
Chapter 296 Electromagnetic Cannon Exposure

"The cannons are rumbling, and several islands have been razed to the ground!"

"To fight or not to fight? The more we enter a state of full alert, several fighter planes take off."

"J-20B takes off again, when will the hegemony end?"

After the gunfire, the global unity exploded.

No one could have predicted such a development, including the parties on the opposite side, who did not react in a short period of time.


Yes, they did go on full alert, but the so-called alert was just recalling the soldiers who were on vacation.

As for what to do next and what can be done, no one has an idea.

After all, what they were facing was a weapon they had never seen before.

Under its power, more than a dozen long-established islands were completely reduced to ruins overnight. The sensation caused by this incident was no less than the conflict itself.

Even the originally turbulent international public opinion has been taken a little off.

In addition to the usual solidarity and condemnation, some media have begun to discuss new weapons.

They quickly came to a conclusion:

That is the legendary electromagnetic gun that has already boarded the ship.

Never expected that this cannon would appear in such a form.

Who has seen it?

According to the normal process, even if it is a sea trial, shouldn't the target be shot first?

However, a statement quickly silenced all skeptical voices.

"At the end of June, we organized a small-scale exercise at sea and used new weapons in the exercise."

"This exercise did not cause any casualties or property losses, and the targets used in the exercise were all uninhabited desert islands within our territorial waters"

As soon as this statement was released, almost everyone was dumbfounded.

Small-scale exercise?

Within territorial waters?

Uninhabited desert island?

There are too many elements, and for a while, I don't even know which one to start to refute.

Is it a "small-scale exercise" that blows up more than a dozen islands at a time, or is it all located in the "territorial waters" of the disputed area, or is it an "uninhabited desert island" full of barracks and living facilities?

Perhaps the only thing that can be believed in the whole message is the word "no one".

After all, even according to reports from the Vietnamese side, the shelling did occur after their personnel left

On the Chinese Internet, discussions about this report were overwhelming.

However, the netizens who paid attention to this matter seemed to be poked at the point of laughter. Apart from serious discussions, the word that appeared most frequently was "hahaha".

"Hahahahaha, it's so cool, it's just talking nonsense in a serious manner, and even doing a drill, the drill went to the door of someone's house."

"Upstairs, your thoughts are very dangerous, you have to remember, that's not their door, it's our door!"

".It seems to make sense. Although it has the same meaning, if you put it another way, the feeling is completely changed."

"The Vietnamese side didn't resist? Isn't this too strange?"

"Resist? What do they use to resist? I can blow up your island, but I can't blow up your boat?"

"The early warning plane is flying in the sky, and the electromagnetic gun is mounted on the sea, with a range of hundreds of kilometers. How many times do you come and call them one by one?"

"Yes. But is that electromagnetic gun really that powerful?"

As soon as this comment was posted, the focus of everyone's attention was instantly shifted.

From the very beginning to discuss the hooliganism of degassing, it turned to the real protagonist of this incident.

"I don't know. At present, the official has not announced the specific performance parameters, and there are not even vague ones. It is just admitted that it is a new weapon."

"But the victim will definitely not lie. You can go to the news posted by them. There are clear pictures on it."

"All the barracks were blown up, and there were only a few ruins left."

"This is the case on more than a dozen islands, and it is said that the attack was completed within half an hour. During the period, the 052C that fired the gun didn't even move much, and it just stood there and fired."

"It's amazing. Based on the distance between these islands, the range of the electromagnetic gun should be more than 200 kilometers, right?"

"There should be 400 to 500, and the farthest will not exceed 500. This thing is also affected by the curvature of the earth."

"Don't say 400, even if it is 300, it is strong enough."

"When did it come out? It's too sci-fi. Why do I feel that it's the same as the cyberpunk world now? There are sci-fi weapons everywhere on a macro level, and we ordinary people still use old-fashioned technology."

"It's normal that the military industry has risen, but the civilian industry has not kept up."

"Wait a minute, you'll be up soon"

People on the Internet were discussing this incident in full swing, and the atmosphere could even be described as cheering, but on the other side, on the Vietnamese Internet, it was gloomy.

Compared with the military, these ordinary people who really care about the military can even understand the current situation better.

"We are going to completely lose this sea. If the previous defeat of the Air Force just made us unable to confront directly, then now, we have completely lost the space to move in this sea."

"Not necessarily? They just have a relatively strong naval gun. In theory, even without this gun, their missile system is enough to suppress us."

"That's completely different. Missiles are a high-cost solution, and they're extremely sensitive, and they're not going to use them unless they're in extreme circumstances."

"But the cannon is different. Its cost is low, the threshold of use is low, and the chain reaction it triggers is relatively weak."

"So, they cannot use missiles anytime and anywhere, because once they are used, it means a large-scale war."

"But they can use guns—maybe even, if we resist..."

"Do you think we have the ability to fight with them for 20 years?"

Under this comment, Vietnamese netizens posted a series of "crying" emoticons.

Everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem, but no one has a solution.

In fact, even from a national perspective, from a macro perspective, they have no way to solve it.

"Can we drag the US side into the water again?"

"Are you kidding? Since the Treasure Island incident last time, we have lost their trust. If we want to bring them back again, we will either have to pay a huge price, or it will involve their core interests."

"But it is obvious that the core interests of the other party are no longer in this sea."

"They have already started the game in Africa, and coupled with the situation in the Middle East, it is almost impossible to allocate extra energy to us."

"So, China is the real master of strategy. The Americans thought that they used Africa to contain China, but they didn't expect that China contained them through Africa!"

"What they ultimately want is sea power!"

All the netizens who read this message gasped.

Such a layout, such a far-reaching vision

At this moment, they even recalled the history that was distorted by domestic officials.

Yes, for a long time, the current Vietnam is nothing more than a vassal state of that behemoth

Their wisdom and power may have declined, but never really lost.

Once you seize the opportunity, you will quickly stand up and regain your position as the "master"

And now is the critical period for them to return to the main position.

On the other side of the sea, the turret.

Bob sighed deeply, the cigar at his fingertips had already burned long ash, but he never brought it to his mouth.

He has seen the latest report and knows that Annan has suffered a lot from the new weapon, but for him now, there is no way to intervene.

This was the first time he felt that he was "short of troops."

Middle East VIPs, African VIPs, Guam VIPs, even Alaska!

In just over half a month, the situation on the four islands suddenly became tense, and the island countries were obviously unable to deal with it, which also involved their own troops on guard.

Battle clouds rolling?

That's not an appropriate description, because Bob knows perfectly well that war is absolutely impossible.

This is just provocation.

It's like being outside your own yard and neighbors walking around with guns.

He never took a step beyond the courtyard gate, because he knew that if he did, the master would shoot.

But as the host, can you really fall asleep steadily?

It must be impossible.

All you can do is stand guard at the door with a gun and watch each other's every move honestly.


To make matters worse, not only are there people provoking at the door, but the back door and side door are full of people.

You can only fight with the whole family. If this goes on, all the forces will be involved, and there will be insufficient manpower to go out to work.

Thinking of this, Bob sighed again.

Then, he looked at the assistant on the side and asked:

"After the shelling, are there any further actions? For example, occupying islands, expanding patrol routes, etc.?"

The assistant shook his head and replied:

"Without any action, they just stick to their own islands and patrol according to the routine route."

"In the past few days, the Vietnamese side has sent a small force to investigate at sea and found that the situation at sea is very quiet."

"It's as if they really just organized an exercise. Even, they are more lenient than before."

"Even when they met the Vietnamese side landing on the island on the patrol route, they stopped chasing them away."

Hearing this, Bob couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Can you not be tolerant? Their strategy is already very clear."

"The Vietnamese side can land on the island at will, but as long as there are any buildings on that island, they will be destroyed by their shells immediately."

"This is an invisible oath of sovereignty - walking on the edge of the dispute is a temporary compromise for the Vietnamese side and themselves."

"In a word, they won't want those islands for the time being, but the Vietnamese side can't get their hands on them either."

"They just want to maintain the calm situation at sea and buy more time for their development."

"It's just that the methods they use are a little scary."

"It's not just 'somewhat scary', is it?"

The assistant answered subconsciously:

"When the gun was fired, the Vietnamese military was almost dumbfounded."

"You know, it's not too difficult for naval guns with that kind of power and range to cover their entire territory"

"It's not that exaggerated."

Bob shook his head and said:

"The range of 300 to 400 kilometers should be their limit."

"We can do this too, but it's just not up to the standard for miniaturized ships."

Having said that, Bob was suddenly taken aback for a second.

Because he suddenly realized that "miniaturization on the ship" is actually the biggest technical difficulty of the electromagnetic gun.

The opponent has already done it, but the own side still has no clue.

Not only overtake, even in this respect, the gap has already formed.

After a moment of silence, he said:

"No matter so much, we don't have the energy to entangle with each other."

"African operations have entered the most critical stage. The Revolutionary Front is already approaching Khartoum. As long as we give them more strength, we can achieve our strategic goals."

"Inform the Fifth Fleet to continue to maintain a high-pressure situation in the Red Sea and absolutely not allow the Djibouti base to have any chance to breathe."

"Also, contact the May Meeting and ask them why they haven't paid attention to the progress of the other party's electromagnetic gun before!"

"If we had known that they had electromagnetic guns, we would never have been unprepared for what happened to Xihai."

While writing down Bob's order, the assistant echoed and said:

"Maybe this time, we really should completely replace those people from the May Meeting"

Bob shook his head with a sneer and replied:

"It's impossible in the short term. They are too deeply involved in African operations. We have nothing to do with them until it's completely over and Houston doesn't make a principled mistake."

"However, it won't take long."

"By the beginning of next year at most, all this will be completely over."

"Understood. I'll be ready."

The assistant nodded, then turned and left.

Bob, who stayed in the office, picked up the extinguished cigar again and lit it silently.

There was a vague premonition in his heart.

This incident, I am afraid that the follow-up is not as simple as it has been seen so far.

After the West Sea is stabilized, the obstacles in front of the door have basically been cleared. Even the island countries have formed a certain degree of interest binding with us because of the transaction of the THAAD system.

We have obtained the de facto "stable surrounding area". If we can win Africa again, then this country will completely establish the soil for take-off.

Just like the United States a few decades ago, after the end of World War II.

Their plans are very big, and every step of their side seems to be counted by the other side.

Relying on unreasonable technological breakthroughs, even if one's own side sees through the opponent's plot, it is difficult to find a way to deal with it

It seems that Africa is our only chance.

Khartoum must be taken, Djibouti must be blocked.

To achieve this, the actions of the Fifth Fleet have become the top priority.


No, not just the Fifth Fleet.

It should be said that, in the final analysis, this is a duel of advanced equipment.

If Zumwalt can get into the water before the opponent's 055, then his side will be sure to win.

But if the opponent's 055 goes into the water first, and even surpasses Zumwalt in performance, then everything will become uncontrollable.

Such a thing should never happen, right?

Bob took a deep breath of the cigar, and the smoke enveloped him, making his figure blurred

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