Spear Of Retribution

Chapter 94 - Abandon

"So kid, let me rephrase it. Are you the son of Aurelie Houde?"

The knight went closer to him and look closely at his hair and without a word, he motion his head towards his fellow knights and they instantly went and grab Alexjin's arm tightly and pull him away from his group.

"What are you doing? Take your hands off me!" Alexjin screamed and pull his body away from the knights but no matter how much force he used. It was not enough especially when there's six knights holding him down.

The children yelled and went to grab Alexjin's close and pull him towards them but they were pushed by the knights away, causing Leo and Daisha to fall on the ground.

"Well, that's settled it. Let's go, your highness," The knight bowed slightly with a smirk and mount his horse.

As for Alexjin, he was put on the carriage with chains on his both hands and feet to prevent him to fight back or escaped their grasp. 

"We'll take your big brother now. If you all want to stay alive, shut your mouths and go back slavering around!" The knight chuckled went kicked his horse to start walking. 

Maxwell glared at them without a word because he knows that he can't fight them since they are the royal knights of the Empire and messing with them could be your death bed.

"Brother Jin!!!!" Chase yelled and tried to run towards the carriage but Jesse was able to hold him down.

"Don't go or they will kill you," Jesse whispered to Chase as he craddle him in his arms for comfort.

The children could only look at the carriage and the royal knights walking away from them as they all march with glory while raising their flag.

"What should we do now?" Leo asked and all their eye went to Maxwell.

"For now, we will find master and tell her what just happened. I'm sure she can do something," Maxwell said and hurriedly ran back to the house to search for Geraldine but silence greeted him instead.

"Let's go and find master," Maxwell yelled to them as they all started to move and search for her. 

They went back to the riverbank where they last seen Geraldine but when they arrived. Only the remaining flower petals remained with no one in sight.

"Is master gone as well?" Jesse whispered as his eyes went to Maxwell who is breathing heavily. Without a word, he runs back to their house where the rest of the group gathered at the living room.

"Max!" Daisha called him as soon as she saw him entering the house, "I've knocked on master's room but no one answered."

Without hesitation, Maxwell went in front of Geraldine's room and kicked the door open.

"Maxwell! What are you doing?" Daisha screamed and hold his back to prevent him from entering, "That's masters room and we should not enter without her permission!"

"Daisha!" Maxwell holds both of her shoulders and make her face him, "Don't you realize what's going on?"

He looked at the trembling eyes of Daisha and when she didn't answer. He let go of her and kick the remaining wood from Geraldine's door. It was the first time they entered their master's room, they were a bit hesitant but go further inside.

They saw the bed was well made and clean but one thing that they notice is that it's empty. The look at the drawers to see a few clothes hanging and nothing else. When they opened the drawer at the end of Geraldine's bed. They saw a couple of bags with their name engraved to it.

Maxwell grabbed a back and read the name, "Jesse!" he called out and handed him the bag, "Don't open the bag first. We will wait until all of us have their bags."

Maxwell give the bags one by one and went out of the room, "Okay, master have left these inside her room with our names on it."

They nodded in understanding then Maxwell started to open his own bag and the rest of the group followed. The sparks of gold and silver coins nearly blind them.

"It's money," Leo said in confusion.

Maxwell put down his bag of coins and pull out the letter inside, he unfolded it and read the writings out loud.


Dear Maxwell,

If you read this letter that means that your brother Jin has been taken away and you are in search of me. I know that you're all frightened of being left alone but don't be, you have been trained to survive in this world for years. I apologize for not being at your side but there are things that needed to be done that requires my presence. Guide your brothers and sisters even if they are not blood related. Be their leader that would help them find their desires in life and don't forget the words I have said to you.

We will meet again.




As soon as he finished the letter, the realization hits them, "So, we are on our own… again."

Leo looked down on his bag and took out the white envelope inside and unfold it. He reads it silently as he pursed his lips to prevents his sobs, "Master said that I'm already a big boy."

As soon as he said that, the other's also opened their letters and read it privately. Maxwell went to the kitchen and check for the food supplies to see that it's full and could last them a week or two.

"Okay, since these will be our new situation. We need to talk about the rules in these house as well as our individual plans, follow me." Maxwell walked towards the living room and sit on the sofa as his eyes focused on the money bag. The rest of the group followed him and seated in front while waiting for him to speak.

"Did you all remembered the words that master told us two days ago?" He asked and the rest of the group nodded their heads.

"Brother Jin was taken by the royal knights and they spoke mother Aurelie's name with a last name. That means that his blood has something to do with the royal family and base on what master told us. Brother Jin might needed us in the future as his loyal group that will support his back," Maxwell said as he thought about the circumstances again.

"And the royal knights called brother Jin, your highness." Jesse rubbed his chin while remembering what happened earlier, "That clearly means that brother Jin is a royalty."

As soon as Jesse said those words, the group gasp in realization as Maxwell nodded his head in agreement.

"That is true and for my conclusion, master knows it too. She has been training and teaching brother Jin with all kinds of stuff even unrelevant once such as dancing but now that I think about it. He needed to know all sorts of things if he wanted to survive inside the palace," Maxwell said and sighs heavily. He can't believe that all these time, a big secret is hidden with them.

"And master also trained and teach us too. She even said that our new master is brother Jin and not her," Daisha whispered as the rest of the group nodded their heads.

"These is just a conclusion but I'm sure that tomorrow, news will spread about brother Jin and we will know what is his background but whatever it is, let's stick to what master said to us. We will continue to train what we have learned and find what we desire in life but once brother Jin needed us. We will be there to support him. So please, remember these words," Maxwell look at each of them in the eye to see their determination and loyalty.

"We will," The group said in unison as they put their fist on their chest. It is their symbol is they commit to something.

After that moment, they all became soft as reality hits them. They hugged their money bag and sobs, they are having mixed feeling of fear and excitement. Fear of being left alone again and excitement as they will have freedom on their own choice.

"Also, since we will be leaving without master or brother Jin. You all need to contribute in our food supplies and other things to manage the house. No slacking off," Maxwell sighs and crossed his arms, he knows that it will be tough to control the younger once without their master.

"Ay kids, remember no slacking. We need to work our butts off even without our masters, okay? It doesn't mean that we can do whatever we want because no one will scold us anymore. We need to prepare ourselves for the time that master or brother Jin will need us," Jesse spoke with his tough voice that makes the group cringe.

"Ugh, we know Jesse," Aaila rubs her ears in annoyance which irritates Jesse.


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