Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 67 - Macum

"Come on, let's go," Geraldine gestured for Alexjin to hurry and mount his horse.

"Okay, master," Alexjin replied, and mounted his horse and both of them rode towards the center of the town.

It's already night time and Geraldine decided to have a little fun in the town since there has been a celebration going on for the victory of Alexjin in the competition.

"Master, why did you decide to go there?" Alexjin spoke with worry about his master's decision to go out in the middle of the night.

"To have some fun, of course. We need to let ourselves chill for a while, especially you," She pointed her finger at Alexjin's chest, "After all that fight, you need to have fun as well."

"But master, I--" Alexjin closed his mouth, he was about to tell her that he preferred to be in the house than going to a crowded place but he didn't want to disagree with her, "Sure master, I'll have fun as well."

Hearing his response, Geraldine is satisfied and both of them continued their travel. Upon arriving at the center of the town. Alexjin was surprised at the colorful lights hanging from above and the cheerful atmosphere around with people dancing and food stalls are everywhere, selling good stuff that hasn't been there before. It's completely different from the usual atmosphere he used to see in the town every time he went there to buy food and other necessities.

"They really celebrated even without knowing who is the winner and only know him by name," Alexjin chuckled, as they put the horse on the stable and went to explore the town. 

"They know, a guy with black shiny hair named Alexjin," Geraldine rolled her eyes. "I should call you in an unfamiliar name today… how about Alex or jin?"

"I will accept whatever you call me, master."

"Well, I'll call you Jin for today, so that people won't be confused if they hear me calling by your real name." She giggled and went to a stall that sells candies and bought two and gives them to Alexjin.

"Here Jin." After giving it to him, Geraldine went to every stall she sees and bought what catches her eyes. All Alexjin did is to follow her and carry the things that she bought. 

After an hour of Geraldine's shopping spree, they are now sitting at the chair outside a tavern, drinking beers.

"Ah! This is good!" Geraldine chuckled as she finished the mug of beer.

"Master, slow down or you'll get drunk," He said worriedly while snatching away the mug from her hand.

"Give it back or you will be the one drinking that beer until the last drop," she threatened, as she sees Alexjin isn't drinking much more beer than she does.

Alexjin looked at her for a second before chugging the beer without pause and slam the mug on the table after he was done.

"Master, don't drink too much." Alexjin looked at her with worry, making Geraldine pity him.

"Fine, fine, let's go."

They were about to go when a loud voice makes both of them froze.

"HA! That guy is only lucky that I didn't take part in the competition or else, I could have won instead! HAHAHA!" A bearded man laughed while his beer splashing on the ground from moving his hands.

"For sure, our skills exceed his own. After all, he's only a child! HAHAHA!" His friend joined him.

"I bet, he could only do this!!!" The man made fun of using his sword as if mocking Alexjin's move.

"HA! I've seen him fight in the arena! Pwe! I could well! Look at me." A man took out his sword and move it around as if fighting someone.

Series of insults was indirectly thrown towards Alexjin as the group of old and young adults laughed so hard while drinking and cheering beers.

"That's right! Then this town celebrated his win even when he didn't show his face. What a jerk!" A young man put down his mug angrily.

"When I joined the next competition and win the finals, I'll wish for a vast amount of money and make sure to throw an enormous party for everyone!" Another man stands up and circled their table while drinking his beer.

All of them seemed drunk, so the other people sitting beside them only joined with their laughter and let them be crazy drunkers.

Geraldine looked at Alexjin whose face still remained expressionless but his eyes shown that he's affected by their words.

She didn't want him to lose the confidence he just builds in the competition so she thought of something that needed to be done.

Geraldine stands up and walked towards the drunk men. "Ah, you guys are talking about that famous commoner who wins the competition?" She acted as if she was drunk as well as a disguise.

Alexjin stands up in worry about what his master's doing, but one look from Geraldine made him sit back.

"Miss, don't join in our conversation," the man beside her sneered, but it didn't affect Geraldine, she even put her hands around the old man's neck with a smirk.

"You talked as if you're all so good at handling swords, pfft," she smirked and look at them with a taunting look. 

"Of course, we are a group of the retired knight, and this is our students." A man who seemed to be the decent one in the group looked at her from top to bottom.

"Oh really," A smile formed on her lips as she removed her arms to the man beside her and lean closer to the one who spoke.

"I guess you are the leader of this squad," Geraldine said with excitement, and seeing that the man nodded his head, her smile grew wider, "Since you are the leader and hearing what you guys talked earlier about your great skills in swordsmanship. Is it okay if I challenge you a friendly fight?"

The group laughed upon hearing what she said to them and looked at her as if she's a crazy b*tch.

"A lady? Nah, ladies do not hold swords. It's a man thing," The man beside her spoke once again while shaking his head as if mocking her.

"Young lady, please leave the talk about swords to us men. Women should focus on their magic thing."

"What's your name?" Geraldine asks, pertaining to the leader in the squad.

"I'm Macum."

"Macum, let's duel and the one who wins will treat beers." Geraldine put her hands on her hips with a knowing look.

"Lady, we don't fight girls," Macum said shakes his head in amusement. 

"Why? Are you a p*ssy?" Geraldine taunts, making Macum spit out the beer in his mouth.

Both of them looked at one another and the rest of the crowd became silent while waiting for their decision.

"Fine, just don't cry if I scratch you," Macum sighs and grabbed his sword.

His squad immediately pushed the table and the chairs behind to give them space, and the rest followed.

"Master," Alexjin went to her side and grabbed her arm, "Are you sure about this?"

"My dear Jin, I don't want other people like them to insult my lovely apprentice." She touched his cheeks and gestured for him to go at the side.

Now, both Macum and Geraldine stand in the middle as the crowd drawn a circle towards them and starts betting who will win.

"I don't have a sword with me. Can I borrow one from your students instead?" Geraldine smiled innocently.

Macum looked at one of his trainees and gestured him to give Geraldine his sword.

"This is a friendly fight so whatever the results, we just have to accept it," Macum said as he takes out his long sword and aims it towards her.

"Sure, just want to check if your skills indeed exceed Alexjin, the winner of the competition," Geraldine stepped her right foot behind and extends the sword in hand, aiming at his neck.

"Then I'll show you how skillful I am in terms of holding a sword. After all, I trained males to become knights of the noble families," Macum smirked as he went to his starting position.

"Ah, you're an official, I see. This will be fun," Geraldine giggled as her soft-looking eyes changed into something that will give you nightmares.

"Whatever you say, little girl, but I won't hold myself since you offended me with your words," He added and strike first.

"Oh sure, old man," Geraldine's adrenaline rushed towards her body as both of them attacked one another.

Their swords create an ear-wrenching sound every time it collides followed by Geraldine's laugh as if she finds his technique funny.

The people walking nearby also joined the formation and watched the fight between a man and a woman, as it's a very rare sight to see. 

Alexjin is standing behind Geraldine with his hands on the dragon necklace, ready to draw it out in case Macum will do something dirty towards his master.

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