
Chapter 277

In fact, at this time, Huaxia's planning for the fourth-generation ships had already begun.

It should be said that it has been going on for many years.

From February 1949 to April 2019 in the previous life, for a total of 70 years, several generations of naval personnel in China have experienced all the hardships and hardships on the road to pursue their dreams.

In this process, there were several times of broken dreams alone.

The starting point of the "Deep Blue Dream" of the Huaxia Navy is 701. This research institute that starts with 7 and has a serial number of 01 is the master of the entire Huaxia ship design.

It has absorbed a large amount of technical background from the Soviet aid period, step by step from passive acceptance to self-reliance, cultivated generations of valuable talents, and laid the foundation for the navy's accumulation.

In 1968, under the leadership of the 701 Institute, the 055 large destroyer project was officially established.

But in fact, the approval of the project does not mean that the warship carrying the hope of the Republic can be put into research and development immediately.

Due to well-known reasons, it was not until 1976, eight years later, after the Military Commission's "1976" document was issued, that the 055 Ship Coordination Leading Group and Office were not announced.

It seems that the research and development of this warship is finally on the right track.

But in fact, the diesel-fuel combined power system used at that time could not meet the technical and tactical indicators scheduled for the 055 ship, and what is even more exaggerated is that the service life of the new generation of gas turbines for the proposed ship is only 200 hours.

There is a saying about this gas turbine in military forums of later generations, what is it called?

Bathhouse level.

If you can't even do basic navigation, how can you talk about combat?

Power is the biggest shackle, but in addition, radar, weapons, and electronic equipment are also problems.

After several unsuccessful introduction negotiations, the 055 project was finally shelved and turned to a pre-research state.

It was not until 2003 that the 055 ship was re-entered into research and development, and construction began in 2014.

It took 5 years for the first domestic fourth-generation ship to be launched, and at this time, 50 years have passed since its embryonic germination.

Hardships and hardships, most of the first generation of scientific researchers have even passed away, after all, they will never see the spectacular picture of this 10,000-ton ship driving across the sea.

This has to be said to be a historical regret.

However, after he took over, the number of such regrets should become less and less.

The work of one generation will be solved in one generation!

Under the arrangement of Mr. Liu, the person in charge of the 055 ship project quickly rushed from Wuchang to Dalian, and the first thing he did when he arrived was not even to meet Mr. Liu, but to go directly to Chen Nian's office to give Chen Nian Reporting

"Chen Gong, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

I don't know when, most of the scientific researchers who met Chen Nian, their first sentence became "I've been waiting for you for a long time", which made Chen Nian feel a little pressure, but he couldn't bear it in his heart. Live proudly.

This feeling of being needed is really good.

"Mr. Wen, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Chen Nian replied with a smile.

Wen Xingdong, chief engineer of the 055 ship project, quickly held his hand and said with a smile on his face:

"It's because our arrangements are not in place. If I knew you were going to do 055, I would have come here a month in advance to wait for you."

"The earliest flight I missed today finally arrived before lunch."

"I'll be the host for a while, let's have a meal first, and then we'll have a good chat after the meal!"

"You don't need to eat, just eat in the cafeteria."

Chen Nian quickly waved his hand.

"Let's talk about 055 first. How far has your current project progressed?"

Hearing Chen Nian's question, Wen Xingdong was not hypocritical, but went straight to work.

"The problems of the power system and the radar system have basically been solved."

"Although the retrofit has not been completed, the biggest problem, which is the problem of the gas turbine, has actually been broken through."

"We will directly use the same AGT110 gas turbine as the Deep Blue 16 project. Compared with the CGT-25M we planned before, it can save a lot of space, and the subsequent upgrade of the comprehensive power system of the ship will be simpler."

"However, whether to use a single machine or a dual machine is still under consideration. The main decision point is whether to use other large-scale power-consuming equipment in the future."

"Large electrical equipment? You mean electromagnetic guns?"

Chen Nian interrupted.

"Yes, electromagnetic guns are the first thing to consider, but in addition, laser anti-missile systems and higher-power radars are also major consumers of electricity. A 110-megawatt gas turbine cannot support our electricity consumption. have to add"

The power consumption of electromagnetic guns is a well-known thing. In Chen Nian's previous life, he even heard that a certain US warship equipped with electromagnetic guns had a test firing, and the entire ship's electrical equipment almost shut down.

Therefore, the dual-machine parallel solution mentioned by Wen Xingdong is indeed necessary.

But he may have "ulterior motives" when he said it at this time.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian said with a smile:

"Mr. Wen, don't be too restrained. If you have any ideas, just speak up boldly. What are you afraid of?"

Wen Xingdong chuckled, and said with a little embarrassment:

"We can't hide it from Mr. Chen. We want to use electromagnetic guns. Mr. Ma has already nodded his head on this one, but he still wants to listen to your opinion."

"If you think it's feasible, then we will do it, but for the issue of high heat-resistant materials, I still have to help you."

"no problem."

Chen Nian answered decisively.

His idea is very simple, it is already 2007, who still plays with traditional naval guns?

In his view, the future of naval weapons is actually a process of returning to the basics.

From the initial power weapon, to guided weapon, and then back to power weapon, its development follows the development of anti-missile technology.

As for the logic, it is also very simple. After modern anti-missile technology has progressed from "bullet to bullet" to "laser to bullet", the complex electronic system in a missile will not only no longer provide tactical advantages, but will become the weakest link.

At this time, the super-long-range and difficult-to-intercept powered shells can once again play a role.

Can the laser burn off my guidance chip, can it also burn off my shells?

The crux of the problem is that the range of the shell must reach a certain threshold.

In Chen Nian's mind, the threshold is 300 kilometers.

When the threshold is reached or exceeded, there is no need for some advanced ship-to-ship missiles to exist.

Hearing Chen Nian's answer, Wen Xingdong almost jumped up with joy.

But immediately, he had to ask again:

"Chen Gong, what about the laser weapon? Can it be done?"

"... not in the short term."

Chen Nian replied honestly.

In fact, things like lasers seem simple. After all, laser pointers can be bought at small stalls in the countryside. This is also a childhood memory of many people.

But in fact, although ordinary lasers and high-energy lasers have the same principle, they are not the same in terms of technical difficulty.

The technical hurdles designed in it are one after another.

According to his plan, this thing is to be developed as a pre-project of inertial confinement nuclear fusion after the nuclear fusion project is launched.

As for now, put it aside for now.

However, his answer did not disappoint Wen Xingdong - he was simply trying to hit a shot first.

"No problem, no problem, we will do it later, the electromagnetic gun is enough!"

"Hey hey hey this time it's really right"

Chen Nian shook his head helplessly, and said:

"Mr. Wen, don't rush to have fun."

"Electromagnetic guns and laser weapons are all things to talk about. Have you laid the foundation? The gas turbine is fine, the radar is fine, what about the others?"

Hearing what Chen Nian said, Wen Xingdong quickly replied:

"The main modules are actually all right. Except for the radar, the vertical emission module is basically done. The current idea is to change the cold emission to the hot emission. I mentioned this to you just now. The problem of high heat-resistant materials still needs to be solved." solve"

Good guy, so I was waiting for myself here!

However, if one material can solve two problems at the same time, it is indeed very cost-effective.

Chen Nian nodded slightly, and continued to ask:

"Is there any more?"

"No, we can solve the electronic system by ourselves. It is not a big problem to prepare for the integrated radio frequency."

In this way, most of the technical difficulties of 055D have actually been broken through, and what is left for me is some "near future optimization" issues.

This is the power of technological fission.

Under the radiation of the large-scale project Deep Blue 16, the originally difficult 055 project has become extremely easy.

"That's no problem, and I will be deeply involved in this project in the future."

"If you have any difficulties, report to me in time, and I will solve it as soon as possible."

"Mr. Wen, our goal is to make the first 055 into combat power within two years. Remember, it is to form combat power, not launch!"


Wen Xingdong replied loudly, for this seemingly urgent plan, he was actually wishing for it.

The navy has been suffocated for too long, and the anger in my heart can't wait to vent it

On the other side, Africa, Darfur.

After several months, it was finally time for Liu Guangyu to leave.

But the reason why he wants to leave is not because the situation in Darfur has stabilized, on the contrary, because the situation here is completely out of control.

Although we put pressure through various means time and time again, Hamidi, who was already ambitious, finally became crazy when Mi Fang continued to increase his chips.

He completely tore up the official armistice agreement with Sudan, organized several large-scale offensive operations in a very short period of time, and turned the peaceful North Darfur into a mess.

Moreover, with the arrival of a large number of American equipment and so-called "personal defense company technicians", the Revolutionary Front's offensive has become more radical, and its tactical and combat effectiveness levels have also continued to rise.

They began to advance towards the capital. According to this development trend, in the near future, they will surely break out a real "large-scale war" with the government.

Not just Darfur, but Sudan as a whole is no longer safe.

Therefore, after discussion by his superiors, Liu Guangyu was asked to withdraw, and he was followed by several employees of Chinese-funded enterprises who had recently been stranded in the surrounding areas of Darfur.

Several people took the armed vehicles prepared by Hamidi all the way to the south, and finally arrived at the blue helmet camp where Liu Guangyu first set off. Others transferred to other vehicles to go to the airport here, while Liu Guangyu stayed to report the situation.

Sitting in the battle command room of the blue helmet, Liu Guangyu spoke to the phone and said:

"The situation has become clear. This battle must be fought by Hamidi."

"In other words, the United States must fight."

"Using the old saying, this is called being forced to go to the top. They have invested too many resources in Darfur, and there is no possibility of recovering these resources. Only by going to the dark side and supporting the Revolutionary Front to fight to the end can they make up for their losses."

"For this goal, they have not hesitated to end in person."

"Sudan is about to be in chaos, and this chaos will even affect the whole of Africa. We must be prepared for it."

On the other end of the phone, a calm male voice replied:

"We have already understood the situation you said, and our judgment is basically the same as yours."

"Now, what we want to confirm is, did you really see a large number of American personnel over there?"

"No, I only saw one."

Liu Guangyu replied.

"But these Americans are like cockroaches. If there is one in your home, there must be several nests in every corner."

"There is no reason for any American to go to Darfur at a time like this unless they are born for war."


The man sighed softly.

Now, the intelligence has been finally confirmed.

Although there are obvious contradictions between the Congress, the Turret, and the May Conference, they really intend to unite the front on the Darfur issue to the end.

For us, this is definitely not a good thing.

Once the war starts, the whole of North Africa will be affected, and the foundation of our business there may be abandoned.

The economic loss is second to none. Once the power vacuum falls into place, and when the war is over and you want to return to your old place, Africa may no longer be the original Africa.

After a pause, the man asked Liu Guangyu for some specific local information, then he hung up the phone, and with the information he had just written down in his hand, he turned and walked to another office.

After knocking on the door and entering, the man reported the latest situation to his superiors.

"...the situation is getting out of control at the moment, but we have achieved what we expected."

"'Heavenly Soldiers' will end in person, and Darfur will become a vortex that holds them back."

"However, relying solely on the power of Sudan, this vortex may not last long."

"It doesn't matter, it lasts as long as it lasts."

The superior interrupted him, and continued to speak:

"We are not going to fight a proxy war, but to ensure the basic stability of the overall situation."

"They want Khartoum, so let them get it themselves."

"However, they don't want to use Khartoum as a fulcrum to influence the entire continent."

"Speed ​​up the negotiations on the supply station in Djibouti."

"Within a month, we will complete our initial deployment to Djibouti."

"We want to make it a bastion of power projection. As long as we are there, we will not allow any power to pass through the Sudanese border to other countries!"


The man nodded immediately, and then he asked:

"How to organize the first batch of supply ships?"

The superior pondered for a moment, then replied:

"Go to 052C first."

"After the 055D is in the water, use the 055D to change defenses."

"This is a huge, long-term strategy. Even one day, our aircraft carrier will berth on the waters of the port of Djibouti."

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