Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 113 - Pinky

"My beautiful butterflies~" Geraldine muttered in a singsong voice then one by one, all of her butterflies appeared out of nowhere and went to her body as they started feeding themselves with her poisoned blood.

"I haven't seen you for a while, my babies," She giggled while playing with the butterfly feeding on her finger.

It took about 15 minutes before the green and blue colored butterflies disappear in thin air and only the red once left behind. They circled Geraldine as they fluttered their wings excitedly for the job their gonna do.

Geraldine extends her and pointed her finger in the air and a single red butterfly lands on it. Then the 'rose' which is the red light staying inside Geraldine's body transferred to the butterfly.

"Kill those you see on that memory, leave no evidence and chew them to the bone but do it slowly and make sure to let them feel the intense pain before their lives slowly lost in their eyes."

After Geraldine said her instructions, the paru - paru flew away and spread around the forest. It's currently 3:30 in the morning and most people are sleeping soundly in their chambers while the naps are taking turns to nap.

Geraldine is currently in the open filled while looking at the full moon that shines brightly above.

"You picked the wrong person to mess with."

A smirk laced on Geraldine's lips as she looked at the butterflies slowly disappearing in the sky, "I hope you all have a goodnight sleep."

After staying for a couple more minutes looking over the moon she goes back to her tent and saw Levine getting better and her complexion slowly goes to normal. She checked her legs and saw the bruises slowly getting smaller but her bone is still broken.

"Don't you worry Levine. Our revenge is happening right now," She whispered and patted Levine's head.


Pinky yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes as she went out of her tent to get water for her thirsty throat, "Huh, what are those?"

She squinted her eyes to see something fluttering in the sky and it went to land on the tree in front of her. Shrugging it off, she thought it was just some animals or insects lurking in the middle of the night since they are in the forest, it was all natural.

Pinky fetched some water from the well build in their area as there's no water left in the jar. Holding a small piece of torch doesn't gives her enough light to see her surrounding and she's very careful in her steps and movement as she might wake up the others.

She could hear multiple sound of wings fluttering around her, that's when she looked up to see black insects surrounding her. She doesn't flinch because it was far from her and shrugged it off.

Pinky was about to go back to her tent when a glowing red butterfly flew her way, it's appearance is so magical that it caught her attention that she unconsciously reach out and pointed her index finger for the butterfly to land.

"What a beautiful creature," Pinky whispered in amazement as the butterfly land on her. It flutter it's wings for a bit and started tasting her flesh then it flew away and joined the rest of the butterfly above.

The dark colored butterflies changes it's color back to it's original appearance which consist of red and black colors as soon as their leader joined them. 

It went down and circled around pinky, their glowing glowing wings hypnotized her from amazement and unconsciously followed them deeper into the forest. She didn't realize that she's not alone.

All the servants who hurt Levine are hypnotized by the butterflies and luring them all in the forest, going deeper and deeper until they are no longer in sight. 

It was dark as the moonlight can pass through the thick leaves of the tall bulky trees and the red butterflies are the only one that gives a little light around them. They are standing still while gazing the butterflies until all of the servants arrived at that place and that's when the butterflies flew in the sky, waking them up to reality.

"What the-- why are we here!?" Pinky whispered in shock. The rest of the servants also reacts and multiple screams of fear could be heard. They doesn't know how they get there and what happened to them to reached that part of the forest.

"Everyone, stay calm!" Pinky shouts towards the other servants when they started screaming and shouting. Some even dared to run away but they were pulled back by the other servants.

"Let's wait till morning, we don't know if we are in the danger area of the forest and walking around without specific direction won't help you either. So, let's settle down and be quiet before an animals eats us because you are all too noisy!" She yelled which the other servants shut their mouths and follow what she said.

All of them remained silence as they sat on the ground. They could feel the spiky grass poking through their skin but endure it all. That's when they heard the fluttering sound again.

In their memory, the last thing they remembered are the fluttering sound and the image of a butterfly and the next thing they knew, they are already deep in the forest.

They all freeze and their heartbeat fastened. Their eyes searched from each direction to see where's the sound coming from and when they look above. They could see movement from the tree branches then the bright red light started showing one by one, creating goosebumps on their skin.

"Tho those are the --" 

They couldn't continue what they said anymore when the butterflies flew down on them and they started tearing their flesh one by one then they would disappear in the air. This caused panic among the servants as those who have been bitten are screaming in pain.

Since they can't see clearly in the dark place, the group spread apart and the butterflies followed them. They would appear in their glowing red wings and attack their flesh and then camouflaged in the night.

Pinky is the only one left standing at her spot without movement. In her mind, if she moves then the butterflies would know her location but the truth is, even if she doesn't move, the butterflies are staring at here, waiting for the right moment to strike especially that she's the reason why Levine has been bullied in the first place.

Pinky could here the screams of pain everywhere and even the tearing of flesh and the snapping of bones. She couldn't help but trembled in fear that she might be next to be eaten by the butterflies.

"Oh, please almighty one. Save me," She whispered while clasping her hands togther as she desperately prayed that her prayers will be answered.

The fluttering of the butterfly wings grew louder and louder each time that she's afraid to even open her eyes but then she felt something touched her hands and that when she screamed and tripped on her own foot.

In front of her is an image made by the red glowing butterflies. At first Pinky doesn't recognize the face but after a while it became familiar to her.

"Ge - geraldine Gau - gauthier!?" Pinky's hands trembled as she slowly scoot backwards, trying to get away from the butterflies as much as possible.

The leader of the butterflies used her powers given by Geraldine to relay the message she wanted to be said.

"Pinky, you hurt my servant and ganged up on her. Now, feel my wrath!" 

The voice sound deep and evil, making Pinky's body to trembled terribly. Then she pushed herself forward and kneel down with both of her knees touching the ground.

"I'm sorry for what I have done. I will repent my sins and gladly receive any punishment you give me. Pl - please spare my life. I have two little brothers I needed to feed and I don't want them to wander in the streets. Pl - please spare my li - life!" Pinky cried loudly as she bowed with her head multiple times but no matter how she pleaded, even if she cried blood. The order is already done.

After a few seconds, a group of butterflies attack her, tearing her flesh little by little and unlike the other, the butterflies who are eating Pinky's flesh doesn't disappear and attack again. They stayed as Pinky watched them in horror. 

"AHHHHH! HELP MEEE! STOP!! SOMEONE PLEASEEEE! SAVE ME!!" She screamed so loud that even makes some birds flew away. She hoped that someone could hear her from the tent but what she doesn't realize is that she's located past the danger area of the forest where the powerful and dangerous creatures reside within the darkness.

"GERALDINE!!!!! F*CK YOU!!!!!"

This was Pinky's last words before the rest of the red butterflies devour her flesh slowly. Letting her experience the pain of getting eaten alive until her last breath.

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