Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 101 - The Young Miss

Waking up early on the next day, Geraldine yawned and went out of the bed. She looked at the clock but noticed that it was no longer moving.

"Ugh! It feels like I'm living in a abandoned mansion," She groaned and went to her wardrobe and pick out the remaining clothes she left behind that are not dirtied by dust. There's no servant around to clean her house or assist her which supposed to happen like last time but she's all alone.

"Good thing the water still runs here," She muttered with a sigh and washed her face. After she is done cleaning herself, she went downstairs and was meet by a brunette haired servant who is slowly closing the front door, afraid of making any noise.

"Who are you?" Geraldine asked.

"AHH!" The servant scream in surprise and instantly bowed as she greeted, "Good morning, young miss Geraldine."

Geraldine cocked her head to the side and looked closer to the servants face, "You look familiar. Raise your head and show me your face."

The shaking servants raise her head with eyes shows that she's frightened if her but kept calm and composed.

"Ah, you're Levine, right?" Geraldine chuckled and felt happy that she remembered the girl who served her a few years ago.

"Ah, yes. I'm Levine," She said while panicking as she doesn't know what to say and was overwhelmed that her name was remembered by a noble.

Geraldine could sense her fear and nervousness, so she went in front of her and patted her shoulder, "I'm glad that you're still here. You grown up beautifully," she complimented with a smile.

"Tha - thank you!" Levine's cheeks reddened upon Geraldine's compliment.

"Come, let's eat. I'm hungry," Geraldine walked towards the door and go to the main mansion to grab some food.

"Yo - young miss!" Levine runs to catch up with Geraldine and nervously went in front to stop her from walking.

Geraldine cocked her head to the side as she looked at her curiously, "What is that?"

"Young miss, we should get you ready first and also the Duke wants you to join them for breakfast," Levine whispered as she looked around for any staff walking by and covered her young miss body.

"I am ready," Geraldine looked at her weirdly and shows her the dress she's wearing. It was a simple blue dress with laces but her hair remained unstyled and she's wearing a boots instead of heels as she felt more comfortable using it than the feet killing heels.

Levine pointed at her hair and shoes, "Its - its.." She wasn't able to continue her words as she finds Geraldine's whole attire as outrageous. 

Geraldine giggled at the expression of Levine that she can't help but pinch her cheeks as she finds her cute, "You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

Geraldine started walking as Levine followed her from behind and still feeling nervous especially when they entered the main mansion.

All the staff that have seen Geraldine had their eyes bulged upon seeing her appearance but she didn't care. She continued going to the dining hall and opened the door on her own without waiting for Levine to opened it. 

Upon entering, her father and two brother's are already at the table waiting for her to arrive. She stands still at the entrance while Levine closed the door behind.

"You're late," Duke Victor Gauthier grumbled as he gestured the servants to start serving the food.

"Good morning to you too, father," Geraldine greeted and went to the extra chair beside Gavril who groaned as she approached him. 

The room became silent and only the clatter of the utensils can be heard. It was an awkward atmosphere and even the servants felt it.

It was the first time that Geraldine has been invited to dine with them. The other servants are surprised as well especially that she has been alive when the family has announce that their daughter is dead.

Geraldine waited for the food to arrive in front of her but the servings is different than her brothers. The types of food being served is the same as hers but the quantity is less.

She didn't say a word and eat the food in silence as his brother's talk about business. She only listen to what they say until the topic goes towards Gavril's business about the mana pills. 

"My business is doing very well for four years but my suppliers hasn't contacted me for a while and  didn't send me any mana pills now. I wonder what happened. Tsk, my customers are lining to buy those mana pills and now my supplies are empty." Gavril massages his head while stressing about his business. 

That topic makes Geraldine smirked, seeing that they are struggling to continue the business without her help. Then Gavril's eyes went towards her with a glare and leaned closer.

"You're the one who approached that mana pill maker, tell me, where are they?" Gavril's eyes squinted while waiting for his sister to answer.

"I don't know. I just give them the papers and give it back to you after they've signed it. After that, I have no connection with them anymore and live my own life all alone," Geraldine drinks her water and nearly choke because of their intense stare.

"I don't remember that woman's face anymore but she's the owner, right? That pill maker." Gavril caress his chin while trying to remember the past.

Geraldine only shrugged as she doesn't want to be included in their conversation but Gavril keeps on talking to her.

"Tell me, do you remember that woman's face? If you do, we must hire an artist this instant to sketched her face. Though, she seems familiar but I can't pinpoint where I saw her," Gavril instantly called the butler for an artist even though Geraldine hasn't answered yet.

"I don't remember her face. I only seen her twice so I forgot," She shrugged and squinted her eyes to Gavril who looks pissed off.

"You stayed there but you don't know her face or even know what happened to them?" This time Gavril's voice raised in annoyed tone.

"Oh, brother. It's mot my fault that your business are having problems besides I'm not staying in one place so how could I know?" Geraldine answer back with lies to trick them.

Gavril was about to answer when the Duke cleared his throat, "It's still early in the morning and you both decided to quarrel," Duke Victor glared at Gavril and Geraldine.

"We already gave an example to the mages Gavril, no need to stress over your supplier. Once we can get the correct ingredients then we can make our own pills to sell," Duke Victor Gauthier wipes his mouth with a napkin and stands up and leave the room.

Only three of them left in the dining table and Geraldine did her best to finish her food faster so that she can leave. The two men noticed her change of speed and decided to do it as well. Now, they have an internal war to whom finished first. 

Since Geraldine only have a small amount of food, she was able to finish first and this bring a sour expression to his brothers.

"Thanks for the meal," She said and was about to went away when her eyes caught Jerome standing at the corner of the room. She went closer to him and said, "Jerome, can you come to me in the afternoon. We have some private things to discussed."

"Yes, I will young miss Geraldine and also, welcome back to the family's residence." Jerome bowed down and Geraldine nodded her head before heading out.

Before the door of the dining room closed, she heard a word from Jerome.

"She's really the real Geraldine. She's alive."

Geraldine could not still forget the time that Jerome gives her a carriage ride and set the coachman as her killer. 

"He must have been shocked that I'm alive," She whispered to herself and continued walking back to her own house.

As she walked along the hall, she saw the head maid at the opposite direction. Then she remembered Levine as the servant who seemed nice to her and wanted her to be her personal servant.

"Greetings, young miss," Boghana greeted with a bow. Even though she greeted first, there's a hint of hesitation on her voice.

"Head parlor maid, Bogdana. How are you?" Geraldine said with firm voice that surge power.

"I - I'm fine young miss," Bogdana gulp and remained standing while waiting for Geraldine to pass her.

The Head Parlor Maid are senior housemaid  they cleaned and tidied reception rooms and living areas by morning, and often served refreshments at afternoon tea, and sometimes also dinner. 

"I see, very well.." Geraldine walked off slowly and saw their judging eyes on her but doesn't mind it since there are still some people who doubts if she's really the real Geraldine or the fake one.

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