Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 54 - Going Home

*I'm not afraid to let the whole world know that you're my master, I will scream your name as the person who leads me to my victory!*

Those words keep repeating on Geraldine's mind like a broken record. They are currently loading their stuff on the horses and will go back home as soon as possible.

"Master, I'm done," Alexjin said as he packed the last bag. 

"Okay, I'm finished as well," Geraldine said while wearing her black cloak and push the hood to cover her hair and face. She turned around and what she saw nearly choked her by her own saliva.

Alexjin is wearing a shirt on his head, the neckline is in his eyes and the rest is covering his whole head.

"What the heck are you wearing?" She exclaimed while facepalming her face and biting her lips to stop herself from laughing.

"I notice master is concerned over my face as many people would recognize me immediately. Also, I thought that it would be bothersome if they would approach me for invites," He stated as he shrugged and mounted his horse.

"I should have bought you a cloak," She said and still can't look straight at him without laughing. 

"It's fine master, it's okay that I look like this so that they won't approach me because I look weird," He shrugged and hurriedly come down on his horse and went to Geraldine's side and offered his hands for her to step into it.

"No need for that Alexjin, I can mount my horse," She gestured for him to go back to his horse which he was hesitant for a bit as he wanted to help her but he also didn't want to disobey her.

Both of them mounted their horse and started to ride back home. The ride is slower than the time they come to Vildon. When they ride on the streets, many people are celebrating the victory of the winner.

"Alexjin, did they invite you to come to the after-party?" Geraldine asks while pulling her hood down.

"Yes, but I don't want to come," He replied and looked at the people feasting on different kinds of foods.

"They will be disappointed," Geraldine chuckled.

"I don't really care about them master, it's better that they don't know anything about me, it's tiring," he said and went next to Geraldine, "Let's hurry master, I don't want to be here anymore."


Now both of them increase their pace but Geraldine couldn't help but worry. She knows that the people will take more interest in Alexjin because of his unknown identity. Just like a mystery box that everybody is itching to open and see what's inside.

After a day of traveling, they are still on the road and it might take another day or two before they reach Bagyoo town.

As they are traveling through roads, Geraldine decided to find a hotel or an Inn but Alexjin pleaded that they will just camp in the forest. 

"It will be uncomfortable to sleep on the ground and you still have wounds in your body," Geraldine squinted her eyes as she examined his body.

"Master, I'll be fine, it's troublesome to find an Inn at this hour. Don't worry master, I'll protect you if we encounter wild animals along the way," He cheerfully said and show some moves to prove that he is healed.

Geraldine thought about it for a second before she agreed, "Okay, but let's buy some food along the way," she grabbed her pouch and notice that it's lighter, she forgets that she spends most of her money in Vildon as they bought some things too before leaving.

She took 10 silver coins and handed them to Alexjin, "Master, I have money with me. I can buy our food," He refused the money and went to grabbed his pouch.

"Alexjin, I am your master and I should be the one to provide, keep your money to yourself," She then grabbed his hand and put the coins on it, "Now, go."

Alexjin's lips pressed on a thin line but followed his master's orders, "Yes, master. I won't be long," he said and immediately went to the stall he saw.

Geraldine sighs, she knows that Alexjin will follow what she ordered for him to do but there are times that he kept imposing his own opinions, "Am I wrong when I thought that I completely make him surrender to me?" she murmured to herself.

She went down from her horse and went to a small store nearby that are selling clothes. After tying her horse on the tree, she entered the humble store which doesn't have a luxurious dress to sell.

"Welcome miss, what are we finding for?" A frail man greeted her with a child into his arms, he notices that Geraldine has been staring at the child, making him feel embarrassed, "My apologize, my wife is currently sewing some dresses so there's no one to take care of our son."

"It's fine," She brushed it off with a smile, "I want to buy a cloak in a darker color and also some dresses."

"We have some dresses displayed here but our cloaks are at the back, I'll grab some and come back as soon as possible," The man hurriedly went away while trying to make his baby asleep.

Geraldine started to look for a dress for her and Aurelie, she noticed that Aurelie has been wearing the same old dresses for almost every week but she always forget to buy her one. 

She saw a blue dress with yellow flower patterns on the hem and the sleeves, it looks simple yet elegant, "This suits Aurelie," she mumbles while taking it off from the stall.

She also added a few more clothes than she likes as she didn't have much dress with her. After a while, the man came out with tons of cloaks in different colors and some dresses too.

"That's a lot," Geraldine chuckled while seeing the owner's embarrassed face as he put those on the table.

"We didn't have many customers going in so there's a lot of dresses and cloaks available on the shelves," The man mumbled and took his son that is now awake.

"Take your time miss," The man went away as his child started crying and he didn't want to burden his customer with the noise so he left.

Geraldine glances at the fabrics on the table and her eyes caught the denim-colored cloak, "This matches his eye color," she said with a smile and saw that there are male clothes mixed on the clothes. 

She took some and is ready to pay, Geraldine was about to call the owner when she heard the couple fighting and their son crying.

"I hate this life, you can't even provide food for our son!" 

When Geraldine heard those words, she immediately went away so that she won't be able to hear their argument. She went ahead and grabbed some bags from the counter and pack the clothes inside. Then she took out her remaining money, she didn't know the price of the clothes so she put all her money on the counter and took a pen and paper and wrote the clothes that she bought and place it under the pouch.

After that, she left but rang the bell on the door to notify them.

Pulling her horse with her, she went to find Alexjin to see that he's leaning against a tree while feeding his horse with an apple. His smile is soft and calming which entrance her a bit.

"You took out the shirt on your head," She said as soon as he approaches her.

"Master, you're here. Well, they won't let me buy food if I didn't take it off so--," He smiled awkwardly and gives an apple to Geraldine's horse as well.

"Here," She took out the cloak and push it on Alexjin's chest and hurriedly mounted her horse and started to walk away.

"Master, wait for me," Alexjin called out as he panicked on whether to wear the cloak or follow her.


"Master, thank you for the cloak, it's comfortable," Alexjin snuggled on his new cloak while making himself comfortable laying on the ground.


They are currently in the forest with a bonfire in front to keep them warm. Geraldine is playing on the fire while her mind wandered to many unanswered questions.

She looked over to Alexjin who is looking at the stars with a relaxed face and that also reminds her at the time that she was doing what Alexjin is currently doing.

Sighing loudly, she went ahead and lay on the ground while looking at the stars.

Both of them are silently staring above when Alexjin breaks the ice.

"Master, I've been thinking about it for a while. Where are you when my fight starts? Did you go and meet Niso or that man in a black cloak?"

Geraldine opens her mouth but closed it as she didn't know what to say.

"Why do you ask? Did something  happened?"

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