Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 45 - Vildon

Three days before the swordsmanship competition arrives, Geraldine has been feeding her eggs that could last them for a week as they will be traveling to the South main city Vildon.

After taking care of the eggs and leaving some of the Roses behind with some poison tables to absorb, she left the room while wrapping her palm with a cloth.

Geraldine packed her belongings and peek outside to see Alexjin still practicing with a wooden sword, that's when she realized that she forgot to shop for his armor and a real sword.

"Ah! How can I forget something that important!" She facepalmed and smack herself for forgetting. 

She hurriedly finished packing and went to Aurelie who is cooking them breakfast.

"Aurelie, we'll be leaving soon, are you sure you don't want to come with us and watch your son fight?" She asked again. Geraldine has been convincing Aurelie to come with them to Vildon but she insisted on staying to have someone to take care of the house and let herself rest.

"I'll be fine here Geraldine, just enjoy sightseeing Vildon and be careful especially you," Aurelie warned her and gestured towards her eye color.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks for your concern," Geraldine smiled and went to the window and called out Alexjin to come inside the house.

"Have you prepared your stuff for our trip?" Geraldine asks as soon as Alexjin went inside.

"Yes master, what time do we have to go?" He asked as he wipes away the sweat on his forehead.

"After breakfast, we need to get there early as we need to buy your armor and a sword for the battle. Ugh! I forgot to buy it," Geraldine massage her temples as she sat down on the chair.

"It's fine master, I'll go clean myself and take out my bags," Alexjin hurriedly went to the shower to take a bath.

"Have you talk to him for the past weeks?" Geraldine asked Aurelie who was speechless for a couple of seconds.

"Ah- I - I haven't decided, yet but I will talk to him when I have made up my mind," Aurelie put a  plate full of food and tea.

Geraldine started eating and after 15 minutes, Alexjin joined them. They converse for a while before they started putting their stuff on their horses.

She wears a simple baby pink dress that looks decent but not enough to catch some attention then she put a hat with a net surrounding her face to hide her eyes and also puts her hair into a braided bun.

As for Alexjin, he only wears a simple black top and pants as he will be wearing an armor as soon as they bought one.

When they are done, they bid their goodbyes to Aurelie and hopped on their horses, and started to leave but before that, Geraldine cast a protection spell on Aurelie so she won't be too worried while they are away.

While traveling, Geraldine's mind wandered over the corpse of Salle and Homir on their store and thought of whoever killed them is probably there on the day of the competition or he/she will be participating too.

"Master, what are you thinking?" Alexjin asked as he saw Geraldine deep in thoughts.

"Nothing much," She answered as she didn't want to have a conversation with him on that matter.

"It will be my first time visiting Vildon, I'm a little nervous going to that place as I might do something wrong and will cause you, trouble master," Alexjin mumbled as if he was shy that he had never been to a different place except Bagyoo Town.

"Don't be nervous, just think that it's the same as this town but a little bit better but don't act as you've never been there. Some people will take advantage of you if they know that you are new to the city and came from the province," Geraldine warned him as she remembered the time she visited Vildon when she was you older. 

"I wish I can travel more and explore the Empire and see its riches. What's it like when you traveled last time master?" Alexjin's eyes sparkle while anticipating an answer from his master.

Geraldine looked at him with a furrowed eyebrows and chuckled, "It's... interesting," She answered and rides faster, "Let's go and make it in Vildon before dark!"


It's already 10:30 of the night when they arrived at Vildon, even though it's already late, there are still people going back and forth to shop and see different places.

There are lanterns everywhere with the symbol of a bird with its wings spread apart and a crescent moon as its crown.

"The South's symbol is really pretty," Alexjin mumbled which makes Geraldine looked into it too.

"Hmm," She didn't say anything as she finds everything about the Empire disgusting, "Let's find a place to stay for the night."

All of the places they went to were full and some customers sell their rooms but at a high price. Geraldine didn't take any and just went away. They have been searching for an hour already and she was about to give up and just sleep somewhere else when she saw an old Inn which doesn't have many people inside.

When they entered, an old lady greeted them, "Welcome to Wosh Inn, we have spare rooms for you lovely couple," the old lady chuckled when both of them stiffened.

"You're mistaken madam, we're not a couple," Alexjin waved both of his hands in front as she corrected the owner, he's also embarrassed that he can't look at Geraldine in the eyes anymore.

"Ah, maybe a participant in the competition!" The old lady chuckled and lead them to the counter as she grabbed the keys for their room, "My mistake, so I guess, you'll get two rooms hmm, I think I have a spare room here that are in front of each other," she mumbled while looking over to the numbers of the keys, it took a while before she put two keys on the counter.

"You guys are in luck to find this Inn although it's a bit old and shabby but it could accommodate for the night, well, do you like food for dinner?" She offered but Geraldine shakes her head 'no'.

"Thank you but we've eaten before coming here, we would like to rest for now," She smiled and lower her hat to cover her eyes.

"Very well, here you go. Have a good night sleep," The old lady shows them the way and went back on knitting a scarf.

"Master," Alexjin called out as soon as they arrived in their rooms. Geraldine handed him the key to his room and a bag of dried meat and bread, "Don't trust the food that the Inns or any places served, for now, eat that, we'll find something to eat for tomorrow."

"Yes, master."

Geraldine entered her room and waited for Alexjin to enter his own before completely shutting the door. The room is much simpler than the room she stayed in before and the bed looks like it would gonna break if a bigger person would sit there.

Putting her stuff on the table,  she went to the window and opened it, and look outside for a possible route of escape if ever something happened on their night of staying there. 

Currently, their rooms are on the second floor but it wasn't higher. There are also customers on the Inn a few rooms before them.

"Vildon," she muttered while closing her eyes as she remembers her memories of the place.

She went to Vildon before to buy a rumored sword that was made a dragon's scale. It is said that it's so sharp that it can cut a diamond with a single swing but after spending days in the city and searched for every marketplace, she wasn't successful in obtaining them but she also never heard of any person having that kind of sword.

"So, is it really a rumored sword or we just missed it out," She thought as she looked at the child with both of her parents swinging his arms, they look so happy that it makes Geraldine's facial muscles twitch.

She closed her window and pull back the curtains as she lays on the bed and focus her mind on tomorrow's shopping.

"I should try finding that dragon sword again or find a decent sword for him that can last longer," She murmured before throwing away her hat and untie her clothes, and kicking it away before she finds a comfortable position to sleep in.

The next morning came as the birds chirping wakes her up, she peeks up and saw Alexjin picking up her dress and putting it neatly on the chair, and even dust away from her hat. She blinks multiple times and rubbed her eyes to see if she's just hallucinating.

"Good morning master! I've brought some food for breakfast!" Alexjin cheerfully said and placed a paper bag on the table.

"What the - GET OUT!

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