Spear Teacher

Chapter 29

Half an hour later.

The two sides that were supposed to be at war, completely turned hostility into rainbow farts in the deserted island meeting where fans and idols were having fun.

Since the fans of both sides were rivals, two distinct small fan meetings were formed on the scene——

A slightly fat and honest man could not hide his excitement, and carefully held Jiang Mian's outstretched hand, and said excitedly:

"Hello Jiang Mian! I am a member of your fan club! I like your role as Fairy Ziyun!"

Jiang Mian's smile was gentle and just right. Even if she was on an uninhabited deserted island, she still had the aura of a pure goddess:

"Thank you for your love, I am honored."

The two people on this side talked happily, while on the other side, they were like a fan, and started to go crazy everywhere——

This fan looked young, and rather than a coach of a special training institution, he looked like a dark-skinned sports student at school.

He bared his teeth, tightly grasped Jiang Qiyu's hand and shook it up and down:

"Teacher Changmao! I really like female stars like you. Although you don't have much, you exude inexplicable confidence all over your body!"


Jiang Qiyu was almost stunned by his shaking. She shook three times and barely stood firm. Then she frowned and straightened her hat with a dissatisfied tone:

"You kid, I'm giving you face, but you use me as a shoe insole?"

"No, no, I'm really your fan!"

The sports fan hurriedly explained after hearing this. He was excited and afraid that she would misunderstand him. He immediately lowered his body and knelt on one knee.

He looked up and looked at Jiang Qiyu with a face full of "What are you beating?" with great enthusiasm:

"Teacher Changmao, you! Are my god!"


Under the shocked gazes of everyone, Jiang Qiyu fiercely snatched his hand back from the boy's hand. In order to avoid shortening his life, he quickly moved to the side to avoid him.

Then he spoke confidently:

"I want a coat for my appearance, a foolish look, an IQ like hemorrhoids, and I can spit if I talk. It's a wise choice for you to like me. Keep liking me in the future, understand?"

The man grinned even wider, stood up and patted his head and said happily:

"Got it!"

The two men who had been ignored for a long time had already put away their guns.


Looking at the two pairs of fans and idols with different styles in front of them, they looked at each other silently, and each saw the unconcealable speechlessness in the other's eyes.

And the audience in the live broadcast room who saw all this through the drone camera above everyone's head were also happy at this time.

[Teacher Changmao, I asked you to prove yourself, but I didn't ask you to surrender! Why do you say everything? ! ]

[Tomorrow's hot search is scheduled: #江绮遇 狠狠職聰#]

[I took the place, I took the place hard! At this time, the envy of these two brothers has reached its peak! ]

[School is suspended, I will be the coach! It doesn't matter if you are a fan or not, the main thing is to experience the experience of surviving on a deserted island. 】

[Jealousy blinded my eyes, I also want to hold the hand of the beautiful Mi Mi! ! ! 】


The reason why Jiang Qiyu organized such a wave of fan meetings actually has her own purpose.

The main point is to incite rebellion.


After hearing her words, the fan of Jiang Mian, who was still floating in the air, immediately became alert and wanted to shake his head like a rattle:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Your goddess Jiang Mian begs you, but it's not okay?"

"Jiang... Jiang Mian can't do it either!"

The fat man frowned, looking like a loyal minister and martyr:

"You don't need to say anything more, we won't help you spread false news to divert others..."


Before he finished showing his spirit of never giving up, he heard the slightly excited voice of his companion beside him:

"Work is suspended, I will be the traitor!"

The determination on the fat man's face instantly turned into astonishment, with a look of regret. Cheng Gang glared at him:

"This is all live-broadcasted, aren't you afraid that the instructor will punish you when you go back..."


The young man who seemed to be full of enthusiasm just grinned at him and shrugged indifferently:

"At worst, I can quit and go back to my hometown to herd cattle in the mountains."

Hearing this, Jiang Mian hesitated and said:

"Is it so serious? Otherwise, forget it. We can't let you lose your job just to win the game!"

Jiang Qiyu next to him also nodded:

"Thank you, traitor, but don't love me too much."

They can do it or not, but if they cause someone to lose their job, it would be really unethical.

But she had just awakened her remaining conscience when she heard the man chuckle:"That's not true. My family owns three hills and has more than 2,000 cows."


[You are the second-generation rich kid, right? ]

[I hate you!!! (Very loud)]

[Since I was not a second-generation rich kid the day I was born, I have nothing to say to this world. ]

[Hmph, don't be too arrogant, my dad is already working hard! ]

The netizens in the live broadcast room who were stimulated by his words about more than 2,000 cows were going crazy.

Jiang Qiyu at the scene just rolled his eyes, and then signaled Fang Xubai with his eyes to "get rid of" the uncooperative fat guy.

One is to prevent him from leaking secrets, and the other is to make it easier for him to report to the instructor.

Turning his head to look at the traitor who was more excited than himself, he raised his hand and signaled:

"Prince Niu Niu, please start your performance."

Then, everyone saw the tall and muscular Prince Niu Niu taking out a radio walkie-talkie from his back pocket.

Press and hold the button, and then start to show crazy:

"Call nearby teammates, call nearby teammates! There are four people on the other side, and the firepower is very strong!"

"In the depths of the deserted island, I am being suppressed by firepower!"

"The fat man has been killed, quickly request teammates to come to support!"

After receiving the response from seven or eight teammates, the traitor Niu Niu Prince quickly reported his current position to the other side.

Jiang Qiyu and others who had already found a good position to hide in the ambush point, set up their guns, and waited for the unsuspecting coach to enter the ambush circle.

So as to give them a Jedi counterattack.

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