Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 57 - Paru-paru

"Are you ready?" Geraldine asked while looking at the stuff of Alexjin and Aurelie that has been put at the carriage.

Alexjin came out of the house in fancy clothes as well as Aurelie, they are both wearing the blue-colored clothes that Geraldine gave to them.

"Yes, master," Alexjin said and looked down, feeling embarrassed as Geraldine is staring at him.

"You look good, the color suits you," She complimented him and patted his shoulder.

"Thank you, master."

Geraldine gave him a huge smile before going in front of Aurelie and handed her the name tag. 

"Here, they won't know who you really are," She whispered through Aurelie's ear and give her a small hug.

Aurelie looked at it, "Elie," she looked at Geraldine with a nervous smile, "Thank you, I hope everything will be fine."

"It will," Geraldine stepped aside as the coachman opened the doors for them. It's a simple carriage that the middle-class family can afford.

Geraldine went to the coachman and gives him instructions and pays him for the ride to Zuron.

"Hiya!" The coachman moves the rope of the horses as a sign for them to walk.

Alexjin take one last look outside the window and waved at Geraldine, "Goodbye master, I will make you proud!"

"Do your best," Geraldine waved back and waited for them to be out of sight before she went back to the house.

"It's really different when you're all alone," She murmured and chuckled while walking inside the empty house.

Geraldine eats two poison tablets before going down to the basement and visits the eggs. One of the poison eggs has two cracks on the side, it's the largest among them and the other also has some tiny cracks on its shells.

"Now, I can do whatever I want since I'm alone," She giggled with a smirk. Geraldine takes out the mixture of poisons that she has been making secretly and storing it in a tight place.

She removed the cap and the strong smell invaded her nose and even caused her nose to bleed.

"I hope I won't die," She giggled maniacally as she gulps a large amount of the poison in one go until it's empty.

"ACK!" Geraldine falls down on the ground as the bottle she held has broken to pieces. Her heart felt like it's being smashed into million pieces and her lungs become constricted, making it hard for her to breathe.

Her eyesight became blurry as her surroundings began to dance. Geraldine holds her head as she closed her eyes until she cannot take the dizziness anymore, then let her body fall to the cold floor and waited for her body's mana to combine with the poison.

"Ah... This may take a while," She whispered as her vision darkened.

When she opened her eyes it's already nighttime. Geraldine slowly brings her upper body up and immediately puked out blood but she's feeling quite well.

After resting for a few minutes, she stands up and went to light up the lamp in the room. 

Geraldine could feel the heaviness of her body that every step feels like she's dragging a huge stone behind.

Then, she went to the eggs, the red glows are dancing around in anticipation of their feeding time.

"If this doesn't work, I don't know what to do anymore," Geraldine chuckled as she went and cut her palm with a knife.

The blood that went out of her skin is much darker than her original blood color which surprised her a bit. Dripping the blood towards the first eggshell, it immediately glows so bright and more cracks could be heard. 

Geraldine stepped back as the egg explodes, causing her to fall down again on the floor.

"What the--" She muttered in surprise but then a huge number of bright red butterflies with black spots fluttered towards her body and sucked her blood.

Geraldine could feel stung on the different areas of her body but it didn't last long until she felt nothing.

"My babies," She smiled as she ripped her sleeves to give the butterflies more space to eat. 

After five minutes, the butterflies slowly fill their hunger and went away from Geraldine, and vanish into thin air.

It didn't last long before all of the butterflies are gone.

Geraldine stands up as adrenaline rushed into her body due to the excitement she's currently feeling. She didn't hesitate to cut a deeper wound and feed her blood to the remaining two eggs until both eggs hatched.

Red-colored butterflies with a mix of green and blue came out of the shells and immediately went to feed on Geraldine's body and similar to the first butterflies, they vanished into thin air. Leaving Geraldine breathless while laying on the floor.

"That's amazing!!! Woohoo!!!" She screamed then burst out laughing in happiness.

"Hatching you guys is crazy," She covered her eyes using her arm as she continued laughing until she has fallen asleep.


"Do you think you're the victim here? Think again."

A harsh voice can be heard whispering into her ears but when she turned around, there's no one else behind her.

The room is dark and her body is the only thing that glows.

"Hello," A soft voice of a child came out of her mouth, causing her to panic and that's when she saw her tiny hands.

"I became a child again?" 

She looked around but there's nothing to be seen which makes her scared to even walk a few steps forward.

"Little girl, looks so innocent but not so innocent," A maniac laugh echoed in the place making her step back and that's when she felt something behind her.

Slowly turning around, she saw a woman wearing a white simple gown, and her vanilla-colored hair covered half of her face.

"It's all your fault!!!"

The woman screamed and her red eyes glowed as she choked the child with her other hand and uses two of her fingers on the other hand to poke both of the child's eyes.

"Being a Spear isn't that bad, dear Geraldine."


"AHHH!" Geraldine is suddenly woken up by her dream, "Ah sh*t."

The moment she stands up, she began to throw up blood. Wiping away the remaining blood on her lips, Geraldine walked towards the chair and sits down.

The light from the make-shift window brightens up the room but it only makes Geraldine's head to ache terribly.

With a groan, she lifted herself and went out to have a cup of coffee and that's when she walked to the mirror and saw herself.

Her skin is in a deadly greyish pale, her cheeks no longer have some muscles and the bone is visible on the skin, eyes popping out and her body becomes so thin and boney.

"What the heck, did I became an old woman?" Geraldine gasp with a horrified expression on her face.

With a shrug, she went to the kitchen and makes herself something to eat. Then she went into the backyard for fresh air and also to test out the butterflies.

Geraldine raised her hand and called for a single butterfly on her mind and instantly, a green-colored butterfly appeared out of nowhere and landed on her index finger.

"Amazing," She giggled with excitement and observe the butterfly in awe.

"Go to Alexjin's location and bring me some news," She whispered to the butterfly and it immediately went away and vanish in the air.

Green-colored Paru-Paru's are focused on getting information anywhere but there's a delay of one day since they needed to get back to their master.

The Blue colored Paru-Paru's are focused on defense when the master is in danger while the Black ones are focused on the attack and this is the most dangerous among the three eggs.

The Black colored Paru-Paru's can devour a cow in less than ten minutes depends on their hunger.

As for the Paru-Paru's master, she will be the one to feed them with poison blood as it's their source of power but the butterflies also needed to be fed by other foods such as meat or fruits. This also gives the master some rest and regain back her blood that has been sucked by thousands of butterflies.

As for Geraldine's current state, she needed enough rest and to eat healthy food to bring back her healthy body.

But for her, it was all worth it even if she looked like a grandmother. After all, the Paru-paru plays a huge role in her revenge and she wouldn't stop until she became satisfied.

Leaning back on the chair with a sigh of relief, "Wait, what was my dream again? Ugh, I forgot," She grimaces while trying to remember the dream that caused her to wake up with a cold sweat. 

Geraldine relaxed for the whole day while trying to cultivate her mana inside her body.. She planned on going to the North and visit her 'loving' family and take some things she needed and how she wished that the whole family will be gone to Zuron so that she can freely roam around her house without someone to look at her as if she's a piece of dirt.

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