Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 47 - Pledge

"What? what did you say again?" Geraldine's eyes snapped back at the old man with her eyes bulging from what she just heard from him.

"It's what the merchant says when I bought it to him at a high price. He said it's made of an ancient black Dragon scale and the person who will wield the sword must contain a lot of mana, the greater the mana absorb, the more powerful the sword's powers," The old man explained in awe but then the happiness on his face died down, "I actually took interest on that sword but my mana is too little to make it work but now that sword finally finds it's rightful owner after many years. Ah! it makes me teared up."

Geraldine smiled and makes the sword back to its original size and tapped the owner's shoulder, "I'll take care of this sword, don't worry as it will be in good hands."

The old man smiled back with tears in his eyes then both of them went out of the room and saw Alexjin waiting for her. He was shocked to see that Geraldine came from the storage room with the frail man weeping behind her back.

"It's not what you think," Geraldine said as she passes at his side and went to face the owner.

Alexjin looked at her with a curious face, "I have chosen my armor, master," He stated while pointing to the box where his armor is placed.

"Okay, wait outside for me," Geraldine looked at him with a serious face and gestured him to go asap. He followed immediately without any questions and waited outside.

A seller's loud voice caught his attention, he looked back and seeing that his master is currently talking to the owner. Alexjin went to the stall and looked at what the sellers sell.

It doesn't have many customers like the rest so he has a long time to look for what he likes.

"Greeting young man, do you like something that catches your eyes?" The seller wears colorful clothes with a lot of bead bracelets on his arms. He shows his yellow teeth as he smiles so wide and begun to point on his collections when Alexjin was unresponsive to his words.

"Here, take a look at this," He points at the bracelets that were placed on a box, "These are handmade by our workers for months before we were able to sell it here."

Alexjin looked at the bracelets but what caught her attention is the hairpins, especially the one shaped like a rose, "I'll take this one."

"You have good eyes, young man," The seller put the rose pin on a white box with a red ribbon.

When Alexjin received it, he instantly put it in his pocket and hurriedly pay the seller before going back in front of the store. After a few minutes, Geraldine went out with a paper bag and his box containing his armor.

"Let's go back," She stated softly with tiredness evident on her face. Alexjin nodded and went to find a Kalesa to drive them home.


Geraldine is currently sitting on her bed while looking at the tiny sword she bought which cost more than half of the money she brought with her, "I hope, it will be worth it," She stated and was about to go into Alexjin's room but then went back on her bed.

"I need some air."

She took her cloak and went out of the Inn and went to the park, it's already 3 AM and the streets are already deserted. 

Geraldine followed the route she remembered before and it took her more time before she arrived. It was a top of the hill and you could see a part of the city, the lights from the houses create a magnificent view and the soft wind makes her relax.

She wasn't able to give Alexjin the sword she bought as there's something within her that she still doesn't trust him wielding a real sword that can kill her any time.

Memories of the time that Alexjin points the wooden sword on her neck make her body shivered. 

She wanted to keep the sword for herself but she knows that Alexjin needed it more than her especially when he entered the palace someday.

Taking a deep breath, she went and sits on a nearby chair when she heard some rustling behind her.

"I know you're here, come out now," Geraldine sighs and played with her hair as she waited for the person to come out.

"Master, I apologize for following you. I'm just concerned over your safety," Alexjin popped out from behind her and immediately went to where the light shone on his face.

"Sit down," She scooted to the side and patted the space next to her. Alexjin went ahead and sit next to her but created a space between them. Careful not to touch her skin or her clothes.

"Look at that, isn't it great?" She looked to the city lights again with a small smile on her lips.

Alexjin followed her gaze and look at the lights but his eyes went to look at her relaxed face.

"Alexjin, what are your thoughts about me?" 

Alexjin was surprised with her sudden question that makes him stutter while forming his word, "I - I," he coughed to calmed his voice, "I think master is a great person that helped me get through a lot and teaches me stuff that I didn't know before, master takes care of my sick mother and gives us shelter and treated us well, master is a good person."

Geraldine only smiled when hearing his answer, "What I mean is, what do you think as me being your master, a person that has control over you."

Alexjin looked down while playing on his hands, "I'm used to being controlled by my owner's, master."

"So, you see me as nothing different from them?" She said in a firm voice and looked at him, "I could sense your deep hatred towards those nobles who treated you like you an animal that is only worth a couple of coins and that your life is considered as garbage that can be thrown away."

Alexjin couldn't say a word as what Geraldine said is true, there's something inside him that wants to kill all the nobles that bought him and Geraldine is one of them. He thought that she'll be the same as the others but as time goes by that they've spent together. It was the first time he felt warmth and tasted freedom for over the years he served as a servant. 

His bloodlust started to die down and the feeling of someone to protect started to grow in his heart. Now, all he wanted is to make sure that Geraldine is well protected and makes a promise to himself that he will follow everything she asked him to do if it's the only way to make him stay by her side.

"Master, it was before I met you that I feel that way, when I remember how they treated us, poor commoners, it just makes my blood boil," He stands up and went in front of Geraldine then he kneels down on his one knee.

"When I met you, those feelings of hatred changed. Now, all I want to be is by your side and protect you and follow your every command. I don't want to see you get disappointed or having troubles. Just tell me what it is and I will do everything I can to satisfy you," Alexjin said those words from the bottom of his heart but seeing Geraldine unresponsive, he put his hand on his heart.

"I, Alexjin will pledge loyalty and obedience to you, my master," He said with a firm loud voice and bowed his head while extending his hand for her to take.

Geraldine was surprised at his pledge, she didn't expect it to happen so fast but she could feel his deep sincerity and it's a heavy commitment for a person to pledge himself to someone. She thought about it for a second while looking at his open hand, waiting for her to accept him fully.

She smiled and slowly put her hand atop of his. Alexjin looked up with a bright smile then proceeds to kiss the dorsum of her hand.

"I won't break my pledge to you master and if someday, I'll be given a chance to become a knight. I will devote myself to you even if it will cost my life," he said as they both made eye contact.

Geraldine smiled and nodded her head, she was happy that she finally conquered him and makes himself devote to her which makes it easy for her to manipulate his mind.

"I will always remember your pledge Alexjin," She cupped his face and caress it for a while.

"Here, you can have this," She takes out the dragon sword from her pouch and handed it to him.

"What is it, master?" 

"Open it and you'll see," She smiled while looking at the surprised face of Alexjin when he unwrapped the tiny size of the sword.

"Uhh--" Alexjin was confused at the size of the sword and thought that  Geraldine is playing with him.

"Push the gem on the middle of it, concentrate your mana and you'll be fine," She said and pushed him a bit away from her.

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