Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 59 - Arrived

"Brother, did you not see my condition? I'm sick!" Geraldine cough and let her body fall down on the sofa, "And my body is aching too from jumping on the 2nd floor."

"It's all your fault for looking like a d*mn thief and why do you even tried to run away knowing that I'm your brother and that's your room," Gavriel looks at her with disbelief as he massaged his temples and went up, "You'll still have to go with me tomorrow whether you like it or not."

Gavriel went to his room, leaving Geraldine all alone with a troubling thought.

"What should I do?" She whispered as she stands up and went back into her room. The window she broke is hanging outside with the glass scattered on the marbled floor as the moonlight gives light into the room.

Geraldine went and grabbed the things she left behind and put them in a huge bag before plumping into her bed.

"I can just run away right now as there's no one guarding me but --" Geraldine pursed her lips, she knows that when Gavriel noticed that she's gone. They will do their best to find her, which will cause her plan to spoil and there's a possibility that Alexjin's identity will be revealed.

"Ah, I think, I need to hold myself here a bit," She whispered and throw away the first layer of the sheets as it's full of dust and settled inside the covers. She felt her body relaxed as she felt the soft cushion under her skin.


The next morning came, Geraldine used to wake up early but today is an exemption. She's sleeping so deep that she didn't even flinch when the servants came in and clean the room while she's there. The servants didn't wake her up as they are scared that they will get fired just like the old servants who served Geraldine.

After the servants finished cleaning quietly as they can, they instantly leave the room and let her sleep some more when the door was kicked open and created a loud noise.

"You useless twig, get up!!!" A loud booming voice screamed and took off the blanket from Geraldine.

"Ah!" Geraldine immediately sits up as she's startled awake from the scream, "What the heck is your problem!?"

Gavriel is stunned by what he just heard, "What did you say?" He can't believe that she was able to speak those words as she used to be so timid.

"I said, what do you want?" Geraldine whispered as she holds her head as she felt dizziness from being startled awake.

Gavriel looked at her silently as the corner of his mouth twitch, "I've told you already that we'll be going to Zuron this morning but then, I see you here still unprepared!" he pinched the bridge of his nose as he called out the servants.

"Go ahead and prepare her attire for the day and packed her things too. Do it for an hour or else--," Gavriel looks at the two servants who trembled in fear as they bowed their heads.

"Yes, young master Gavriel."

Gavriel glared at Geraldine before he leaves the room.

"That sh*t," Geraldine cursed out as she sighs loudly. 

"Young mi- miss," A brunette colored-hair servant whispered and flinched when Geraldine looked at her.

Geraldine didn't say anything as she crawls out of the bed and sits on the chair in front of the mirror while waiting for them to do their job.

"What's your name?" Geraldine asks while looking at the brunette girl through the mirror.

"L - Levine, my name is Levine, young miss," Levine bowed her head and started pulling Geraldine's hair into a bun.

"The bath is ready young miss."

"And what's your name?" Geraldine asks as she stands up and goes towards the bath while the two servants followed her from behind.

"My name is Orea, young miss," The black-haired girl answered timidly.

Geraldine nodded as she stepped inside the tub and the servants started bathing her and make sure that she smells like roses. Her body relaxed as she missed the luxury that the Gauthier family offers.

After that, they went back to her room and started combing her hair and the other picked the clothes she's gonna wear for that day. All she did is sitting down while facing the mirror and let them do the work. 

They've finished all the work before one hour and led Geraldine downstairs with her baggage behind. She hasn't eaten breakfast yet but Gavriel is pushing that they'll have to go immediately.

"Good thing you're on time," Gavriel's sour face looks at her from top to bottom.

Geraldine is currently wearing a purple gown with flowers embroidered at the bottom and the top's neckline is in U-shape and has a long sleeve with embroidered flowers as well. Hair is in braids and placed into a bun with a purple ribbon.

Gavriel went to his own carriage and the servants guide Geraldine on her own carriage as well. She entered without a word and the ride to Zuron begun.

She's left alone all by herself in the carriage and she's not bothered by it as she's used to traveling alone but what she can't bear is to experience what she experienced before. The feeling of abandonment and solitude from her family makes her want to escape from there as soon as possible.

"My dear butterfly, go and find Alexjin and tell me his whereabouts," She whispered to the green butterfly that has been feeding on her palm and after that, it flew away.

It didn't take long before they've arrived in Zuron, Geraldine immediately wears a hat with a net inside to cover her face just in case that she met Alexjin on the way.

Upon arriving, they went out as Geraldine followed behind Gavriel who's confidently walking by. As for her, she walks with her head bowed down a bit while lowering her hat.

They've arrived at a fancy restaurant where they would meet with the Duke and the first son Gael. When they entered to the door, the waiter instantly greeted them and led them to their table.

As soon as they spotted Geraldine, their faces turned sour and distaste especially their father, Victor Gauthier. 

"Father, brother," Geraldine curtsied as she stands still while waiting for them to say anything.

"Why is she here?" Duke Gauthier looked at Gavriel with disappointments, "Don't you see how she looks? She'll taint our name."

The Duke glared at Geraldine who remained standing with a poker face. The older brother only looked at her without saying anything.

"Father, I've brought her here because I found her sneaking around the mansion and acted as a thief on her own home. I don't want another gossip that can taint the family's name that's why I bring her here so that she won't do anything stup*d," Gavriel said as he laughed while chewing the piece of cake.

"I don't want father and brothers to have a bad day because of my presence that's why I entered the mansion secretly and was about to leave but then brother Gavriel found me and now I'm here," Geraldine said while peeking while scowling at him.

"I can go back home father, as you can see, my condition isn't well and will only be a burden," She said and lifted the net over her face and saw her horrifying figure.

Geraldine took off her makeup using the towel she brought with her as she wanted her father to see that she's sick and he will send her back home to hide her from the public and save the family's 'image.'

"Hmm, seems like the servants didn't do a great job to cover your hideous face," Gael calmly said as he stands up from his chair, "Father, I'll go back to the training ground since I've lost my appetite," then he looked coldly at Geraldine before going away.

Duke Gauthier didn't say a word and sipped his coffee, Geraldine has been standing for 20 minutes already and the people around are looking at her.

"Since you're here, try to rest on any hotels you want as you're be going to the masquerade party tomorrow night," The Duke said and stands up, towering over Geraldine, "You're clothes will be sent to you, and don't embarrass the family's name with your stup*dness."

"But father, I don't want to go to the party," Geraldine said while trying to save herself from going to the party where Alexjin is attending but the Duke walks away, leaving Geraldine and Gavriel all alone. 

She looked at him coldly and curtsied before walking away and leaving him alone on the table. When she came out, a servant followed her to know where she's gonna stay and report back to the Duke. 

She chooses the closest hotel in the city as she didn't really mind the price as his family can afford it and she also asks for a cheque to buy some things she needed and she was given an empty cheque, making her smile grow wider.

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