Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 23 - Sense

"So tell me, why did you sell this store to me if you're that picky for whom you'll sell this place," Geraldine took the envelope and scan the documents.

"I've told you already but you kept on denying it. I know you're interested in black element young lady," Celia grabbed the gold coins and placed them in her hands like pebbles.

"How can you be so sure about that?" Geraldine asked, getting interested in what she'll gonna say.

"Because I'm a black element user myself," Celia confessed as if it was nothing serious knowing that it was a prohibited element to use which can lead to death if someone will be caught practicing it, "Well, I used to be an earth element user but it's lousy." She added.

"You're telling me this information, you know I can tell you to the authorities as this is a prohibited element," Geraldine threatened her but her face says otherwise as she finds the old lady fascinating.

"Go ahead, it's not like they can catch me," Celia laughed, "I've been caught many times but here I am, still striving."

"Well, Since you're the owner of this place which my first guess is you're the caretaker. Can you tell me why did you choose me?" Geraldine looked at her carefully, wanting to know why Celia's eyes glinted with the knowledge she wanted to know.

"Ah, for that, I just knew the moment I saw you. There is something different that I can't point out but I'm sure you're the one," Celia said with a smile on her face as she can finally rest in peace as her job is done.

"Oh really?" Geraldine chuckled as she really is different from the rest of them because she's an old hag that just came back to her younger body.

"Yes, but I remember that I sensed that same aura before, from a different person I met in the black market at the East but my memory is too blurry to even remember that person's face," Celia rubbed her forehead trying to remember the person's face but it was as if her memory is clouded.

"Wait, you said, we have the same aura?" Geraldine was confused, whether there's another person who came back from the future just like her.

"Yes, the same aura and the mana you're radiating. Well, I specialized in six sense, that's why I tend to sense it but sometimes it's not accurate," Celia explained and stands up and took the bags that have her belongings as if she knows someone will gonna buy the store.

"Before I forget young lady Dine, I think that person is interested in the mythical creatures lurking around the Empire so if you want to get that Paru - Paru, you better hurry before that person gets it," Celia warned her and went to the door to get out but before that, she turned around "Good luck to your business and always be careful as there are eyes everywhere."

The door opened and Alexjin immediately went inside to see his master with a troubled expression, "Master, Are you okay? what did that old lady tell you? Should I held her back?"

"No, I'm fine Alexjin, I'm just tired, so let's go back home and repair this store tomorrow," She stands up and went out while Alexjin is trailing behind her. Geraldine could feel his anxiousness but she knows that it was because Alexjin still looked at her like a child who still needs protection which she kinda hates. She wanted to do things alone but because Alexjin is her weapon, she needs to suck it up and train him.


Going back home, Geraldine places the plants she bought at that store on the black market. She combined it with some more herbal plants and she grind and mixed it in a clean bowl then placed both of her hands on top and released a decent amount of mana for the plants to be created as a pill.

It was not easy especially to her current body, that's why it takes at least two to three hours before she can create four blue pills for mana revival and she's currently studying on making a beauty pill that can make a person's face younger for three months.

Geraldine knows that almost all women are very sensitive to their appearance and once she put the beauty pill in store, it would be in high demand especially to the nobles, but it wasn't easy as she needs to find an exact ingredient for the effectiveness of the pill to only last for three months, no more no less.

Alexjin and Ritzmon are also working on fixing the store to make it look friendly and livable to attract customers who are interested to look around.. Celia's spell remained which confused both men at first, but then Geraldine explained that it was just a trick not to attract thieves which they instantly believed even though it's a lie.

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