately made himself appear to be extremely novel about everything here, and even took out his camera to take many photos.

At the same time, he kept talking to his security personnel.

Relying on his proficiency in Arabic and the US dollars in his hands, Liu Guangyu established trust with the security personnel in a very short period of time.

The latter even took the initiative to introduce him to the various firearms in the weapon market-this is the only thing he is familiar with.

And Liu Guangyu not only showed his admiration appropriately, but also specially bought some cigarettes from a small shop to give to the guard, which further narrowed the distance between the two of them.

When the two returned to the base, they had already talked about everything like friends.

Such progress made Liu Guangyu very satisfied.

The sky was getting dark, and after entering his room, Liu Guangyu began to sort out the harvest of the day.

He turned on the computer, exported the photos in the camera, and pretended to start editing the document.

But in fact, what he was writing was something else.

"Discovered on October 11."

"The weapons circulating in the arms market are significantly different from other similar regions in terms of completeness, newness, and types."

"In addition to the most common AK-47, there are also many AK-74 and Uzi submachine guns for sale here."

"These weapons shouldn't have flowed into the civilian market on a large scale."

"It is certain that other weapons did take their place."

"According to military personnel, they did switch to new weapons, but the specific types are unknown."

"For the time being, no clues have been found of the inflow of other heavy weapons, chemical weapons, or weapons of mass destruction."

"In terms of people's livelihood, the real situation in North Darfur is even worse than what the international news describes."

"A large amount of relief food is monopolized by armed groups, and the people can only struggle on the line of food and clothing."

"It was observed today that a United Nations rescue vehicle drove directly into the base of the Revolutionary Front and unloaded a large amount of food at the base."

"These grains come from the United States and have never entered the market."

"This is not humanitarian aid, this is targeted aid."

"So far, no evidence has been found of the Revolutionary Front's contacts with other legal or illegal armed groups."

"However, Arabs were indeed found in the base, and it is not certain whether they are from Egypt or the Middle East."

After finishing writing, Liu Guangyu quietly saved it in the encrypted folder of the camera's memory card, and then put the memory card back into the camera.

He is not in a hurry to pass on information because his chances are few.

Unless he has key information, he will not take risks

On the other side, in Khalifa's office.

The guard accompanying Liu Guangyu stood upright, answering Khalifa's question.

"So, he just walked around the market, did nothing else, and didn't ask you any questions?"


The guard said quickly.

"He asked a lot of questions about firearms and you could tell he was interested in that."

"In addition, he also asked about our future plans."

"He seems to be trying to figure out whether we're going to negotiate peace with officials or whether we're going to just overthrow the current rulers."

"He has repeatedly confirmed this question many times."

"He visibly relaxed after I answered."

At this time, the guard looked calm and had sharp eyes. Compared with him who stood beside Liu Guangyu and led the way with innocent eyes and seemed unsuspecting, he was almost the same as two people.

If Liu Guangyu could see him at this time, he would probably praise him with "excellent acting skills".

"How did you answer?"

Khalifa asked.

"Answer according to the standard."

"I told him that we are fighting again not because we don't want peace, but because the authorities have broken the previous peace agreement, not delivered on their promises, and put people here in trouble again."

"The fight is not to seize power, but to show our strength and gain more bargaining chips."

"Our ultimate goal is to get a seat in government and be able to speak for ourselves."

"However, if the situation continues to deteriorate, we do not rule out the possibility of fighting to the end."

Hearing the security's answer, Khalifa nodded in satisfaction.

"That's a good answer, and that's what we want to convey to the outside world."

"Liu Guangyu, how did he reply to you?"

After thinking for a moment, the guard replied:

"It's hard for me to describe his reaction."

"It should be said that he expected our answer."

"However, he showed no suspicion."

"By the way, he said something."

"He said, 'It doesn't sound like justice, but it's a reasonable approach'."

"I think that as a citizen of a peaceful country, he can't really agree with the strategy we said, but his experience in different theaters allows him to 'accept'."

"That's his attitude."


Khalifa lit a cigarette and whispered thoughtfully.

He doesn't need Liu Guangyu to really recognize him, let alone become his "brother".

As long as it can be confirmed that he is not here for some ulterior secret, that is enough.

Now it seems that Liu Guangyu's performance is indeed just a qualified war reporter.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and ordered:

"Keep watching him."

"Surveillance cannot be relaxed, but at the same time, give him some opportunities."


The guard turned and left, while Khalifa, who stayed in the office, was lost in thought.

This reporter's problem must be resolved within a few days. He and his report will be an important bargaining chip for him to obtain more assistance.

If he can be fully utilized, maybe, by this time next year, he should be sitting in the office in Khartoum.

After all, there is a powerful organization behind me now.

On the other side of the sea, in the office of the May Society.

Houston sat behind his desk as usual, but at this time, compared with the previous period, he finally seemed to have regained some confidence, and there was a smile on his face.

He smoked a cigarette leisurely, looked at the assistant who was sorting out the documents, and asked:

"So, the Darfur strategy has basically been deployed?"

The assistant stopped what he was doing and replied:


"The weapons circulation path has been basically opened up, and there are currently three black market arms dealers working for us."

"They have successfully delivered two batches of equipment to the Darfur region. The combat effectiveness of the Revolutionary Front has been greatly improved, and the situation has also changed."

"Now, Hamidi is no longer content with just reaching a peace deal and getting 30 percent of the government."

"His goal has been refocused to 'overthrow the al-Bashir regime', which is exactly what we want."

Hearing his words, Houston breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:

"hope everything is fine."

"As long as Hamidi can sit on the 'throne' of the Sultan, all our subsequent actions will be regarded as a springboard."

"Egypt, Mali, Chad, Congo, and even Ethiopia. All these countries within the radiation range of Sudan will actually fall under our control."

"Especially Esser."

"The Chinese people's business there is too mature. Once the dust of Sudan's major event is settled, we must be the first to attack Ethiopia."

The assistant nodded solemnly and replied:


"Sudan is our springboard, and Ethiopia and South Africa are theirs."

"Now, it depends on who moves faster."

"Do not worry."

Houston smiled contemptuously and said:

"Compared to their economic penetration, our method is more simple and straightforward."

"Even after that, we can leverage Congress to end sanctions on Sudan early."

"By then, we'll have a dead-hearted ally—they'll do anything for us."


The assistant looked a little hesitant, and after a while, he said:

"But at the moment, we're not without risk."

"China seems to have begun to intervene. According to our intelligence, they seem to have the intention of conducting military observations in the Darfur region."

"If this happens, our plan may be hindered."

"Military observation? Stop joking!"

Houston pressed out his cigarette, shook his head and said:

"They lack the necessary long-range projection capabilities, and it is impossible to maintain the deterrence of military observation."

"Even if the proposal does pass, the end result will be nothing more than a joke."

"What if they have?"

the assistant asked back.

"Yes? You mean, the strategic bombers they are planning?"

The assistant nodded again, but Houston was still full of disdain.

He stood up, stretched his arms lightly, and then said:

"Do not worry."

"Strategic bombers are not that easy."

"Even for us, it took nearly two decades to actually complete the manufacture of the B-2 bomber."

"And they...they face too many technical hurdles."

"To build a bomber that can fight against the B-2, the aerodynamics and flight control alone are enough to consume them for several years."

"By the time that plane takes off, it will be too late."

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