Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 163 - DO NOT OPEN:

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*I want you to have the whole world under your feet*

These words kept on repeating in Geraldine's mind that she can't help but shiver every time she remember what Alexjin said to her.

After Alexjin reveal his plan, Geraldine excuse herself and go back home as she needed to let the information sink into her brain.

She's currently inside the carriage even though she arrived at the residence, Geraldine didn't hopped out and rather stay inside. 

"Milady?" The coachman knock at the window to notify Geraldine that they finally arrived.

"Let me stay for a bit," She said softly and slump down on her seat.

The coachman nodded his head in understanding and leave Geraldine to give her privacy. He also notify the guards about Geraldine's decision so that they won't disturb her.

"What will I do now?" She murmured while rubbing her face due to frustration, "It's too soon."

Sighing heavily, Geraldine look at outside to see her brother Gavril walking towards the carriage with a glare.

"Here we go again," She rolled her eyes and prepared herself for another encounter with her brother.

Gavril aggressively open the door with so much force that it ripped it apart. He throws the broken door at the side and grabbed Geraldine's hand and pull her with him as they walked towards the mansion.

The knights and servants that saw them immediately went away or stopped walking so that they would not cross with Gavril since his aura is scaring them but not Geraldine, she only laughed at his actions.

When they arrived at the Duke's office, Gavril pushed her inside and she saw her father and even Gael waiting for her.

The Duke immediately drop the book his reading at the table loudly, creating an echo inside. His red eyes glared towards her as if he wanted to kill her alive.

"Young lady, do you know what have you done!" The Duke yelled loudly, his veins at his neck are protruding and looks like it was about to burst.

Geraldine didn't answer and tilted her head to the aside and acted innocent as if she didn't knew what he's referring to.

The Duke sighs and rub his head while sitting back on his seat and let Gael handle the matter. Gael stepped in front and cleared his throat.

"We received an information that you went to the Palace and met with the 16th Prince," Gael said calmly but his voice sound restricted as if he is controlling the way he spoke.

Geraldine look at them with poker face as she answered their accusations, "Yes, I meet with the 16th Prince to bring back the robe he lend me at the Hunting Event."

The look of disbelief plastered on their faces as if she had done something horrible so she added, "It's just the right thing to do than letting a servant to deliver it to the Prince. It would be disrespectful."

"Yes, we know that but Geraldine, you forgot that you went alone without any servant to accompany you. Also, both of you talked privately ALONE. It will cause a scandal since you and the Prince are not even engaged to be left alone without acquaintance!" Gael raised his voice and sighs in frustration.

"The Prince and I just knew one another for a little while besides, we met inside the Palace--" Geraldine wasn't able to continue what she's saying when the Duke slam his hand on the table. Then he gestured Gael to grab the envelop that was placed beside him.

"What you did is crucial as this moment because the Palace is preparing a contest for the next Crown Prince of the Empire. Connections between the nobles is very important for the Princes and what you did makes them believe that the House of Gauthier is at the of the 16th Prince." The Duke said with disappointment lace in his voice. Then Gael handed the envelope to Geraldine and what inside surprised her.

It was a marriage invitation from the Emperor itself base on the seal from the bottom side of the paper.

"We can't reject the proposal of the Emperor, Geraldine." The Duke muttered while massaging his temples.

Geraldine's eyes is still attached to the piece of paper while reading the words written carefully.


Dear Duke Victor Gauthier,

How are you, my dear friend? It's been awhile since we talked to each other. I write this letter because I have a proposal with your house. I want to ask the hand of your only daughter Geraldine Gauthier in marriage to my 16th son since Jin Du'Bellay. We will wait for your approval.


Emperor Victor Du'Bellay


Below the letter have a red seal of the palace. Geraldine look at them and carefully folded back the letter.

"You can just reject the proposal," She muttered and shrug as if it didn't even matter, making the Duke fumed in anger.

"You can't just reject a proposal from the Emperor itself since he's the one who actually made the letter. I would bring shame to our name if we reject the offer!" Gael sighs in frustration.

"Though, why does the royal family held a contest for the next Crown Prince when they already have one, that golden haired Prince," Gavril ask as he doesn't know what's going on either.

"The current Crown Prince receive a fatal wound from saving a noble lady, making him unable to do his duties as the next Emperor that why he's been drop from his title," The Duke explained and his eyes went to Geraldine.

"Our family was supposed to support other Princes who will have a higher chance of winning than the 16th Prince. He's the least likely to win because of his background and lack of education!" The Duke spit out the words with pure disappointment and anger, "He even spend his whole life as a slave!"

Those words triggered Geraldine especially how they all look down to Alexjin, the person whom she trained for years and will save her from a miserable ending.

Her eyes squinted while trying to control herself not to say or do something crazy as the other Geraldine inside of her wanted to get out and cause chaos in that room.

With a smile, Geraldine walked towards the table and carefully place the letter and push it towards the Duke.

"You are right, father. Too bad we can't reject the proposal from the Emperor," She smiled sweetly but her eyes says otherwise. She turn her back and walk away when Gavril grabbed her hand, stopping her from leaving.

"Do you approve of this sh*t!?" He yelled and pull her back, "Father, we can do something about this. Let's ask the Emperor to marry Geraldine to the other Princes rather than the 16th Prince --"


Gavril wasn't able to continue his words when something hit his right cheeks, making him look at the side.

"Sorry, my hand slip," Geraldine giggled and look at the Duke. Ignoring the shocked face of Gavril.

"I approved the proposal of marriage to the 16th Prince. After all, I will be free from this wretched household anyways. Besides, if you don't want to support the 16th Prince, it's fine with me. After marriage you can just abandon me and support the other Prince. I don't really care," Geraldine shrugged and went out of the door. Leaving his family's mouth hang open due to her words.

Outside, she met Jerome standing at the corner. She had the urge to slap him in the face or kick his balls but it would be troublesome since her hand is still throbbing from slapping Gavril.

She just ignored him and went back to her house to get ready since she doesn't know when will the Emperor held the wedding and if the Duke sent his approval. She needs to be ready and meet Alexjin again for the engagement.

A thought also came into her mind about Alexjin's plan and the proposal of marriage that happened in one day. Especially the words that Alexjin said to her. If she will become his bride and he will take the title of the Crown Prince and be the Emperor someday, she will become the Empress.

"Oh, my goodness!" She exclaimed and falls on the floor since her feet lost its energy. She have never thought about her ruling the Empire since on her mind, she will just destroy it and escape without a trace.

"Young miss!" Levine yelled and hurriedly went to Geraldine when she saw her sitting on the floor at the living room and looks like she was about to faint.

"Le - vine…" Geraldine whispered as she looked at her servant. Her eyes started to get blurry and felt like she wanted to sleep. It didn't take long before she lost her consciousness as Levine catches her into her lap.

"Young miss!! young miss!!" Levine tried to shake Geraldine's shoulder to wake her up but nothing happened so she begun to shout for help to the other servants around to help her put Geraldine to her bed and call a doctor for examination. 

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