
Chapter 269 H-20 First Flight

A week later, the overall assembly and ground testing of the H-20 were completed.

For the first time, the behemoth left the workshop and fell to the ground.

In the test flight field of Institute 603, the Russian technical representatives participating in the project were allowed to participate in the first test flight, and Marokov also received the invitation and flew all the way to China, preparing to witness this historic moment.

While still on the plane, he was already nervous about the first flight.


In fact, he didn't know what he was nervous about.

That is not my own plane, and even my own technicians have not participated in the core design.

At best, it just provided some mature technical ideas when the other party needed it.

Not to mention "cooperation", even "transaction" is not really counted. A more appropriate statement should be "The 603 Institute gave United Airlines a chance to participate."

Therefore, he shouldn't have paid too much attention to it.

But for some reason, after hearing the news that the H-20 was about to fly for the first time, he was very excited.

This feeling is hard to describe, if I had to give an example, it would be like.

I have a strong, unreasonable neighbor who bullies me every day with the kitchen knife at home, and suddenly one day, another neighbor next door to me pulls out an AK47

Although I don't know if the neighbor with the AK47 will become the same as the neighbor with the kitchen knife, but at least at this moment, I am really proud.

With this in mind, Marokov rushed to Office 603, and it was Wang Ming from AVIC who received him.

"Ming, we meet again!"

Marokov greeted him with a smile all over his face, and reached out to hold Wang Ming's hand.

"It is an absolute honor to receive your invitation - I know that most of the time, your first test flights are conducted in secrecy."

"It took you a lot of time to convince the superiors to let me participate, right?"

Hearing his words, Wang Ming smiled and shook his head.

"That's not true. After all, engineers from both sides participated in this project at the same time. It is also reasonable for you to participate as a representative."

"This is a testimony of the friendship between the two parties. Of course, it will also have many benefits for our subsequent technical cooperation."

These words were so high-sounding that no matter who listened to them, they would not be able to pick a single fault.

However, Wang Ming knew very well in his heart that the reason why he wanted to invite the representatives from the Russian side was actually a purpose in essence:

Take them aboard.

After all, unlike other equipment, a strategic bomber like the H-20 has only one mission since its birth, and that is "offensive deterrence."

The strategic intention it carries can even be said to be the same as that of an intercontinental missile.

That is to say, its birth will definitely provoke the sensitive nerves of countries all over the world, especially the United States.

It may even turn from "public opinion pressure" to actual confrontation.

So at this time, it is necessary to pull the big geese together and let the pressure be shared on their heads.

You say we are threatened?

But our project is recognized by the world's second largest country, if you want to criticize, then criticize them together.

But do you really dare?

When they go crazy, they actually drop granite missiles at your head—

It is impossible for Wang Ming to tell Marokov these words, but it can be inferred that in fact, in the heart of the other party, the potential intentions for Huaxia are also clear.

Sure enough, after hearing Wang Ming's words, an ambiguous smile appeared on Marokov's face.

His eyes swept across the empty airport, and after coughing, he changed the subject lightly and neatly:

"Where's the big guy? Still in the hangar? What's the estimated takeoff time?"

"This damn weather is colder than Siberia."

"If it's still early for takeoff, we might as well stop by your office for a cup of coffee."


Wang Ming replied.

"The final inspection is currently underway. If there is no accident, it will be able to enter the flight test process within half an hour."

"Then I'll just wait here."

Marokov answered wittily, and then continued:

"However, do you really need so many complicated inspections? The development of this bomber is progressing so smoothly, I always feel that you should have already dealt with everything."

Wang Ming nodded slightly and replied:

"It's for safety reasons, and as you know, there are a lot of new technologies on this plane."

"Those technologies are all practiced for the first time, and we must be cautious"


Marokov sighed.

A sour feeling rose in his heart.

These Chinese people are constantly moving forward, constantly upgrading their equipment with more advanced technology, but what about their own country?

If it weren't for the technical background left by the former Su Yi, I am afraid that the aviation industry of the entire country is about to collapse, right?

How can such a comparison not make people feel emotional?

Originally, Russia also had the opportunity to embark on the same development path as them.

But it was mistakes time and time again that pushed his motherland into the abyss of oligarchy.

His eyes narrowed imperceptibly, and after sorting out his emotions, he asked:

"So what's so special about it? Can you tell me about it?"

"No, you don't need to tell me the specific technical parameters, just tell me which one is stronger than the B-2."

A proud smile appeared on Wang Ming's face, and then he replied:

"What about the B-2? In front of our H-20, the B-2 is the product of the previous generation."

"Yes, the B-2 is strong, but it is old."

"The H-20 is a new force that has just been born."

"Sharper radar, smarter avionics, stronger stealth performance, and of course, faster speed."

"In terms of speed, you should also be very clear. We have borrowed the variable-sweep wing design of the Tu-160."

"Your researchers have also participated in the adaptation process of this technology, so you should have some understanding of it."


Marokov nodded.

"I heard that this H-20 can fly at a top speed of Mach 2.2."

"This is an exaggeration. A stealth strategic bomber can actually have the ability to penetrate defenses at high speed—it should be said that it is a combination of Tu-160 and B-2, right?"

"But I'm a little skeptical, can your variable cycle engine hold up? After all, it's a new thing"

"Who knows?"

Wang Ming didn't say anything dead, but replied noncommittally:

"Anyway, the flight test is about to start, and you can tell just by looking at how it performs."

At the same time, Xigong University.

Li Xiang sat high on the roof of the residential building where he lived, holding hot tea in his hand, and a blazing stove under his feet.

The cold wind was bitter, and it was as painful as a knife cutting someone's face, but he didn't seem to be able to feel it, as if he didn't move at all, just quietly looking at the sky in the distance.

He is waiting.

Wait for the H-20 to take off.

As one of the core intelligence members of the Xinghuo team, he naturally wouldn't hide the fact that the H-20 was about to fly, but also, because he was not directly related to the project, he had no way of obtaining more detailed information.

The information he can get is only an approximate time and an approximate direction.

He knew that it would take off at Xifei's test field, and that it would take off within two days, but he didn't know the exact time, direction and altitude of the flight.

Therefore, if he wants to witness this historic moment with his own eyes, he has only one way:


As long as the H-20 is flying, it will definitely be seen from its commanding height.

After all, a new type of fighter, no matter how high the level of secrecy before, but as long as it reaches the test flight stage, all the secrets will become "open secrets."

Its flight trajectory is not limited to the small area above the test flight field. In order to complete various technical tests, it even has to fly in the vast sky for more than several hours.

And in the take-off and landing phase, it is the best window to watch it.

But it's already eleven o'clock in the morning, the test flight hasn't started yet?

Li Xiang rubbed his frozen palms, and secretly slandered a few words in his heart.

If I had known it earlier, I would have used my "personal connections" to ask Chen Nian for a spot to go to 603 to watch it live

Although it is a bit "unruly" to say that doing so, as a gold medal employee of the intelligence department, it is reasonable for me to learn about the latest equipment on the spot in order to lay a solid foundation for future work, right?

Thinking of this, a self-deprecating smile appeared on Li Xiang's face.

He knew that even if he did it all over again, he would never do that.

The reason is very simple. The reason why Xinghuo can develop rapidly in such a precise and efficient way, and why it can solve each technical problem like a natural moat, besides the technical assistance provided by Chen Nian, actually lies in it. rules and structures.

And "going through the back door" is a violation of its rules.

No matter how good his relationship with Chen Nian was, he never said anything that he shouldn't know.

Of course, I won't ask myself.

This is probably the bottom line that an organization with high aspirations should really stick to.

The cold wind was still bitter, and Li Xiang was shivering from the cold. He even began to consider going back to his room to hide for a while, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a strange sound.

It seemed to be continuous thunder, but in the deep thunder, it was vaguely mixed with the whistling sound of a hurricane.

He seemed to realize something, and after standing up abruptly, he realized that the sky in the distance had quietly changed.

Above the tall buildings in downtown Chang'an, above the clear blue sky, there is a black shadow slowly approaching.

The speed of that shadow seems to be very slow, and of course it is very small.

Before hearing the roar from afar, Li Xiang even thought it was just a bird with nowhere to settle.

However, this is just an illusion.

In less than a minute, the bird flew across the sky at an astonishing speed, and its huge figure was completely revealed.

The broad triangular wings spread out, casting shadows on the ground, under the cover of Chang'an's snow, like a majestic splash-ink painting.

Immediately afterwards, the roar became more deafening, and the giant bird flew over the city.

The scattered pedestrians on the street were all attracted by this scene, and they all raised their heads to look at the beast that was making the sound of dragons.

Under its coercion, the whole city fell silent.

Li Xiang stood there stunned, the camera he had prepared long ago was completely forgotten by him.

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind:

This is our plane.

This is our H-20.

In front of it, both the Tu-160 and the mighty B-2 will be eclipsed.

However, just when the shock in his heart almost reached its peak, an even more incredible scene appeared.

The giant beast in the air drew an astonishing arc and lightly completed its turn in the air. After a brief level flight, a part of the outer edge of its wing actually began to retract!

Is this a variable-sweep wing?

Li Xiang was fascinated by the elegantly deformed H-20 in the air, and even his hair was blown into his eyes, so he didn't bother to fiddle with it.

A moment later, the tail of the H-20 ejected a hot bright blue flame, and the speed, which was already not slow, suddenly increased again!

The loud bursting noise replaced the original "roaring sound", and Li Xiang even felt that the chair under his buttocks was shaking with the loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, a white air wave spread out from the front of the machine, and gradually formed a ring-shaped sonic boom cloud.

What followed was a super-large-angle pull-up.

From Li Xiang's perspective, it jumped directly into the sky at an angle almost perpendicular to the ground.

In less than two minutes, the plane completely disappeared from Li Xiang's sight.

But the shock it left Li Xiang couldn't subside for a long time.

what the hell is this monster

It is true that Li Xiang has already known the general situation of the H-20 project, and also knows that once the fighter takes off, what it will bring will be a shock that breaks all rules and shackles.

But even though he had already been mentally prepared, when the plane actually appeared in front of him, he still couldn't help lamenting his lack of imagination.

Super power, super maneuverability, a huge magazine that can be seen at a glance, and the shocking appearance and painting

If the image of Tu-160 is an elegant white swan, the image of B-2 is a ghost in the dark night.

Then this H-20 looks like a god of death in black.

Its arrival represents the arrival of the ruling.

Li Xiang let out a long sigh of relief, only then did he realize that his hands were already so cold that he couldn't control them due to being exposed to the cold wind for a long time.


However, the phone in his pocket rang.

Trembling, he took out his mobile phone and finally saw the caller ID on the screen clearly.

And it was Chen Nian who called.

"see it?"

Chen Nian asked on the phone.

"I see!"

Li Xiang answered with a trembling voice.

"Well, what do you think?"

Chen Nian's tone was relaxed and at ease, which formed a sharp contrast with Li Xiang on this side.

Hearing his question, Li Xiang was silent for a long time.

After two full minutes, he opened his mouth and answered:

"Thinking. Probably, the world is about to change?"

"From now on, where can we go?"

"The range of the H-20 is the range covered by the truth."

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