Spartan In Star Wars

Chapter 56 - 297 (End of Clone Wars Part 1 Arc)

The end of the battle of Mimban came to a close when the GAR destroyed the shield generator. This allowed them to threaten with space bombardment because of the presence of zero Jedi. The remaining Separatist leader did not wish to end up like the three who were sniped. He watched from the window horrified, freezing him in place until the explosion spooked out of his daze. Later surrendering to the Republic forces.

Back in at Republic command the clone commanders were congratulating Captain Rex and Captain Titan on the successful mission. As it would cost two lives from the clones. Although the commanders were saddened by the loss of brothers they understood that this is what they were supposed to do. Die in battle for the Republic. Everyone was celebrating that they would be able to leave the planet. Except for the Mud jumpers, they were going to be stationed here to train the people of this planet.

Captain Rex and the three clones under his direct command were not happy. They are the only brigade in the 300th who have lost any troopers. Riptide being the first and now Jack and Lantern being the second and third. They were clearly the best two scouts in the GAR capable of fighting extremely outnumbered and eventually winning.

He thought back to his training with the Spartan back on Kamino and some of the stories they were willing to share. "A Spartan never dies, they only go MIA." He decided to make this a thing for the 300th no clone had to die. They will live forever in the 300th.

--Sidious and Count Dooku--

"Master it seems we were too late with the reinforcements the base of the surface had fallen. Everything happened like you predicted."

"This is a disappointment they were supposed to be able to last another few months at least. We will be forced to modify the plans slightly. I sense that the Mandalorians will be returning to the battle soon. We need to increase production."

"So we still have a little time for project Goliath to finish. Anti-Jedi droids are being made and sent to General Grievous. Now it's just to wait for our Anti-Spartan Weapons to be finished."

"Dooku don't underestimate them, the droids are nothing in front of the Spartans. We need to make sure there are only three of the tall black ones. Send some spies out and gather as much information as you can on them."

"Very well. It shall be done." Dooku smiled and shut off the communicator with Darth Sidious turning towards the construction of the three Goliath units. "Even if you can't win, you need to be able to injure them."

The three towering 8 feet tall Humanoid robots looked menacing. The ages and legs had pumps allowing for quicker movement. The entire droid was laced with engines and restraints proving protection and destructiveness. They wouldn't be slow. They were armored and had cushion impactors to allow them to absorb heavy impacts.

--Naboo Spartan Academy Ril'ah and Diesel--

"Dith missions with the Ghost on Mimban went without any problems sir. Are you sure this is how you want to handle the integration?"

"Ril'ah. It's not about integrations, it's about teaching Rex. If he cannot grow as a clone mentally and physically he will not have room to be the leader of the clones. How has the anti-aging progress gone?"

"Ruray says we have another year sir."

"Good work. In a few more months we will be returning to the front lines and showing them that the Clan Spartans aren't to be trifled with."

This was the moment the Ril'ah wanted to see again. He's been having someone record every battle. Although, against military law in the GAR they couldn't stop the Spartan from doing what they wanted. Ril'ah has had a backlog of recordings that he will release. Ril'ah was the happiest one could be. He has fully embraced the Mandalorian way. Ever since Diesel has arrived he has followed closely. Although, in the beginning he despised him, he slowly came to respect the man.

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