Spartan In Star Wars

Chapter 67 - Plans

Posted this in the wrong order sorry this is the new chapter

P.O.V Jedi Temple

The Jedi masters gathered again to discuss the topics that transpired on Christosis. After receiving the report from Master Kenobi they decided it would be best to share some knowledge.

"Hello, fellow Masters. We just finished our battle on Christophsis and I come with some disturbing news. One of the captured tactical droids we received after assault the Separatist HQ contained some information from Count Dooku. It seems they are creating specialized droids to combat the Spartans. At first we figured it was a new unit we just haven't seen before but it's outfitted with a learning program when facing a Spartan. Meaning every new unit we see will be much stronger then before. etc...."

Master Windu shuts off the hologram message and addresses the room. "It seems the enemy has decided the Spartans are a higher level threat then us Jedi."

P.O.V. Mandalorians

"Is this intel correct?"

"Yes, the battle has just ended and he should be returning shortly."

"We should be having a couple more weeks, we are gonna have to push our plans forward now."

"They are sending men to Ordo and Nar Shaddaa to gather whoever they can in preparation for the war."

"How accurate is this information?"

"Inside information sir."

"Contact the Hutts, we need to slow them down even slightly."

P.O.V. Ordo

Jack and Lantern arrived to Ordo much sooner than expected and were able to enter without any interference. This allowed them to hide their ship and between searching and scouting the clans on the planet without the risk of them easily being spotted. First, they would meet with a contact that Ril'ah set them up.

"Hey Jack why are we getting involved with their problems shouldnt we be returning to the unit?"

"They saves our lives it's the least we can do. Captain Rex can handle it without us for a little while. Beside, the faster we help them. The faster they can return to helping us."

"I see but wasn't this a little too easy and fast? It was like they were prepared for this?"

P.O.V. Naboo Academy

Returning from his trip to Christosis Diesel heard about the news from Ril'ah. The two of them began making plans on how to handle the current situation. A real civil would be taking place this time and not just a faction war.

Experience taught Diesel one thing when it came to fighting insurgents, there is always a higher power hiding behind them. In this case he wondered who would want to undermine the Mandalorians to such an extent. Between the ch.i.p.s found in the clones and a huge war between the Separatist and the Republic. It just felt like there was a higher power hiding.

For now though he had to handle the situation that was brewing in his territory. Basically l, the entire sector was turning into Rebellion other than a few individual planets. Thankfully, he had the help of the Naboo Sector.

"So other then sending people to Ordo do we have any concrete plans?" Diesel slowly scans the room and everyone looks toward Ril'ah to step forward.

"Before your arrival this was the only plan we could come up with to limit the number of enemies. That being said our prototypes have been finished across the board and we should be able to handle most situations."

"That is at least better than nothing, what have we figured out with the neutrals or the Clanless?"

"I believe sending a Spartan to the Hutts territory would be a good start in finding some of these men. As we already know most fighters found a line of work in being bounty hunters."

"Dom head to Nar Shadda and see what you can find. Take one squad of Mando's with you also. Sophia and Ruray I need you two to step up on the development and creation of our technology. Dith and Weinz will go behind enemy lines and search for the true mastermind behind this."

Both of them looked slightly confused. Dith finally took a step forward. "What do you mean the true mastermind? Isn't that Vegu?"

"After conducting an investigation with my intuition. I believe there might be a larger power at work hindering us."

The tone of Diesel's voice sounded serious. Thia only reinforced to them how important this task was, leaving them with no room of failure.

"What would you have me doing?" Ril'ah looked excited with this he had another chance of increasing Diesel fame. Hoping for another tool in creating a legend.

"You and your men will follow me to the Concordian system to apply pressure. For now we will refrain from attacking but in the worst case will begin ODJTs operations across the planet. Everyone is dismissed."

Everyone cleared out of the meeting room except for Ril'ah. "everything seems to be going as planned we will initiate the next step of our plans."

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