Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 108 - Crossbow

"Have you packed my clothes and other stuff, Levine?" Geraldine yelled from the bathroom early in the morning.

"Yes, young miss," Levine answered and took some of Geraldine's back and bring it downstairs to the carriage. It was the day that they'll be going to the place where the Annual Hunt Event will be held.

It's 3:00 in the morning as everybody is extremely busy preparing for the departure as they needed to leave as soon as possible.

Geraldine looked at herself in front of the huge mirror naked. Her eyes went to he chest where her heart is located and touched it, feeling the soft beating in her hand.

"Are you still here or is it my imagination," Geraldine asked herself as she touched the mirror reflecting her body.

"Is this really my body?" She muttered and tucked the strands covering her face into her ears. She went nearer to the mirror and cupped her right cheeks and saw a mole at the corner of her right eye.

She haven't notice it before as she didn't really took time to look at herself at the mirror for a long time. A tear falls down her checks unconsciously and took a step back while hugging herself.

Geraldine's mind become confused about what's happening to her again. There's some denial on her part that she can't accept easily without proof.

"I need to talk to her. She's the only answer that I needed to know what's going on in this world. Why is it different from the memories I have?" She looked down and pursed her lips. She wanted to say something to answer her own question but she doesn't have to courage to say it.

A laugh echoed inside the bathroom, "Ahhh, I'm not like this before. Why am I acting so unstable?" The laugh died down as she looked at herself one more time before going out of the bathroom in bathrobe. There are supposed to be servants helping her take a bath but she assigned them to different task inside the house as she's more comfortable of doing things on her own especially when there's privacy involvement.

She went inside of her room to see Levine finished dressing herself which is not a servants uniform. She specifically instruct Levine to wear the dresses they've bought from the store.

"Wow, you look pretty," Geraldine complimented her which caused a pink hue to appear on Levine's cheeks.

"Thanks you, young miss. This dress is really pretty," Levine patted her clothes and turns around making the dress flutter. 

"You look good in pink, Levine." Geraldine smiled and patted her head and that gesture makes her remember about the six children that was left at Bagyoo town.

"What is it young miss? You look sad." Levine said as she noticed Geraldine's smile faded.

"I just remember something," She force herself to smile and went back to the chair and look her reflection to the mirror as Levine started combing her hair then style it into braids and put some simple accessories as Geraldine's requested as she doesn't want to look too lavish and attract too much attention to herself.

After that, Levine helped her wear a flower lace gown in white color with emerald green belt to insinuate her thin waist. Then wears a long glove that ends three inches above her elbow and a pair of two inch white heels.

"You're perfect, young miss. You look so gorgeous in that dress and it makes your eye color popped out," Levine said in amazement as Geraldine looked at herself in front of the mirror.

"Thank you."

After a few more fixing, Geraldine is ready to go. When she arrived outside and was about to enter her carriage when Jerome approach her and bowed.

'Good morning, young miss." He greeted.

"Good morning to you too, Jerome." Geraldine smiled and nodded her head.

"Young miss, your father wanted to talk to you first before you go," Jerome said and step aside to give her way to walk on.

Geraldine nodded and walk ahead as Jerome followed behind her. She knows the reason for her father to call for her. It was to warn Geraldine for her behavior and to prevent herself to stain their family name, again.

The walk is long and silent as they didn't talk until they reached the Duke's office. Jerome opened the door for her and she silently walk inside to see her father sitting on the sofa drinking his morning coffee.

Geraldine stands still at the entrance of the door while waiting for the Duke to acknowledge her presence.

"Take a sit," Duke Victor Gauthier cleared her throat as he looked over to Geraldine who seated with grace in front of him. He observed her for a while, her posture and aura before speaking.

"How are you?" The Duke said and stare into his daughter.

"I'm fine, father." Geraldine answered softly and smile as if she's calm and composed in his presence when in reality. She wanted to go away as soon as possible because her mind it still confused whether or not the Duke is her real father.

Silence followed after she answered his question. Duke Gauthier only stare at her again as he's also confused to the sudden change of his daughter's behavior but he's still not confident whether she really changed or she's just acting.

With a heavy sigh, Duke Gauthier took out a box beneath his feet and put it at the table and pushed it to Geraldine.

"Here's my gift to you, use it well," The Duke cleared his throat and look at the side.

Geraldine was surprised by the present his father gave to her because it's the first time she ever receive a present.

"Is it for me, father?" She ask to make sure it is really for her.

"Yes, open it so you will know what's inside."

Geraldine nodded and hurriedly open the box, her mind is puzzled behind the reason of the gift and what's inside.

Holding the last barrier, she lift it up to see a silver crossbow with bullets and not arrows, "Umm, father, why are you giving me a crossbow?"

Geraldine wanted to laugh but held it in, she thought it would be a dress or a pair of new shoes but she gets a weapon instead.

"I don't want to repeat what happened last time you joined the event. Your ban has been lifted so stay away from any trouble this time." The Duke said and glare at her while remembering the news of her impulsiveness in the past.

"Bu - but you gave me a crossbow?" She sarcastically ask as she can't believe what she's hearing from the Duke. He wanted her to behave and stay away from trouble but gives her a weapon that could hurt someone.

"Yes, because I know that I can't control you and you always do unreasonable things that's why I give you a crossbow with magical beads as it's arrows." He said and when he saw the confused face of his daughter, he continued, "Those beads has the ability to erase a persons memory by 10 minutes so make sure to use it when you're in trouble. This is to save the family's name from humiliation again."

"I can just stay here--" Geraldine wanted to say that she can just stay at home while they went to the event but wasn't able to continue when the Duke cut her sentence.

"NO! You're gonna come with us. Keep that crossbow with you all the time when you're at the event. Now, you may go as we're gonna leave soon." The Duke took his cold coffee and act like he's drinking it.

Geraldine smiled and took out something from her pouch. She was supposed to give it to Levine but decided to give it at her father. 

"Thank you for your wonderful gift father. I'm ashamed that I haven't given you something in return so please accept my humble gift." Geraldine placed a brooch to the table and slides it in front of the Duke.

It's a golden brooch shaped like a sun and the middle of it is a healing pill placed inside a crystal which she place like a gem, "Father, eat the pill inside if you have been hurt. It will heal any kinds of wounds."

"Where did you get this?" The Duke as she he get the brooch and look at it closely.

"I just bought it," She lied and grabbed the box, "Father, I'll be going now. Thank you again for your gift."

After that she curtsied and went outside where Jerome is waiting. She pass by him and continued walking until she reached her carriage. She give the box to Levine to keep it safe as she thought that there's no use of the crossbow at the event as she planned to stay inside her tent for the whole time to prevent meeting Alexjin as she's not ready to let him know her real identity to him and also for her not to meet Kadon, her ex-fiancee.

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