Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 2 - Tache

The Empire of Rakkaegia is one of the largest Empires of the land, it has all the riches it needs but there is one thing it lacks, mana.

The population of the Rakkaegia Empire consists of mostly males with a ratio of 10:5 which means that the women are only half of the men's population which destroys the balance of nature.

Males are skilled in swordsmanship and only contain a bit of mana which is only suitable to enhance their swordsmanship skills and physical energy while the females have abundant mana that they could do impossible things but each female has different abilities.

There are light, fire, water, earth and air, and other abilities that branch out from the main five elements but there is a taboo element which everyone wanted to disappear, it's the black element.

Geraldine Gauthier is a light user and she's focused on the healing element which is not popular in the Empire as they have healing items that they can use in case they are hurt or wounded. In short, the healing element is useless.

Both of her brothers are skilled in swordsmanship and hailed as a genius in the Rakkaegia Empire which leaves her in the dark. Being useless and unloved, Geraldine spent most of her young days inside her room and read a book about history, magic, and swordsmanship. She rarely came out and when she does, it's because her brothers or father are outside and she did her best to gain their attention but in front of their eyes, she's just an ant.

She didn't have friends to associate with as nobody wants to befriend a killer. The other children of the nobles despised her more. They would talk behind her back that she's the killer of the Duchess and the black sheep on the Gauthier family.

A stain.

This is the reason why Geraldine choose to accept the Emperor's request without knowing what could happen to her. All she had in mind is gaining the attention of her family and bringing them honor and nothing else matter.

For one thousand years, she lived her life as a human spear. She was abused by all of the Emperors who inherit her. Using her to kill people, slicing their flesh as the spear bath in hot blood. The Emperors who inherit the spear used it to make the Empire number one in the world as they concurred the neighboring lands with unreachable riches and glory, nothing can stop the Rakkaegia Empire.

For those long years, Geraldine saw the development and prosperity in the Empire and its people. Showing their happy faces each time the knights and soldiers came back victorious from the war but it's the opposite for Geraldine.

She would spend most of her days crying and telling the Emperor to stop killing but sadly, no one can hear her. She was alone in the world of blood and war, the Emperors that used her didn't give her a tiny piece of respect even though they knew that the spear they used is alive. All they can think of is increasing the mana being absorb in the spear.

After every blood bath, they would clean the spear and leave her in an empty room, all alone. She would cry for days and wished that she was dead as living being a human spear is like a curse, you can't escape.

Until such time, she grows numb. Numb from all the cries for help, the pain and blood is nothing to her now as she was getting used to it but there is still a sting left in her heart that she's trying to suppress.

Arthur II trained knights and soldiers to strengthen the military base.

Arthur III, the first Emperor to attack the neighboring kingdom.

Adrian IV resolved the crisis in the war.

Andrew stabilized the Empire.

Anton V help the Empire prosper.

Albert II unified the continents.

The rest of the Emperors maintained what their ancestors achieved and continued the Rakkaegia Empire from soaring high while Geraldine is drowning.

*I didn't want to kill them all.*

*Does every Emperor takes pleasure from killing?*

*Hell is a much better place than this.*

Each time the Emperors achieved something for the Empire using Victoria, the people would shower them with praises generation after generation.

Geraldine died generation after generation.

On the night, after the 10th Emperor who inherit her came back from another bloody war.

Geraldine's consciousness sits on the cold floor as she watches the stars from the huge window.

*I envy them, living so freely.*

She reaches her hands up to draw some shapes from the stars as entertainment in her lonely painful world when a single tear escaped her eyes. All the memories that happened within one thousand years came back to her like a storm.

She tried to suppress it, trying so hard to prevent the memories from entering her mind but her struggles are pointless.

All she can do is sit in the corner and cry alone as no one could hear her. She was used to doing it but this time, she had enough. Enough of her current life, her sufferings, she wanted to end it all.

Geraldine wipes her teary eyes and kneeled down with her hands clasped together, eyes tightly shut as she prays.

*Oh, almighty one, this life is so terrible, miserable, and painful. Words can't describe what I'm feeling each time they used me.... abuse me!*

*I wanted to escape this place. I don't want to live here anymore, I want to be free from being a prisoner in the hands of the Emperors.*

*but first... before I achieve that life....*

*I want to take my revenge on this Empire.*

*If you really exist almighty one, give me another chance to live my life.*

*I am not just a spear that they can use freely and do inhuman things.*

*Give me a chance to punish those who are corrupting while using your name and power.*

*Almighty one, please.... let me live as a human once again.*

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