
Chapter 271: A Dream Is Not a Dream

"Just one test flight like this, scaring them out of the third-level defense preparation?"

603, in Chen Nian's office, Chen Nian asked in disbelief while reading the latest information.

Tang Changhong on the opposite side stared with feigned dissatisfaction, and asked:

"What do you mean by 'just take a test flight like this', Xiao Nian, this flight is H-20!"

"What you made yourself, don't you know how exaggerated it is?"

"The top speed of Mach 2.4, the bomb load of 32 tons, and the maximum range of 14,000 kilometers, not to mention the stealth performance, just take any one of these figures out, it is the ceiling of the strategic bomber at this stage!"

"Isn't that scary? If I were them, I'd probably have a heart attack."

"You have to know that before this, we were still playing with the H-6K with a bomb load of 12 tons, and the range was only 8,000 kilometers!"

"If I have to describe it, it's like your enemy was originally carrying a small pistol, but now it's suddenly replaced by a naval gun."

"You can say with conscience, if you are the leader, can you not be afraid?"

"Third-level defense preparations are nothing. If you look back, they even put strategic nuclear submarines on strategic duty, scaring their allies in Europe enough. They thought that Sudan's stupid incident would force the old Americans to use nuclear weapons. "

Hearing Tang Changhong's words, Chen Nian couldn't help but laugh.

Yes, in his own opinion, Lao Mei did overreact a bit exaggeratedly this time.

After all, in his last life, he had only experienced the opponent's third-level defensive preparation three times.

One was a conflict in Eastern Europe, one was 9/11, and the other was the Gulf War.

Going further, it has to be traced back to the 1962 missile crisis.

It can be seen that every time they enter the third-level defense readiness state, they have extremely good reasons, and they only issue such orders when they believe that their homeland security has been seriously threatened.

Even the launch of Huaxia's aircraft carrier and the launch of Dongfeng-41 did not actually trigger their third-level preparations.

And now, the H-20 flew so fast, it wasn't aimed at them, it actually triggered the third-level preparation in a daze.

It is conceivable that they were indeed frightened.

Of course, Chen Nian felt that the reasons mentioned by Tang Changhong did represent part of the reasons, but more importantly, they did not have any reasonable expectations for the first flight.

Simply put, it underestimated the advanced nature of the H-20.

Their initial thoughts were probably something like this:

If you cooperate with Russia, there is a high probability that you will create a white swan and modify it. No matter how fast it flies, there are so many military bases in the world, if any radar shines on you, your whereabouts will be fully exposed.

In other words, if you don't engage in high-speed bombers, you also learn from our B-2 in stealth, that's okay.

Anyway, you fly slowly and have poor maneuverability. After entering the densely covered airspace of radar, if we can't penetrate the defense quickly, we can always catch you.

But now, the result is in front of them.

This thing not only flies fast, but also stealth.

Two problems, one solution.

With the current radar technology of the United States, it is simply impossible to catch a piece of clothing of the H-20.

Those military bases all over the world were originally outposts for their global strike strategy, but now they have become living targets.

Under such circumstances, it is really unavoidable that they are not in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian shook his head.

"This can be regarded as an unintentional planting of willows and willows."

"We originally launched the H-20 to strengthen our right to speak in the African region and protect the security of the homeland, but we didn't expect that they would be blown up instead."

"I estimate that for some time to come, they will all be in a state of strategic tension, and the challenges we have to face are not over yet."

"Not necessarily."

Chen Guo, who was sitting by the side, interrupted and continued:

"Going into Level 3 defense preparation doesn't mean they're necessarily going to do something big, or they may be preparing for a full-scale contraction."

"After all, there is another important message in their military dispatch this time, that is, the security war in Iraq has stopped."

"It stands to reason that no matter how critical the situation is, the public security war should still be fought. It will not consume many resources and occupy too many troops."

"This is a lack of self-confidence. The situation they are showing now is completely different from that in 1991 or 1962."

Hearing his words, Chen Nian nodded slightly.

"What you said is indeed reasonable, no matter what, let's get ready."

"By the way, what is the reaction of other countries?"

Chen Nian asked curiously.

Chen Guo flipped through the documents in her hand, and replied:

"Needless to say the official and public opinion's attitude, in short, it is high-sounding, congratulations, congratulations, concern, and condemnation."

"It really depends on their reaction, but also on what they actually did."

"The most obvious is Russia. On the day of the first flight, the budget of our cooperative PAK FA project was supplemented --- United Airlines paid for it."

"In addition, the natural gas and oil pipelines that were originally discussed have also made breakthroughs."

"They can't wait to embrace our thighs, and they don't want to throw out the preferential conditions like money, and even moved the idea of ​​​​exchanging resources for technology."

"However, this is a long-term topic, and we will definitely not consider providing H-20 related technology"

Chen Nian hummed, and echoed:

"It's really impossible. There is no sword that has just been made, and it is handed over to someone else."

"What about other countries?"

"Other countries and Europe responded relatively uniformly. Several groups were blown up. Terez, EADS, and BAE all expressed their technical cooperation intentions."

"EADS originally had the closest cooperation with GM. It is said that their group president also made an appointment for a meeting with GM, but it was canceled directly."

"You know what the funniest part of this thing is?"

"What is it?"

Chen Nian asked curiously.

"The funniest thing is that the president of EADS himself said the cancellation of the meeting."

"I don't know what he thinks. The grass on the wall falls so fast, isn't he afraid that the old beauty will settle accounts after autumn?"

Hearing this, a secretive smile appeared on Chen Nian's face.

In fact, there is a more well-known company among the subsidiaries of EADS, which is Airbus.

Since 2003, Airbus has launched their strategy in China, and the strategic center has gradually begun to shift.

For them, China is the biggest market in the aviation field in the future.

They were originally the patrons, but now that the patrons suddenly drew their guns, their defection was not unexpected.

However, this process was supposed to be completed more than ten years later.

At that time, they even ignored the stern warning from the US, and directly sold dozens of military helicopters under the banner of civilian use to China. The US was so angry that they directly canceled their visit to Europe and changed it to a visit to China.

Now the president of EADS releases GM's pigeons, in fact, from a fundamental logic point of view, it is not much different from the incident more than ten years later.

Probably just speeding up the process.

Seeing Chen Nian's expression, Chen Guo vaguely guessed what he was thinking, so she didn't say any more, but continued to report the waves caused by this H-20 takeoff around the world.

The three chatted until after four o'clock in the afternoon. Tang Changhong checked the time before stopping and interrupting:

"It's almost time for dinner. Today the institute has prepared a celebration banquet. Let's all go to it."

"Xiao Nian, I arranged for you to have a table with the internal staff, so you can also say a few words when the time comes."

Chen Nian was taken aback for a moment, and asked back:

"say what?"

This question made Tang Changhong look dull, and after a long pause, he tentatively asked:

"How about I prepare a manuscript for you?"

".Forget it. If you really want to talk, then I will talk about it casually."

"It's okay, you can talk about anything, as long as you are there, it is enough."

At 6:30 in the afternoon, Chen Nian followed the two to the auditorium.

The scene had already been prepared, and Tang Changhong led Chen Nian into the specially partitioned banquet hall through the side door.

As soon as he walked in, Chen Nian took a look and found that they were all acquaintances.

Lei Gang who started the J-22 project, Wang Xianguo who built the F119 engine, Chen Yunyong who returned to China after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and Yang Wei who "snatched" Chen Nian first.

Of course, there is Lin Yongming, the general manager of AVIC Group.

As soon as they saw Chen Nian coming in, everyone stood up immediately, which even made Chen Nian a little dazed and ashamed.

Since when did you become the person that even the bosses present would stand up to greet you?

I don't seem to have much perception of these things, and I always maintain a "junior" mentality when communicating with other people.

But now it seems that they don't regard themselves as juniors.

Lin Yongming was the first to greet him. He grabbed Chen Nian's hand and said with a smile on his face:

"Xiao Nian, another city!"

"And this city is a very important city!"

"In the past, it was always said in the poems, why don't men take the Wu hook and collect the fifty states of Guanshan. If you take this city, it will be much heavier than the fifty states of Guanshan!"

Hearing Lin Yongming's speech with an obvious official atmosphere, Chen Nian couldn't help but feel a little numb. He shook subconsciously, and replied:

"It's just a small contribution."

"It's still tiny? It's not small at all! Let me tell you."

"Boss Lin, just let him go!"

Yang Weiwei, who was at the side, stepped forward with a grin, and said with a mocking smile on his face:

"Xiao Nian doesn't like you at all. If you tell him these official talk, be careful to make him feel disgusted."

"If you want me to say, I just say one word, fierce! Solid!"

"Xiao Nian, the successful maiden flight of the H-20 is due to you. You won't have to suffer at the wine table for a while, young man, drink a few more glasses."

"If you get drunk and accidentally show us how the next generation of fighter jets are made, then everyone will be happy!"


Hearing his words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, their trust in Chen Nian can be said to have reached its peak.

Even Chen Yunyong, who was not familiar with Chen Nian before, came over with the wine at this time, eager to have a drink with Chen Nian.

Of course, he was sent back soon with the excuse of "the table has not yet started", but before sitting back, he pulled Chen Nian and said a few words that seemed a little inexplicable at first glance.

After some chatter and tumult, the celebration banquet finally began.

At the dinner table, everyone stopped talking about topics related to H-20.

After all, as long as this topic is mentioned, one has to mention the ever-changing international situation and the long and arduous road ahead, and the atmosphere is not relaxed at all.

Everyone just chatted casually about their families and friends, where they would go on vacation and where they would retire in the future.

Looking at the drunken and noisy crowd, Chen Nian couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

In fact, he has always disliked lively events, and he hates such a chaotic drinking scene even more.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a different feeling.

All the people here, it can almost be said, have dedicated their lives to the land they love so much.

On the battlefield of scientific research, they are the fiercest warriors.

Holding a knife and jumping a horse, going forward indomitably, even the most terrifying enemy is not their all-in-one enemy.

However, when they dismounted, they were no different from ordinary people.

At a certain moment, they may also have thought about letting go and living an ordinary life.

But when the horses had finished drinking and the knives were sharpened, they all put down the wine glasses in their hands without hesitation, bid farewell to the tenderness of the world, and went into battle again, rushing to that place that had never seen gunpowder smoke, but was equally heroic. .

They did deserve a booze, and all the glory that was bestowed upon them.

Chen Nian silently raised his wine glass, and was about to drink it in one gulp, but Tang Changhong stopped him.

"Xiao Nian! Say a few words before drinking, you promised me, say a few words!"

Chen Nian hesitated for a moment, but finally stood up.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"In fact, I don't have much to say. What I really want to say is, thank you for your dedication and support."

"Thank you Xiao Nian!"

Yang Wei booed from below, Lin Yongming stared at him, and he shut his mouth honestly in an instant.

Chen Nian smiled and continued:

"Actually, a long time ago, I had a dream."

"I dreamed that I was born in another world."

"In that world, we don't have J-22, J-20, DF17, or H-20."

"I dreamed that we were discussing how to use five J-8s to kill Laomei's F-22, and I dreamed that someone was imagining using the method of 'rushing to the sun' to close the electronic warfare gap between us and Laomei."

"I dreamed that our island was occupied, that our ship was detained, and that our plane was obviously built, but it couldn't take off because of the so-called 'airworthiness certificate'."

"Also, in that world, someone can kill one of our industries with a small chip."

"Someone can lock our strait by relying on two aircraft carriers."

"Some people are throwing stones on our border every day, and some people are ungrateful and clamoring to build more and bigger islands than us."

"Of course, there are still people who keep telling our young people that this country is doomed, this leader has lost his original intentions, this nation has lost its ideals."

"They call that inferiority."

"They said, hurry up and get wet, it's already this time, who doesn't want to get wet?"

"I really thought that we were going to end in that world."

"But actually, no."

"Even in that situation, we still struggled and got up little by little."

"We carry a heavy burden on our bodies, and there are people who are constantly trying to break us from under our feet and from within."

"But we are still standing after all, but it is very difficult to stand."

"After waking up from that dream, I was suddenly very happy."

"Compared to the world in our dreams, what we really have is too much."

"I always think, if I can create more and stronger equipment one after another in reality, and come up with newer and more powerful technologies, will one day, when I am dreaming, these technologies, Will it be brought into the dream too?"

"This is my little wish."

"If it can be realized...that would be perfect."

"Whether I'm awake or dreaming, I can smile."

"Everyone, it is up to you to realize this little wish of mine."

After finishing speaking, Chen Nian picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

After a while, Yang Wei stood up first.

He filled his glass with wine, then looked at Chen Nian, and said word by word:

"Chen Nian, for your dream, I did it!"


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