Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 82 - Friendly Battle

Geraldine whistled while carrying the pile of wood at her back. They are now going back home as the sun started to go down.


Dashia pressed her lips to stop herself from crying as she supports her right hand. When Geraldine gives her the ax and lets her cut the tree which caused a sprain on her arm muscles. Geraldine wanted to heal her but she doesn't want them to be independent in any healing spells or medications. So, she let Daisha feel the pain until they have arrived at the house.

Maxwell is also carrying some wood on his back but still took care of Daisha and whispered sweet words to comfort her. That's when Geraldine realizes that Maxwell has a crush on Daisha but Daisha only looked at Maxwell as her older brother.

When they arrived at the house, Alexjin immediately assists Geraldine in the woods and instantly noticed Daisha's red puffy eyes. 

"Daisha, go and rest in the treehouse for a while. I'll be with you soon," Geraldine smiled and gestured to Maxwell to assist her.

"Ye -yes, master," Daisha nodded while biting her lips to stop the sobs from coming out.

"I know what you're thinking, Alexjin," Geraldine chuckled when she noticed the look that Alexjin gave her. 

"Huh?" Alexjin shakes his head and continues walking forward with the woods in hand. Geraldine shrugged and followed behind him.

After the work is done, Geraldine went to the treehouse and saw Daisha crying on the floor while Maxwell holds her pained hands and blow air on the skin in an attempt to ease the pain.

"Ma - master!" They all said in unison when seeing Geraldine entered the room with a container in hand.

"Apply this on her arm every 8 hours and it will be fine," Geraldine throws a tiny container to Maxwell which he caught with ease. 

"I'll apply it to her?" Maxwell panicked and looked away from Daisha.

"Of course, who will apply that since her arm is in pain?" Geraldine smirked as she finds amusement in the scene before her.

"I can apply the cream," Leo raised her hand and was about to grab the container from Maxwell when he stands up and raised it above. 

"I can apply it perfectly, thanks for your concern, Leo," Maxwell smiled with her eyes glaring at Leo.

Leo shrugged and went to play with Chase. Jesse only looked at his two friends who are sitting beside one another. As for Geraldine, she planned to leave as soon when she gave the ointment but stayed instead and looked at Maxwell's redded face as she touched Daisha's skin.

"I wish, I experience that too," Geraldine muttered and suddenly giggled which makes the kids look at her curiously.

"Experience what, master?" Jesse asked.

Geraldine shook her head and turn her back to go out but before she did, she says something that makes Daisha and Maxwell blushed so hard.

"Experience the so-called puppy love."


"Ah!" Geraldine breathes out heavily while catching her breathing. It's 5 am and she's jogging outside to boost her health and be able to cultivate her mana using poison. She is also in search of food for her pet butterflies who are craving some meat. 

It didn't take long before she's able to hunt two deers and feeds them on her pet. Geraldine is sitting on the log as she watched the flocks of butterflies swarming the two dead deers.

She breathes out again and saw smoke coming from her mouth, "It's cold," she muttered and took out the stones from her pocket. It was the stones that she bought from the store that makes your body warmer but due to that memory, she also remembered the images she tried to forget.

Shaking her head to erase the memory, she turned her attention to the deer's bones, it was the only thing left after 15 minutes of feeding time.

"I should go to the market and buy a satchel bag," She murmured as her mind goes towards the Stygian cards.

"I should also start finding the lost cards but where do I start? This Empire is too big," She sighs and laid back while looking at the morning sky.

She stayed in the forest for the whole morning and decided to go back home to eat lunch. Alexjin and the kids decided to have a barbeque party with the workers to create a bond with them as well.

Geraldine was surprised when she saw the group of people forming around the bonfire that they created. When the kids see her, they instantly run forward and hold her hand as they pull her to their camp.

"Master, try this," Aaila hurriedly grabs one chicken barbeque stick and gives it to Geraldine.

"Thank you," Geraldine smiled and took a bite. The taste makes her mouth watered as her tastebuds were showered with thick flavors of the meat.

"Who makes this?" She asked while taking another bite.

"Brother Jin and mother Aurelie flavored the meat and we are the ones who cooked it," Leo jumps and hugged her legs as he eats a piece of meat as well.

"Leo!" Jesse hurriedly grabbed Leo at Geraldine's feet and bowed, "I'm sorry master."

"It's fine," Geraldine shrugged and was about to go and take a bath when Aaila pulled her pants to get her attention.

"Master, look! I can now create fire!" She excitedly extends both of her arms and placed her palm near the flame and concentrated her mana. After a few seconds, a tiny fire appeared between her two palms and the size grew bigger. 

Geraldine was concerned and prepared to use her power in case that Aaila's magic will get out of hand but she was able to control it and let her tiny fire join the rest of the flames at the bonfire.

"Good job," She went and patted Aaila's head which makes the little girl smile brightly as she was praised by their master. This also makes the other kids felt jealousy as they wanted to be praised as well.

"Okay, continue what you're doing and I needed to go somewhere first," Geraldine walked away and hopped on the shower when she got home and dressed in simple clothes, and went outside to join them again. 

She could hear laughter and cheer at the crowd and that makes her smile as the atmosphere creates a comfort she yearns for.

As she walked nearer to the crowd, she saw that Maxwell and Jesse are having a friendly battle as entertainment while waiting for her to arrive. Geraldine didn't make herself known as she didn't want to distract them and wanted to watch as well.

Maxwell and Jesse are using a wooden sword and uses the training they learned from Alexjin and it's up to them on how they gonna transform it into a customed skill.

Since both of them are the eldest and also the first to master the basics. Geraldine has a higher expectation of them. She went on Alexjin's side and positioned herself to see the battle clearly.

When the two kids realized that Geraldine is watching them among the crowd. They became tense and their aura heightened as they both show dominance. In their mind, they needed to win to make their master proud and praise them.

The burden is much heavier on Maxwell's side since Geraldine told him that he must be the one to take care and lead those who are younger to him and his pride won't let him lose to Jesse especially since they are not close to one another and often argue on things.

They circled one another with their swords aiming in their chest. Maxwell is the first one to attack Jesse but he parried him easily. Then stepping on the side, Jesse hit Maxwell's leg using the sword and instantly step back when Maxwell was about to hit him.

A smile formed on Jesse's lips when he felt satisfied with the pain he inflicted. This caused Maxwell to be pissed but remained calm composture but his eyes say it all. He didn't hesitate to attack Jesse with all his strength and lose his defense side. He didn't care if Jesse hits his body as long as he's able to make Jesse surrender.

"Ah!" Jesse staggered back when he received a strong force of attack from Maxwell and they are currently having a strength battle as their swords kissed one another. Their muscles continued contracting as they pushed one another to surrender.

Throughout the fight, Maxwell never hit Jesse's body and use his sword as her weapon which is the opposite of Jesse who is comfortable using his fist than a sword in hand.

The crowd is cheering as both boys are struggling with each other's strength as they didn't want to back down and be the loser. Geraldine got bored as the two boys only stayed at that position for a few minutes now as if they're having an internal battle within. 

Geraldine was about to interfere when Leo and Chase run towards them with a wooden sword and hit both elder kids in the thighs.

"We want to join too!"

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