Spartan In Star Wars

Chapter 81 - Day-1


"Get up, If this is the best you can do then you have no right to serve under me." Towering over Rayath Diesel stood staring down at the fragile Miraluka. "You are gonna be a Force-Valkyrie and begin to act like one."

"Yes Sir." Disgruntled on how easily she lost to the Spartan she got back up and took up a battle stance. Originally, she didn't believe that the Spartan would put up much of a fight against a force user. Sadly enough, most force abilities didn't work on Diesel. Shove and push are rarely effective for multiple reasons like weight and some gravity boots that the Mandalorians wear. Force speed was pointless because his reaction speed is amazing. To think a normal person could keep up with me.

*Bam* Rayath launches a few feet back and lands roughly on the ground.

"Stop losing focus in a fight. One must always be aware of their surroundings while keeping an eye on their opponent. Everything and anything can be used as a weapon. One must remember the Mission takes priority.

"Yes Sir." Again Rayath gets up and immediately starts attacking the large Spartan only to have every attack to either be blocked or dodged.

"If an enemy is evenly matched with you, add variety to your attacks; however do so while sticking to your strengths. The worst you can do is underestimate an opponent and lose, ultimately failing your mission." Diesel grabs onto Rayath wrist and spins her around, tossing her across the room like a rag doll.


"Yes Sir." Using her speed she quickly begins to launch multiple attacks against Diesel. Only for him to kick sweep right from under her.

"What did I just say? I said attack with strength's Stop pretending to be something you're not. I'm a Spartan, you are a Magic-user. Again."

Rayath attempted to get off the floor this time but to no avail she collapsed back to the ground. "It's a force user." She murmured under her breath.

"Can't get up? It's only been a few hours and you're already tired. Get up. We have another three hours to go."

Rayath struggled to her feet but finally managed to get back to her feet. She couldn't help but regret coming all the way out here to fight this man head on. She lamented the idea to have to consistently fight him over and over again. However, she couldn't fail the mission her Master gave her on the first day in.

*3 hour timeskip*

Laying on the floor in a pool of sweat Rayath laid. Her breathing was extremely ragged. After taking a few moments to regain what little stamina she had to sat up and started meditating,

"Yes Sir."

Entering the meeting room Rayath sat down among many other Mandalorians. While Sophia was in the front teaching the basics. Rayath scanned the room and watched as the Mandalorians sat and listened. She never saw such well behaved Mandalorians. She then looked at the third Spartan she met. Taking a moment to sense another void in the force similar to the first one she met. Rayath could help but wonder where they all came from.

"Going way back in time. One of the most famous people in teaching strategy was Sun Tzu. Some of the basic things are gonna go over today is

1. Learn deep insights about your enemy before engaging in battle.

2. Understand the logistics of battle, not just the fighting. Supply routes which must support a campaign are critical.

3. Build knowledge of previous encounters. ...

4. Shatter enemy morale by being ruthless. etc...

The more Rayath listened to the more intently she listened to Sophia. Although it was impossible for her to learn everything right away she absorbed as much as she could. The way of battle fascinated her. The hidden knowledge that these Mandalorians showed was amazing. As soon as her class ended she rushed to the room they supplied her and began reviewing everything she went over in today's lessons.

"Variety, Strengths, Knowledge, insight..."

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