Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 118 - Unicorn

Her flesh has been falling apart and the blood is dripping like a faucet. Geraldine Laurent's eyes bulged in shock as it was too sudden for her brain to get what just happened to her that her reaction was late.

"AHHHH! MY HAND!" She screamed and cradle her bloody hand. She took a couple of steps backward as she keeps on screaming while Geraldine Gauthier look at her with a smile.

"What's the problem? Come on, slap me?" Geraldine Gauthier taunts as her smile grew bigger and slowly took a step forward.

Geraldine Laurent keeps on screaming non-stop that she's not able to hear what Geraldine Gauthier spoke. All her focus is on the pain she felt in her hand that she forgets everything that happened to her.

Then in a flash of light, another set of red flying creatures went into her direction and bit some parts of her flesh in the legs. Geraldine Laurent falls down and holds her skin where the pain is coming from to feel that it is wet by blood.

She flickered her eyes multiple times to adjust it in the darkness and be able to see what creature has been attacking her..

A snap of the branch gets her attention and remembered that Geraldine Gauthier is still with her. Looking up, she could see that she was unharmed and unattack by the creature and wears a calm expression on her face as she watched her in pain.

"Now, you finally noticed my presence. I thought you would forget about me as you seemed busy holding your precious body," Geraldine Gauthier chuckled at the terrified expression of the woman in front of her who used to wear a gracious smile in front of the public but know she's a trembling mess coated in fine red color.

"You! Why are you--!" Geraldine Laurent paused mid - sentence and her eyes bulged widely on what she saw.

Geraldine Gauthier grinds as she spread her arms, letting the red - colored butterflies land on her body. Their glowing wings make it looks intimidating as they flocked around her. 

Then with a single gesture of her hand, a set of butterflies fly towards Geraldine Laurent and it ate one of her legs, chewed up to her bones. 

"AHHHHH! YOU B*TCH!!!" Geraldine Laurent screamed so loud that her voice might be heard meters away.

"Feel the pain just like how your servant Pinky felt it too," Geraldine Gauthier chuckled as she gestured for the butterflies again and it tore off her other leg that was left. Leaving her shoes blooded on the ground.

"AHHH! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO KILLED PINKY!" Geraldine Laurent yelled in anger as her eyes sending daggers towards Geraldine Gauthier who seemed to get even amused by her behavior.

"I killed all those who hurt my servant, no one can escape my wrath." After she said her words, all the red colored butterflies instantly fly over to Geraldine Laurent and taste her flesh while she screamed her pain.

Then she took out the crossbow behind her back and load it with mana bullets and aimed it to Geraldine Laurent. She waited for a few seconds before the butterflies vanished in thin air as she fires the bullet straight at the woman's forehead. Making her lost consciousness.

Then a single red butterfly went to her and dug out one eye from the socket. Then drop it on her hands as the butterfly flew away.

Geraldine looked at the eye for a while before putting it on her storage ring where she store the eyes of the people she killed.

"Ah, that feels great. Another one of my collections though it's a bit sad that I wasn't able to kill you," She laughed and lift her clothes so no blood would stain it, "But it will be fun to see you suffer."

After that, she went away and come back to the table where Gavril is still sleeping on his seat. She looked around to see who are awake but almost all of them are sleeping and some are not paying attention to her and minding their own business.

She's concerned that there might be someone who saw Geraldine Laurent pulled her away but shrugged it off since she can't do anything currently and will wait if something happened next.

After a while Levine came back holding the treats she makes for her owner and put it back on the table.

"Thank you," Geraldine smiled and grabbed a tart on the plate and while savoring the flavor. She saw someone merged from the forest.

His golden hair waved through his movement and it looks like it was kissed by the sun. His fair skin and blue eyes screamed royalty and that set of appearance belong to someone with a high position in the Empire.

"It's the Crown Prince!" The announcer yelled in pride as they approach him with all smiles.

The Crown Prince brought with him a white unicorn. The purest white everyone could see without any stain or spots within it's body. 

The unicorn kneed and tried to run away but the Crown Prince has a find hold into him, prevent the escaped of freedom.

"Oh my! A unicorn!"

Everybody gasp in amazement as they eyed the beauty of the creature. Unicorns are hard to track by since they have the speed and agility and most of all, they have the power to disappear for a few seconds as their defense from those who wanted to capture them.

That makes everyone adore the Crown Prince more as he was the first one to be able to capture a unicorn in a few hours only. He didn't even looked exhausted or any stain in his golden clothes.

Geraldine only watched from afar as the people all makes their way in front to take a closer look at the creature making it even more aggressive and even used it's power against those who tried to hold him down.

The unicorn kneed, kicks and turns around with the horn on its head pointing at everyone who tried to approach him. It was chaotic since nobody wants to harm the precious animal.

It didn't take long before the rope around the unicorn was torn and he's freed but instead of going back on the forest where it belongs, it goes to Geraldine's direction in full speed.

Everybody quickly went away to dodged the unicorn, afraid that they will get trampled on or worse, get stab by the horn. Even Gavril was awaken by the screams of fear of the ladies around.

"What's happening?" He muttered sleepily and was about to throw a tantrum for waking him up when he saw the huge unicorn approaching their way. Due to shock and his brain wasn't fully awake, he fall down on his chair and immediately run away as far as possible. Forgetting that Geraldine is just across him, sitting calmly.

Geraldine felt no fear in her heart as she look at the unicorn coming her way. She just look at it with amazement but the smile on her face disappeared when she remembered something from her past.

After a couple of centuries before, unicorns has been hunted in the Northern forest as their horns are used as medicine as it contains strong healing magic that can cure even the severe diseases. The hunt became famous because the Emperor at that time which Geraldine doesn't remember the name became extremely sick that no healing user or any medical herbs can cure him.

Then an unknown person went to the palace demanding to see the sick Emperor and told them that he knows the cure and that how it starts.

The Emperor was cured by the unicorns horn but it took about hundreds of them to achieve what they want. It became his maintenance. At that time, the unicorns becomes endangered species since when you cut their horns, they immediately die but they risk it all for their Emperor.

But the killings didn't stop because the Emperor is healed. Nobles would pay a high amount of money for a single unicorns horn and this lead the hunters to hunt more unicorns for money. Until such time, no unicorns lived and they became a myth for the following generation to only see them in books.

For all those years, Geraldine only saw their horns in different size and shapes but not their full appearance.

So back on the current events, Geraldine shed a tear as she felt pity at the bottom of her heart. Watching the approaching unicorn, her body doesn't move as she kept watching.

Everything was going to fast but in her eyes it was slow motion. She could see the movement of the unicorn's hair as it glides on the wind.

"GERALDINE!!!" Gavril yelled when she saw her sister still sitting on her chair and stare at the beauty in front.

Everyone thought that Geraldine will be trampled by the unicorn but what happened made their mouths hang open.

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