
Chapter 282: Where the Exoskeleton Comes in

The completion of the name removal not only means that the aircraft carrier has been completely "cut" from the previous Varyag, but also marks that the aircraft carrier will be dismantled from the equipment and enter the equipment installation stage.

In other words, the transformation work of the 001 ship has officially begun to sprint at full speed. As long as the equipment that has been prepared is installed on the aircraft carrier, it can be put into sea trials.

The equipment involved in this process includes various radars, weapons, power, and living equipment. The process can be fast or slow, but the slowest will not exceed two years.

However, the short assembly cycle does not mean that there is no difficulty in assembly.

In fact, on the second day after the name was removed, the transformation had just begun, and the Deep Blue 16 project team encountered the first thorny problem.

That is, the assembly problem of the gas turbine power system.

In fact, the original Varyag used a steam power system, which was not only complicated in structure, but also extremely poor in power.

Chen Nian still remembers that in the most exaggerated situation at that time, the steam turbine needed to warm up for as long as 48 hours before it could barely drive the aircraft carrier.

After the Deep Blue 16 project was launched, the problem of the power system was the first problem that needed to be solved, and the reason why Huaxia wanted to win the Motor Sich factory was for this reason.

However, simply solving the gas turbine problem is not enough.

How to install these two powerful gas turbines on the aircraft carrier has become the key to the problem.

The outdated engine room was almost dismantled, and all the equipment was equivalent to starting from scratch. Since there was no original drawing, the center of gravity of the ship could easily be shifted during the installation of large equipment, causing problems with the balance of the entire aircraft carrier.

In the previous life, the Liaoning ship actually had this problem. When fully loaded, the center of gravity of the Liaoning ship was slightly to one side, which seriously affected its maneuverability and combat capability.

Of course, the Liaoning ship in the previous life was only used as a training ship from the beginning to the end, so it will be harmless next time.

But now, No. 001 cannot accept such flaws.

Because its goal is to go to the battleship.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the engineers including Chen Nian made various attempts, adjusting the internal layout of the power cabin time and time again. Chen Nian even considered adopting the scheme of tilting the engine, but finally considered the resulting Other space waste issues that came, have not yet been implemented.

If opportunism doesn't work, then we have to use stupid methods to keep trying and modifying again and again, and the gravity layout of the entire aircraft carrier has been adjusted synchronously.

It took more than a month before the plan was finalized, and the long-awaited engine was installed on the aircraft carrier.

After the successful test drive, Chen Nian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after passing one level, there is another level.

After the problem of the engine was solved, there was another problem with the installation of the phased array radar.

No. 001 uses the latest 346D digital array radar developed by the 14th Institute. Compared with the 346B active phased array radar, it has a wider detection range and higher accuracy, but its volume has also been enlarged accordingly.

This brings up an embarrassing question:

The bridge of 001 cannot accommodate this radar.


It's not that this issue was not considered in the preliminary planning, but because during the progress of the project, due to the blessing of the technical foundation laid by Chen Nian in the early stage, the research and development progress of the 14th Institute was much faster than expected.

New things come out, do you use them or not?

No need, it always feels outdated and wasteful.

But if it is used, the hull design will have to be changed again.

After discussing for a long time, Mr. Liu made the final decision:

If you want to do it, do it thoroughly, and if you want to use it, use the most advanced!

As a result, the design and layout of the bridge were also changed, and it took longer than expected to complete the deployment of the radar system.

But it was precisely because of two consecutive accidents in the implementation of the project that the scheduled construction period began to be insufficient again.

The atmosphere in the project team quickly became tense. Not only the scientific researchers and engineers, but also all grassroots workers began to work overtime. Even Chen Nian could see the exhaustion of these workers.

He even noticed several times that some workers even skipped lunch time. Once the work in the morning is over, they find a corner to lean against the deck and fall asleep. After waking up, they just find two buns to make do with , Turn around and throw yourself into the afternoon work again.

This rhythm lasted until 9 o'clock in the evening, and the intensity was frighteningly high.

Chen Nian knew that such a situation was very dangerous, because in his previous life, as many as 15 people died during the renovation of the No. 001 aircraft carrier.

Most of these 15 people died due to accidents caused by excessive project pressure and tight schedule.

It can't go on like this.

Personal life may be nothing compared to the huge benefits of building an aircraft carrier, but the trade-off of utilitarianism should not appear in this country.

Life is the most basic bottom line.

After another day's work, Chen Nian approached Gu Lidong, the general manager of the Deep Blue 16 project, and when he saw Chen Nian, Gu Lidong also guessed his intention.

"Chen Gong, you are here."

"Is it because of the work intensity of the project?"

Chen Nian nodded slightly, and replied:

"This matter must be resolved. Almost all project personnel have reached their limit after a month of high-intensity operations."

"Mental workers such as researchers and engineers are okay. The physical labor intensity of workers is too high. If you don't try to solve it, people will not be able to support it."

Hearing his words, Gu Lidong heaved a long sigh.

His face was full of helplessness, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he answered:

"We have already discovered this problem."

"But there's no way, there's very little we can do."

"The Deep Blue 16 project is not any other ordinary engineering project. It not only requires the professionalism of the workers, but also has high requirements for confidentiality."

"There are not many workers who can meet the standards required by the project, and some of them are occupied by other projects. It is impossible for us to transfer people in a short time."

"Either we extend the construction period - but that's clearly not possible."

Chen Nian frowned. He also knew the significance of the first aircraft carrier.

The sooner this carrier is launched, the sooner we can establish superiority at sea.

It is very likely that the difference between before and after is only one month, and many islands lost in previous lives will not be lost.

Therefore, he can understand Gu Lidong's contradiction.

But is it because of such a reason that you really don't care about it?

Thinking of this, he continued to ask:

"Is there no other way besides adding personnel?"

Gu Lidong shook his head.

"No, all our large-scale equipment has been upgraded, and the ways to improve efficiency by 'non-manpower' have been exhausted."

"For the problem of manpower overdraft, all we can do is to increase workers' subsidies and wages as much as possible, and add some high-nutritional food as a supplement."

Chen Nian looked out the window subconsciously, and those large-scale equipment from XCMG that were running non-stop also confirmed the authenticity of what Gu Lidong said.

Perhaps, the only solution is to extend the construction period.



Chen Nian's heart suddenly moved, and he realized the crux of the problem.

The "large device" problem is indeed solved, what about the small device?

So he hurriedly asked:

"Are small automation tools sufficient?"

Chen Nian was referring to labor tools such as electric wrenches and induction screwdrivers.

"Sufficient, this is the most basic thing-in fact, the labor load of workers mainly comes from various tasks when working in a narrow cabin."

"In that kind of place, machines can't get in, and it's really too difficult to rely on manpower."

"I have a way."

Chen Nian's eyes lit up.

Narrow, large equipment cannot enter, high intensity, long working hours

Isn't this the best working environment for mechanical exoskeletons?

Wang Jiancheng's exoskeleton has entered the final verification stage.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, can't you just test the actual effect of the exoskeleton?

"You have a way? What way?"

Gu Lidong looked at Chen Nian in surprise and asked.

"Get on the mechanical exoskeleton."

Chen Nian replied.

"Exoskeletons? Do we have them?"

"Moreover, the relatively cutting-edge exoskeletons are all for military use, and the job scenarios don't match up."

A confident smile appeared on Chen Nian's face, he shook his head slightly, and then said:

"I know there's an exoskeleton that's just right for this."

After returning to his office, Chen Nian immediately called Chen Guo and explained his intentions to him.

After hearing Chen Nian's arrangement, Chen Guo said in agreement:

"The question you raised is actually very representative. Now we have too many large-scale infrastructure projects, and the manpower consumption of the projects is also increasing."

"In the past two years, we were still talking about the difficulty of finding jobs for migrant workers. In the past two years, this problem has almost disappeared."

"If we continue to develop, soon our problem will not be too much labor, but not enough labor."

"So, improving efficiency through tools is an inevitable step --- exoskeleton is a good direction."

"However, if you want to install an exoskeleton, you must consider the issue of cost. Is the exoskeleton that Wang Jiancheng is working on cost high?"

"That must be high."

Chen Nian answered honestly, but then he changed the subject and said:

"But we don't need a full version of the exoskeleton."

"For the current working environment, in fact, we need nothing more than a few standards."

"First, it can provide assistance and support when carrying heavy objects."

"Second, it provides the postural support needed to hold the same position for long periods of time."

"Third, relative flexibility."

"Wang Jiancheng's exoskeleton can do these three things, and after removing unnecessary functions, the energy consumption will be greatly reduced, and the current lithium battery can be used for long-term power supply."

"——For this long time, as long as it can meet the standard of three hours."

"It is very convenient to replace the battery directly during the rest time."

"Then there's no problem!"

Chen Guo immediately made a decision:

"Then I'll contact Wang Jiancheng and ask him to optimize the exoskeleton."

"You have also participated in their projects before. How long do you think it will take for him to modify the first finished product? I have to give him a task."

Chen Nian thought for a moment, then replied:

"Give him three days."

"It's hard to go from simple to complex, but it's easy to go from complex to simple."

"One day for renovation and two days for debugging is enough."

"so little?"

Chen Guo asked in shock.

Chen Nian smiled slightly and replied:

"Believe me, if he knew that the aircraft carrier program needed his invention, he would probably want to stay up 24 hours a day."

"Leave it to him, it can be done."

Only 20 minutes later, Wang Jiancheng received a call from the 611 Institute, inviting him to the designated office for a detailed discussion.

At first, Wang Jiancheng thought that the main purpose of this exchange was the optimization of Yujing 02, but when the opposite representative spoke, he froze in place.

Because, the other party was actually talking about the topic of mechanical exoskeletons.

Moreover, the other party also knows that he is working on this project at hand-even the progress and initial results of the project are well known.

The other party also made no secret of their purpose, and directly expressed their cooperation intention to Wang Jiancheng.

Their goal is to complete the production of the first batch of 60 exoskeletons within one month, and manufacture the second batch of 600 exoskeletons within the next three months for a very large equipment project.

Hearing this, Wang Jiancheng already had some preliminary judgments in his heart.

What kind of projects require large-scale use of mechanical exoskeletons?

It is nothing more than some engineering projects with narrow working areas but high labor intensity.

Combined with the current situation, the people who came to talk to me were military personnel. Although they belong to the Air Force, in fact, the demand for exoskeletons in the manufacture of large aircraft is very low.

The answer is obvious.

Must be a large ship project.

What are the domestic projects that can spend so much and afford so many exoskeletons?


There is only one, and it is definitely the aircraft carrier project!

Wang Jiancheng became excited instantly, and he asked subconsciously:

"Are you going to build an aircraft carrier?"

The representative on the opposite side paused and replied:

"I can't disclose the specific details of the project. If you enter the core team of the project later, you will know."

"Now I need you to give us an answer, can we cooperate?"

"Yes, yes! Very capable!"

Wang Jiancheng answered immediately.

He felt that it was too late for him to ask Chen Nian and Qiao Mai for their opinions - anyway, they would definitely not refuse.

"That's good, let's talk about the needs."

"We need you to complete the transformation of the mechanical exoskeleton at hand in the shortest possible time. Its functionality does not need to be too complicated, as long as it meets the basic operational needs."

The representative stated the needs summed up by Chen Nian one by one, and Wang Jiancheng frowned as he listened.

It's not because it's too difficult, but because it's too simple, right?

Several times he wanted to speak, but finally swallowed the words.

It was not until the representative had finished speaking that he asked:

"So what you actually want is a Mazza with electric power assist?"

".It's not impossible if you have to understand it this way."

Wang Jiancheng heaved a long sigh.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"alright, I got it."

"Then this project is very simple, just remove unnecessary parts, strengthen the structural strength, and replace it with a high-torque motor."

"I don't need three days, I can get the samples and drawings out in one day."

"When the time comes, you can take it directly to the factory for production. Just this thing, I guess you can find it in any street in Yongkang, and you can save it."

"Is it that easy?"

asked the representative in surprise.

"What's so difficult about it? The function is so simple, the hardware is not difficult at all, the difficulty is the software adjustment."

"I have already written the program, and I can use it directly after taking it away. I thought I could build Gundam, but I didn't expect to make Maza in the end."

Hearing his words, the representative laughed dumbfounded.

"If you can make a mazza now, you can make a wheelchair in the future."

"The product must follow the demand, take your time, and one day, you will be able to build a Gundam."

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